Snake Oil, Horticultural Myths, Horticultural Urban Legends, and Persuaders


Well-Known Member
Em, 100% green to harvest? Buds the length of your forearm off a 600w HPS in less that 3 square feet?


Well-Known Member
ehh, i get 100% green to harvest and buds longer than my forearm (im over 6 feet tall myself(187cm))

under a 600w hps (3x3)

well, actually one of my strains always goes yellow soon after flowering and has lost all fanleaves by harvest,dunno why, but still, buds longer than my forearm. :) (continous bud all the way down)

but the rest usually are green till harvest (i like to keep it that way, specially if im revegging)
what ferts do i use?

well, i usually use just good soil (prebought, black fluffy nutrient rich soil, pretty cheap though)
then i use aquarium water (drawn from the filter, with goop)

and the occasional urine drop ;)

how thick are my buds? well, that depends alot on strain, but they are usually at least as thick as my forearms :)


Well-Known Member
lol, pretty average forearms though :)

and i mostly just water (too much aquarium goop is bad :) a little is great.

since the soil is allready very good. just need to feed it alil now and then.


Well-Known Member
thanks ben!

i found this interesting;

Another myth is the notion that pruning woody plants
stimulates their growth. The more severe the pruning,
the more the plant is shocked into good growth. Although
the growth of latent buds from major limbs that
have been headed back leads to copious regrowth, if you
compare the overall growth of this tree to a similar unpruned
tree, the pruned tree will have grown less on the
main trunk over the same amount of time.

good thing pot is a soft tissue plant! :)


Well-Known Member
Hydro Hype 3 - The Med Deception
© Copyright Integral Hydroponics 2010
Author’s note: The material covered herein should not reflect on the quality of the Advanced Nutrients™ product range. The following material was posted on due to the importance of the North American med marijuana movement. - Knowledge is Power​

WOW! talk about telling a company to fuck off! they are such scummy fuckers!​

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
good thing pot is a soft tissue plant! :smile:
Yes, annuals are different than perennials.

I have topped Dalat Viet. sativa indoors at least 8 times, probably 5 time during flowering with an incredible yield. Colas got so heavy I held them up with dog chains. Here's a side shot under HPS. Topped to 4 main colas and then topped again and again.



Well-Known Member
Yes, annuals are different than perennials.

I have topped Dalat Viet. sativa indoors at least 8 times, probably 5 time during flowering with an incredible yield. Colas got so heavy I held them up with dog chains. Here's a side shot under HPS. Topped to 4 main colas and then topped again and again.

View attachment 1862109
she's a beauty! i never smoked a vietnamese genetic but i was in thailand and loved those high country sativas! i'll bet she took awhile to finish!

i have used your 4 cola topping technique on a few of my current crop and tied down or left the rest alone. i like the look of the 4 branches. it's different! i might just top one of those again for 8. i've got nothing better to do! :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, annuals are different than perennials.

I have topped Dalat Viet. sativa indoors at least 8 times, probably 5 time during flowering with an incredible yield. Colas got so heavy I held them up with dog chains. Here's a side shot under HPS. Topped to 4 main colas and then topped again and again.

View attachment 1862109
Currently doing the same to a Cannabiogen Destroyer.


Well-Known Member
yeah, that 4 top method (though i dont bother with waiting any longer than the 3rd node for topping)

is a blessing for any stretchy sativas.

thanks uncle ben! :) (not going to get into argument though who made it, ive never seen this but at ub´s and ive been allover the internet at least lol)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
she's a beauty! i never smoked a vietnamese genetic but i was in thailand and loved those high country sativas! i'll bet she took awhile to finish!
Growing pure sativas is a different world and if I had to guess, 99% of the entire growing community never has. Yeah, they might have grown out what the seedbanks are pimping as sativas but the only REAL sativas sold by a seedbank with no indica genes is by TFD, their Original Haze. If I had the opportunity I could set the genetics market on its ears by doing some pure sativa genetic crosses as I have original pure sativa landraces and hybrids such as Zamal, Dalat Viet. and TFD's O. Haze. The following photo is actually a cross me and a buddy made (at least he says he made it) - he secured the Dalat Vietnamese seeds by actually visiting the Dalat valley where he was a copter pilot during the Vietnam war.....I selected pollen from an excellent Cinderella 99 male, mailed it to him and he claims he did the cross. I don't think he did or did it right as I questioned him on it several times. The "cross" came out with none of the C99 characteristics and ALL of a pure sativa phenotype. They will veg and won't flower until their damn ready to, which took at least 4 months veg at 12/12, perhaps 6.....don't remember. Here's a shot after topping a few times. If you look closely you can see the topping points, there are several. Note the slender leaves and long internodes which is a primary phenotype of pure sativa.



Well-Known Member
There are others that are working on pure sativa genetics, not just TFD. The Cannabiogen Destroyer (stupid name)that I'm growing is 100% unadulterated sativa, the leaves are much thinner than what I see in your pic above. It takes FOREVER to flower, gets absolutely huge, and requires multiple toppings throughout flowering otherwise it'd be too tall to manage. I haven't finished flowering one yet, last time I got irritated with it and scrapped it, this time I'm riding it out.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
There are others that are working on pure sativa genetics, not just TFD. The Cannabiogen Destroyer (stupid name)that I'm growing is 100% unadulterated sativa, the leaves are much thinner than what I see in your pic above. It takes FOREVER to flower, gets absolutely huge, and requires multiple toppings throughout flowering otherwise it'd be too tall to manage. I haven't finished flowering one yet, last time I got irritated with it and scrapped it, this time I'm riding it out.
luv to see some photos

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Canna's base nutes are complete, they sell supplements (you gotta pander to the whole market) but never once do they claim the other stuff is necessary, nor do they try sex up anything to Godly Status.
I decided to TRY and find out what's in their products and as usual, can't. The only thing I found is a complete package of (highly discounted) shit at an outrageous cost of $148.85 in hydroland.

I want to know what the analysis is of each bottle's contents. A non-partisan analysis would be quite refreshing.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
ive grown a vietnamese sativa(bagseed from n vn), only got a male to sprout though and yeah, they look totally different from what everyone is growing, very rare i see a pic of true sativa.

funny looking, kinda remind of bamboo up close, though vaguely.

got the male to flower about one month after all the hybrids and indicas had flowered, so 1 month 2 weeks, and thats at 11/13 light/dark. (with 600w hps and 400w mh on it)

didnt stretch awfully much and ended up about 1.5 foot tall after getting topped at the 3rd node. ending up with 4 thick tops.

failed to pollinate with it :( and rather hesitant to try the remaining seeds (30 seeds and 1 male, have got 20 left lol)

but, even smoking fanleaves on that male, got you high. (had to test it of course)

not very high of course, but you got more high from smoking these male leaves, than the leaves of all my indicahybrids (female of course)
actually, only one of those has leaves that are ok to smoke if you got no buds, (was dry after coming home from a 3 month trip)

but the male leaves were about 50% stronger (and tastier)


Well-Known Member
the male looked btw, even more distinctly different than ub´s picture there.

more slender leaves and thicker stalk, but much more like his plant there, than any other hybrid ive seen or indica.

in comparison his plant looks slightly indica (5%)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I posted you pics of the label before... *sigh*
I appreciate that but for some strange reason I can't remember whether there was 4% or 9% ammonical N in whatever you posted. :roll: Why can't I find the ingredients at the Canna website? I'm a little more discreet and sophisticated than to buy into a company's product that doesn't divulge an elemental guaranteed analysis. Dyna-Gro and other legitimate companies can do it, why don't Canna and the other oil companies?