So I found a plant...

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Well-Known Member
I want to give myself a clean slate after reading this, and since the truth is in some of my first posts I want to put this story to bed and clean my Karma.

When I first started growing, the thing that spurred me to do it was, I found someones 6 plant crop. I would love to say I left it alone but I didn't.

I just learned how to clone in school and when I found the plant it large enough to clone so I thought what the hell. I took six cuttings, one from each plant and walked away.

I didn't think much of it and then I posted here and felt the wrath of the pot head internets.

This had been bothering me for awhile now and I finally did something about it. I went out and planted 6 plants in the hidden garden area today. I don't know if the original owner still goes there but if he does, he's in for a nice surprise. I'll check them in a few weeks to see if their surviving but they are most definatly not mine anymore and the second I feel someone else has found these plant i'll stop going to the garden.

Hopefully this will balance my karma out.


Well-Known Member
Something about this story has been subliminally bothering me.
Not sitting right.
I was just tending to a task away from the 'puter, and it snapped into focus for me..

It is the wrong time of year for an outdoor plant to be showing sex.
In either hemisphere.

So I have three hypotheses here:
1) the story is a complete fabrication.
2) it's an autoflower.
3) it's an indoor clone that was set into the ground.

Now, if 2) or 3) apply, that strongly suggests this was not a volunteer plant, in which case i have to rescind my adjudication of "rescue".
However i think the 90+% probability here is option 1. So I'm recusing myself and am sitting on the fence at this time.

Bottom line ... pix or GTO. cn

I have 20 something plants 2 1/2 months in veg and every single one of them have pistils showing.


Well-Known Member
Something about this story has been subliminally bothering me.
Not sitting right.
I was just tending to a task away from the 'puter, and it snapped into focus for me..

It is the wrong time of year for an outdoor plant to be showing sex.
In either hemisphere.

So I have three hypotheses here:
1) the story is a complete fabrication.
2) it's an autoflower.
3) it's an indoor clone that was set into the ground.

Now, if 2) or 3) apply, that strongly suggests this was not a volunteer plant, in which case i have to rescind my adjudication of "rescue".
However i think the 90+% probability here is option 1. So I'm recusing myself and am sitting on the fence at this time.

Bottom line ... pix or GTO. cn

Alot of plants show sex during veg, actually, ive gotten used to my plants starting to show signs of sex once they reach a certain size.. just a sign of maturity im guessing.. and it couldnt have been an autoflower, the guy said the plant was 3 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
Something about this story has been subliminally bothering me.
Not sitting right.
I was just tending to a task away from the 'puter, and it snapped into focus for me..

It is the wrong time of year for an outdoor plant to be showing sex.
In either hemisphere.

So I have three hypotheses here:
1) the story is a complete fabrication.
2) it's an autoflower.
3) it's an indoor clone that was set into the ground.

Now, if 2) or 3) apply, that strongly suggests this was not a volunteer plant, in which case i have to rescind my adjudication of "rescue".
However i think the 90+% probability here is option 1. So I'm recusing myself and am sitting on the fence at this time.

Bottom line ... pix or GTO. cn

Outdoor plants show pistils/pollen sacks when they are mature, whether in flower or veg. My girls have pistils all over them right now, want proof, check my journal in sig :mrgreen:

For the record I think you did a bad thing taking the plants whether you thought they were someone's or not. Sounds like you're young though and you probably don't know better, maybe you'll have a different outlook on what you did a few years down the road if you are. I would never take a plant I came across, wild or obviously cultivated and flowering DANK


The plant has pisils all over. Growing season around here is a month ahead this year. Wheat harvest was a month early which has never happened and due to a warm winter and spring. But look, I don't care what you fools think. This plant was a tossed seed that beat the odds. I have nothing to prove and am not out to make friends.. Just sharing my story. Take it for face value because there is nothing more to it.


Well-Known Member
No not really. I once had 2 plants pop up in my front yard from throwing seeds out. So no... it doesn't have to be planted to pop up. If it rains over the seed the mud will pile over it and boom chacha....

Wouldn't one have to physically plant the seed IN the ground for it too sprout?? Which would imply they meant to put it there. Or they just threw it there after breaking up some bud there about to smoke. But whether they intentionally planted it or not, I'm sure SOMEONE knew it was growing there, and you taking it from the spot is a dick move IMO. I would have just left it there, and took care of it right where it was, cause you don't know for sure if that was someone's plant.


Well-Known Member
.... I live in Texas.... stealing weed is bad... yes... but if you get near anybodies wife in such manner you sir are asking for your own coffin. You got some real scum bag words going through your head. Why don't you try to keep it clean eh thug boy?
If a man steals your weed you are obligated to have sex with his wife with others watching and waiting for their turn. Just saying


Well-Known Member
.... I live in Texas.... stealing weed is bad... yes... but if you get near anybodies wife in such manner you sir are asking for your own coffin. You got some real scum bag words going through your head. Why don't you try to keep it clean eh thug boy?
It's ok he's more interested in having sex with the sheep than the woman.


Well-Known Member
u mean to tell me the guy with 10,000 posts doesnt know the difference between flowering and showing sex??? good thing i didnt go wit u on this one lmao...


You want to talk about Karma but then degrade someone?I say Karma is working for this kid!Someone said he stole from Mother Earth as well,but don't you all cheat Mother Earth when you play with genetic strains?Ever find a penny?


Active Member
Good job on the rescue man, hopefully it's not hemp. Obviously not someones plant if the dirt was hardpack in the middle of an unmowed lawn. Good luck with your grow and don't mind all the ripper police noobs. Any pics?
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