So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

Very good read, I like how you highlight the parts you want to prove and miss all the stuff pertaining to oxygen and its important. Typical Chucky move! If you read it farther down it explains oxygen, doesn't it? Why don't you research oxygen? We all know what Co2 does. You keep posting shit on Co2, Post something on oxygen proving its useless then. Poor little boy just can't keep up. JAS
I guess all the name calling is all you got? There it is people.....proof!... this guy is only here for one reason and that is to fuck with newbies and their grows. Take heed of anything this guy spouts and research everything. I came here to help and end up arguing with this guy...I apologize to the masses but this guy has wrecked more grows then popo, so beware! Again sorry... Nodgman JAS
How the fuck did this thread take this turn? A true sealed room has no in ports and no out ports. None.
Actually no...Intakes and exhaust can and are completely sealed, just like the walk in door is sealed when closed. Dampers are put in place and controlled by other systems in the room. A controller is put in place to act kind of like a traffic cop, when the room is too hot it circulates fresh air into the room and exhausts the warm stale air. Once it reaches a certain pre-determined temps the vents close and at the same time your Co2 injects fresh Co2 into the room to be used up by the plants. You can control everything this way from temps to humidity...all automated. These controllers will create the perfect environment that you the grower set up This is a true sealed room which most of us will never achieve, anything less isn't really sealed, people just have different opinions on what is sealed and what isn't. There are tests to actually see how sealed your room is, do a little research and you can test your own room. Co2 can and does increase metabolic rates but everything else speeds up also, including diseases and other issues. Sealed or not...I don't recommend Co2 to anyone until they understand the plants processes and usually by then they are more than happy with the system they have. JAS
As for buying a controller, can't I get away with just using a timer for right now? I know ideally a controller is more efficient. There's no chance of over dosing them with co2 right?
Using a timer will increase your levels but how much and when do you need more? If your going to give it a try then give it an honest effort, setting it up right is the only way to know if it works for you. If you pass out in your room your Co2 is too
actually no...intakes and exhaust can and are completely sealed, just like the walk in door is sealed when closed. Dampers are put in place and controlled by other systems in the room. A controller is put in place to act kind of like a traffic cop, when the room is too hot it circulates fresh air into the room and exhausts the warm stale air. Once it reaches a certain pre-determined temps the vents close and at the same time your co2 injects fresh co2 into the room to be used up by the plants. You can control everything this way from temps to humidity...all automated. These controllers will create the perfect environment that you the grower set up this is a true sealed room which most of us will never achieve, anything less isn't really sealed, people just have different opinions on what is sealed and what isn't. There are tests to actually see how sealed your room is, do a little research and you can test your own room. Co2 can and does increase metabolic rates but everything else speeds up also, including diseases and other issues. Sealed or not...i don't recommend co2 to anyone until they understand the plants processes and usually by then they are more than happy with the system they have. jas

please stfu< you already showed us you have no clue of what you"re saying!!!
If the monitor is set for 1400 ppms, it keeps the ppms at 1400 thru the entire light cycle. When the lights are off, the plants are giving off c02. Sealed 100% or not, no oxygen is being exchanged, so again, STFU
If the monitor is set for 1400 ppms, it keeps the ppms at 1400 thru the entire light cycle. When the lights are off, the plants are giving off c02. Sealed 100% or not, no oxygen is being exchanged, so again, STFU
O.K. I'll bight, no oxygen is being exchanged??? where do you think the Co2 the plant transpire comes from? Co2 is a by-product of RESPIRATION and it is the sugars and oxygen that allow this process to commence. Without Oxygen everything else halts. You can have the fastest car on the planet but without gasoline its your info. JAS
No Oxygen from outside the room, you fucking moron, i am so done with your stupid ass. Go lick some more windows douchebag.
How do you think the oxygen gets there? Oh my God! its called...air. Do I now need to explain what air consists of? You seem to be the only one here mad and calling names and its only you that doesn't understand Respiration....get a life. This is the advanced section, I think your looking for the newbie section. I have shown you for what you do nothing but argue for argue sake...I'm out! JAS
Everybody agrees that there is no benefit in running co2 while the lights are out. My lights are on my moms and clones twenty-four hours for years and they do great. Other than the budding room the moms haven't any exterior ventilation(basically sealed) or added co2. I want co2 but I want those short waves that are blocked by the cool tube, or sealed bonnet. I took the glass outta my bonnet and vented the room...accordingly.
How do you think the oxygen gets there? Oh my God! its called...air. Do I now need to explain what air consists of? You seem to be the only one here mad and calling names and its only you that doesn't understand Respiration....get a life. This is the advanced section, I think your looking for the newbie section. I have shown you for what you do nothing but argue for argue sake...I'm out! JAS
let's hope your delusional ass stays out,what a maroon.:wall::wall::wall::wall:
How do you think the oxygen gets there? Oh my God! its called...air. Do I now need to explain what air consists of? You seem to be the only one here mad and calling names and its only you that doesn't understand Respiration....get a life. This is the advanced section, I think your looking for the newbie section. I have shown you for what you do nothing but argue for argue sake...I'm out! JAS
the oxygen the plant puts off comes from water, not from air.
the oxygen the plant puts off comes from water, not from air.
I won't comment on this little boys point of view but feel compelled to help. I see your still a little confused about the whole thing. I understand fully with someone bantering and raving un-truths. Before jumping on someone's band wagon a little research on respirations will clear things up for you. The difference between me and the other gentleman is I understand that I can be wrong at times and can get caught up in all the bullshit. I apologize for that but that doesn't change the fact Oxygen is an integral part of a plants life cycle. Your comment makes me understand how he manipulates wording and statements to confuse and bewilder newer growers. Your right, this is not transpiration we are talking about its Respiration. The air in your house or room carries Oxygen and is dissolved into your water source like your res., The plants uptake oxygen through the medium via the root system and actually uptake Oxygen via the leaves releasing Co2 at night. Its not rocket science like other would like you to believe. Here is a good read that may clear thing up a little. Again like I keep saying this is a good read so instead of listening to the bantering and making your decision on who banters best, take the advice from both sides and make your own decision on all advise given. Now watch....the ranting and name calling starts again because I said I'm out. Good Luck JAS
So all of the people that've been doing sealed controlled rooms and getting improved yields are doing it wrong?
Increasing your yield in any form isn't doing anything wrong. Co2 does speed the process up and can increase yields, that's not the question. If you use Co2 in an open environment you will still see better results, raising the ppm's any amount will help, at what point is it costing you money versus making you money? My question to you would be, do"all of these people" know what their max yields are? Running a room that is not a truly sealed, leaks, no fresh air intake, or controllers will not give you a true gauge of what sealed rooms are capable of. The bottom line is a truly sealed grow room, 10x10 in size will cost 8-10k to actually set up correctly, by the time you build and buy the correct equipment required. People increase their yields all the time with Co2, this doesn't mean their rooms are set up correctly, most growers don't know how to use it. I set rooms up for a bull. Bottom line, sealed or not...if your using C02 you must determine if it is worth the cost and effort, which in most cases, its not. JAS
40 % more yield. under hps lights. temp over 85 f . sealed or no sealed room. mines not sealed run a 10 burner co2 generator does the veg plants as well , major difference in veg. saves me a month . using mh 1000 watt lights. 3 foot tall. non co2 in flower I would shut it down. not worth it. failed crop. wont cover the electric bill.
was going to say. you do not need to have the level to 1500ppm co2. any thing is better then nothing . normal level not supplementing co2 depend on where you live is around 220 my house up to 400 in big cities its higher , smog. any ways. I see major results with it 800 ppm. what I use in the summer. controls heat. winter I crank it up so it gets hotter. rem if the temps is not at very least 85f up to 95f don't bother adding co2 because the plants will not be able to benefit from it. most people will argue with me. say best temp is 75 im tell you a know fact. if there not toasty with a very power hps lamp 400 hps and up . don't bother adding co2 you will not notice any difference. also most people only run co2 12 hours day time. I did day time and both night and day. study showed increased yield 24 hours. which boggles me because they are photo . but if I they give me more im not going to argue with it lol.
yes. co2 is awesome!!! I have a sealed room but air is exchanged via intake and exhaust fans. the fans are not on during enrichment and the whole thing is ran by a controller. Helps give em a fast and mighty stretch in the beginning and solid buds twoards the end, more total weight at harvest. love the stuff