So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

There's the option of not running all the burners so that shouldn't be a prob. Anyone recommend a descent controller? So many to choose from of course. Also don't know how the co2 bags are even in business lol.
the exhale bags will not increase a small closet 200ppm so I would look at other alternatives...JAS
was going to say. you do not need to have the level to 1500ppm co2. any thing is better then nothing . normal level not supplementing co2 depend on where you live is around 220 my house up to 400 in big cities its higher , smog. any ways. I see major results with it 800 ppm. what I use in the summer. controls heat. winter I crank it up so it gets hotter. rem if the temps is not at very least 85f up to 95f don't bother adding co2 because the plants will not be able to benefit from it. most people will argue with me. say best temp is 75 im tell you a know fact. if there not toasty with a very power hps lamp 400 hps and up . don't bother adding co2 you will not notice any difference. also most people only run co2 12 hours day time. I did day time and both night and day. study showed increased yield 24 hours. which boggles me because they are photo . but if I they give me more im not going to argue with it lol.

they do in deed benefit from CO2 in lower temps.I can see plain as day they do at least in my room
How is the bud quality from a closed/sealed room that is enriched with c02? By that I mean the suggested levels of say 1000 -1500 ppm c02 with lights on temps in the upper 80s. I understand that vegetative growth will be faster and the yield will possibly be increased, but is the quality of the finished product the same as a room thats dialed in with a good environment with constant intake and exhaust fans running (regular ambient c02 level of 300-400 with temps around 70-75).

Ive seen some people saying that the growth rate/yield was great with c02 enriched/sealed grows, but that the buds werent quite as frosty and didnt have exactly the same look and feel of buds from a typical vented room set up (possibly from the hotter temps required of a c02 room)?. I just wonder if that is anecdotal and not typical or if there is a difference in the end result. Any of you guys that have done both have any input on that?
How is the bud quality from a closed/sealed room that is enriched with c02? By that I mean the suggested levels of say 1000 -1500 ppm c02 with lights on temps in the upper 80s. I understand that vegetative growth will be faster and the yield will possibly be increased, but is the quality of the finished product the same as a room thats dialed in with a good environment with constant intake and exhaust fans running (regular ambient c02 level of 300-400 with temps around 70-75).

Ive seen some people saying that the growth rate/yield was great with c02 enriched/sealed grows, but that the buds werent quite as frosty and didnt have exactly the same look and feel of buds from a typical vented room set up (possibly from the hotter temps required of a c02 room)?. I just wonder if that is anecdotal and not typical or if there is a difference in the end result. Any of you guys that have done both have any input on that?
complete non sense. They grow just fine and taste awesome in a sealed room.
complete non sense. They grow just fine and taste awesome in a sealed room.
You said they grow and taste fine but what I was mainly concerned with was how they look (Im assuming you meant that part was fine too). I was just curious cause Ive been growing a long time but never used c02 (its not as common around here cause the cool/temperate climate makes it easy to just air cool). Im planning on doing a new build out and I wanted to try out sealed rooms but was just a little worried the same strains Ive been doing would look different..but hopefully thats not the case.
You said they grow and taste fine but what I was mainly concerned with was how they look (Im assuming you meant that part was fine too). I was just curious cause Ive been growing a long time but never used c02 (its not as common around here cause the cool/temperate climate makes it easy to just air cool). Im planning on doing a new build out and I wanted to try out sealed rooms but was just a little worried the same strains Ive been doing would look different..but hopefully thats not the case.
they might be bigger with c02 use, but that would be the only difference.
Hey thanks for the rep johnny apple seed! And to touch on the subject of not running co2 the whole way is not about taste, smell or quality. It is for A) buds are so big and dense that mold could be a potential issue or B) the whole hood stinks when the scrubber is off and the bottle is on! Both good problems to have. Afa controllers go i use sentinal chhc4 this thing is way sickkkkkkkk. The main factor for the difference in controller prices is the quality of the sensor, not so much for the "brain". Even without a controller 2 timers, a measuring tape and a calculater will do amazing things!
This thread is wierd... alot of weird info being said.

My room is 100% sealed. All poly and guerilla taped to be sealed. If i put port ac inside it with hose outside then all my walls suck in and want to rip down. So i know its sealed really well... i dont have port ac anymore obviously sence its sealed now....

I have 8 lights, co2 burner and sniffer and my ac is completely inside room with condenser outside. Meaning sucks in from bottom and pushes cold air out the top. My plants love it when co2 is on and all reach up for light entire time. When co2 is off the all are droppy when lights are on. So co2 does help. Obviously they are droopy when no co2 cause sealed but you get my point hopefully. YOU DO NOT need vents to vent out old co2 lol. Vents are pointless in sealed room because you should have an ac that can cool your room BEFORE sealing it and adding co2. Co2 is a last thing to add cause they need proper enviroment and light ect to even use the extra co2.

Also, people are talking like co2 goes inside the bud and swells it and makes it look or smell different. Why would it do that at all? Its what plants breath all your doing is giving it more because your putting it inside an enviroment to need more thus getting better growth... if you were on an oxygen tank would you smell diferent lol?

The bud is production of the plant not the enviroment, you change the enviroment to let the plant better produce the bud.
When I used my grow box that had air in air out, fan etc I noticed a big difference when I added the Co2. When I increased it I noticed it even more and the flowers were more dense. Now I am trying out a new product called Pro Co2 it lasts 5 - 7 months and covers 5 x 5 and takes levels up to 2000 ppm. Because of room size I will be using two and increasing to three if I need to. Be glad to report success or lack their of. You can find them on Ebay, and the phone number to the company as well. They are more than happy to deal directly with the public if you don't like using the bay site. Very cool stuff if it works, I got two of the Pro buckets shipped to me for 94.37. No tanks to lug no power needed, and no one seeing you with tanks and knowing you are not a welder or soda vender lol. The low cost and no power needed will keep me very happy if they perform as expected. I will be happy to see 14 - 1500 ppm in a 11x12 with two or three buckets maybe 4. In 2 months at a tank per week you need roughly 10 - 12 tanks at a cost of 120.00 plus tax or more depending on where you get your gas and it is only two months worth. The Pro Co2 will keep going for 3 - 5 more months. It will be an interesting experience, and then some if it performs as stated. The company is very confident of their product so we shall see.
Sounds like some horse shit snake oil product ^^^ I have a CAP monitor and put it right next to a Co2 bucket and there was no higher reading! co2 bags and buckets are lies, if a grow shop is selling them, shop elsewhere!
got the simple low-pressure tank that will ordinarily be used to put in carbonation into power-paint ball guns, soft drinks or pressure beer kegs. i semi seal the entrance of the grow room using a plastic shower curtain and flood my room with CO2 for 20 secs
Sounds like some horse shit snake oil product ^^^ I have a CAP monitor and put it right next to a Co2 bucket and there was no higher reading! co2 bags and buckets are lies, if a grow shop is selling them, shop elsewhere!

I agree with this.

A half bedroom sized grow space with couple thousand watts going (sealed), it takes about 3-4 weeks to blow throw a 20lb tank of co2, this is with the help of a regulator and a sentinel cppm-4 keeping the levels at a constant, with lots of additional airflow to keep the co2 off the floor as well.

No fucking way some bag of miracles is going to keep co2 levels at a constant for months on end, especially considering most of the users are venting their grow space while trying to use these co2 bags at the same time.

Used co2 monitors, regulators and bottles are all over the place. Entire setups can be had , with slightly cheaper but worthy preset co2 monitors, new for under 400, and used half that or better. Im gonna cry when my sentinel stops working because it is so fucking awesome but I know I wont replace it. As cool as it is, it's over kill in function and definitely in price as well. Just a solid state monitoring system is plenty even if you are trying to cover some ground. And if you are going to utilize co2, go balls deep and seal the room.
Paintballers use co2 like its water, works better than just compressed air. 20 pound tanks are very much explainable, even two or three, and welding/medical supply stores exchange thousands of these a year. If you are worried about it, just know a thing or two about paintballing, maybe a local hot spot, and they wont even give a shit if you are asked. Just don't bring back your tanks for an exchange with resin on them, or crushed foliage on the bottom. And don't buy new shiny aluminum tanks, buy old shitty aluminum tanks, unless you want to He-Man steel tanks around. They wont be yours after the first exchange anyway. Paint them if you like, it's like changing the curtains in the living room. Or put some bullshit team logo for your imaginary paintball team. Or just don't be a pussy and just drop the thing off.
Try just asking for it without proper documentation and let me know how long it takes the cops to get there.

documentation? you mean a notorized note saying it will be used for drag racing purposes only? Not very hard to do in NY,PA,CA where I used to live.In my current state,no questions are asked and there is no sulfur in it I thought you were talking about not being a pussy.I guess you played your cards to fast.LOL
in swims humble opinion (not so humble acutly). Running an open room is nessecary to prevent unwanted smell, sealed rooms aren't that cool/ don't work that well. and Yes using CO2 tanks is a waste of money in an open room thats why you must use a C02 generator. c02 generators are the shit they burn propane and put off c02. A 20lb propane tank the same one you use from a grill is as much C02 as 5 20lb c02 tanks once burned. Its also much less sketch to bring propane into your house then it is c02 tanks. Unless your op is very small get a generator it will be more economical, and less work.