So I found a plant...

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did the evictees leave any cloths or food behind ?
funny thing is they did! Clothes and furniture all tossed out in the yard.

And to all those laughing at my grow... Like I said before, without discovering this plant, I wouldn't have anything at all so I'm making the best of it.


Well-Known Member
funny thing is they did! Clothes and furniture all tossed out in the yard.

And to all those laughing at my grow... Like I said before, without discovering this plant, I wouldn't have anything at all so I'm making the best of it.
You do NOT have a grow, 1x plant you stole is nothing, & considering you're not going to be able to reach harvest it really doesnt matter. That crap will be dead within 2 months.

Make the best of the shytty life you have, smoking schwag, stealing ditchweed & thinking you are cool for it.

You're obviously underage and unable to order your own Real genetics.


Well-Known Member
To all those that are bashing the OP for ripping a plant off someone. Anyone the knows anything about any kind of gardening would know if they found a plant in a dedicated grow area or garden. He found it in the yard of his old house. It really sounds like someone was out side smoking and tossed a seed that just so happen to grow. I have seen it happen before, a friend of mine tossed seeds out his window and one grew in the back yard where the seeds landed. It ended up being harvested to early and tasted like crap though.
I say go with it. The plant would have died if the OP did not take action.


Well-Known Member
watch the plant turn out to be male after all... that would be some funny shit. and just cuz the lawn isnt mowed doesnt mean someone didnt plant it. maybe they were tryna hide their shit. maybe it was some broke n00b just like the OP that couldnt grow at his house and didnt have any money for soil amendments or anythin so he just planted a seed he got out of some dirt weed hoping it would grow. and then along comes the "lurker" to spoil his "grow". u my friend r a sad excuse for a "grower" and u should probably spend ur time and energy on getting a job rather than "growing" weed. the fact that ur more worried about "growing" one plant than getting a job is retarded in my books. i mean really who cant scrounge up some money for some seeds or clones? they dont cost that much.


This thing was growing 5 ft off the driveway out in the open... Hardly hidden. I don't care what you guys say. This single plant is female for sure and will grow to her full potential. I'm an avid gardener and recreational smoker due to having a job that has been known to randomly test. I know enough to manage digging her up and transplanting her without much stress.


Well-Known Member
Naw, Just because it is abandoned means nothing...

Does not matter. IRL IF YOU wanted to grow pot, you should put in some effort, such as buying decent materials, ORDERING real genetics.

If you think comming across some ditchweed or someones plant makes you somewhat of a grower you are wrong. Only a Kid or complete immature adult would RIP anything. WILD OR NOT, because the fact is YOU DON'T KNOW.

Your plant will go to shit and until you grow up and throw some $ towards cultivating. You will never be successful @ growing mmj.

I PERSONALLY WOULD NOT WANT SOME RNDM DITCHWEED I COME ACROSS. & I am newb@growage.. so what does that say about you. Sounds like someone is under the age limit here.


Well-Known Member
ur idea of tended too maybe be diff than other people, maybe the guy who planted that seed considered his shit tended to... so its up to the ripper to determine whether its tended to or not? i dont think this dude wouldve gave a fuck if it was tended to or not, it was at his OLD house so he felt like it belonged to him. and i enjoy playing semantics, dont care if its dignified or not. is takin something thats not yours dignified?


Well-Known Member
Naw, Just because it is abandoned means nothing...

Does not matter. IRL IF YOU wanted to grow pot, you should put in some effort, such as buying decent materials, ORDERING real genetics.

If you think comming across some ditchweed or someones plant makes you somewhat of a grower you are wrong. Only a Kid or complete immature adult would RIP anything. WILD OR NOT, because the fact is YOU DON'T KNOW.

Your plant will go to shit and until you grow up and throw some $ towards cultivating. You will never be successful @ growing mmj.

I PERSONALLY WOULD NOT WANT SOME RNDM DITCHWEED I COME ACROSS. & I am newb@growage.. so what does that say about you. Sounds like someone is under the age limit here.
I think ur bein an ass.. the plant wud have died. But its watever. Im on the OPs side.


Well-Known Member
I have to go with they guy with 10,000 posts on this one
ya 10,000 posts since sept 2011??? that guys obviously has no life and cant possibly grow good bud cuz he spends way too much time on here. ive been growin since 07 and a member since 09, ya with only 500 and some odd posts... you know y? because i have shit to do, if i spent all my time on here posting i wouldnt have time to work or grow good bud. i guess i would have enough time to go dig up someone elses shit tho, so maybe it wouldnt be that bad. i better get a move on if i wanna get 10,000 posts in less than a year lol... fuck u kaendar and the rest of so cal.


Well-Known Member
This is a troll thread. I just want it to be clear to anyone who defends bringing a shovel to a unknown plant that they are idiots.

Unless you are some broke teenager loser with no hopes of becoming a true benefit to society, you have no Reason to RIP plant.. Buy your own.. EVEN IF IN A NON-MMJ state, You can order seeds with ease, no issues what so ever.

Anyone excited by finding mmj, especially being motivated to take it.. is a novice and has much to learn imo.
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