Snake Oil, Horticultural Myths, Horticultural Urban Legends, and Persuaders

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I tend to call it like it is — I didn't go to politically correct school.

And what do you call "productive", putting on a happy face and giving kudos to a yellowed garden when you know it looks like shit or supporting shysters and folks too damn lazy to lurk and do a search? Take my topping thread for example. If I had a penny for every airhead that is too lazy to read the first page, asking the same ole questions like "what is a node and where do you top?". The FAQ over at Riddle's place has done a lot to stop those redundant questions.


Well-Known Member
I tend to call it like it is — I didn't go to politically correct school.

And what do you call "productive", putting on a happy face and giving kudos to a yellowed garden when you know it looks like shit or supporting shysters and folks too damn lazy to lurk and do a search? Take my topping thread for example. If I had a penny for every airhead that is too lazy to read the first page, asking the same ole questions like "what is a node and where do you top?". The FAQ over at Riddle's place has done a lot to stop those redundant questions.
I know that, on both counts.

By productive I mean you'd have a better shot of actually getting through to some people if you took a more subtle approach. You obviously care, or you wouldn't keep posting, but a lot of the time it's basically pissing into the wind if you know what I mean. And I agree about 90% of the products that are marketed to the cannabis community, they're overhyped bullshit. I'm currently trying to get away from bottled nutrients almost completely, and just supplement teas into a fairly strong soil. There are still a few newer products that I'll continue to use, because in my own experiments they've shown themselves to be effective.

I also agree that if people took the time to read before they post a lot of it would never get heated to begin with.


New Member
Sometimes I'm not sure whether you're an idiot or you're just playing one.

Obviously you don't lower and increase your pH at the same time.

You can find their MSDS and call them for ingredients, just like I do with any new product.

Yes, a company will try to sell you extra fertilizer, just like your chemical companies make an orchid formula, a african violet formula, a cacti formula, a rose formula, a evergreen formula, a grass formula, etc. If you know anything about horticulture, you know you can use any of those or even 20-20-20.

Knowing by experience that A+B is just a simple pure and chelated chemical nutrient solution, and it works fine, is not marketing. If I were to use some blue soluble off the shelf fertilizer, I'd likely get many issues due to it being an unrefined contaminant laden non-enthusiast (clueless) consumer product. Hydroponics require pure salts due to pumps, misters, various irrigation equip being prone to clogging. Flushing acid through piping is a VERY tedious chore.

Now, I've worked in hydro greenhouse complexes bigger than your farmland UB, and I know I could just buy the individual salts, calculate a ppm formula and have my own pure nutrients for a fraction of the cost: except time spent and material necessary, not to count warehousing space... It's not as time efficient.

It's a good product to use without additives, in a hydroponic medium.

I understand you're against cannabis marketing, and so am I. The problem is you're so extreme on it you're like a fundamentalist refusing to hear nothing but your own doctrine, even when you're horribly outdated by cannabis-unrelated horticultural documentation. That tells me you're either a moron on purpose, or some ideologist stuck in his ways. It's a hard call.
If you would jump down off of your high horse and read the reports of the states (Cali or OR for instance) agricultural testing of fertilizers you will find that Jacks blue trash as you try to imply, TESTS TO BE THE CLEANEST PUREST SALTS AVAILABLE! Your precious canna hype fertilizers are amongst the DIRTIEST AVAILABLE! That and AN didn't even contain the proportions guaranteed on the label! For instance NOT 1 AMINO ACID LISTED and only 1/3 the N listed.

Do your reading before you spout off useless nonsense that is only in your mind.

Here you go::dunce:

Namaste :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey Tio Ben, I would like to hear your input about this Clean Green Certified "CGC" heres a link I cannot vouch for this company or i dont know if this company is legitimate and I found the products that licensed and cerified by CGC heres a link of products: as you can see the products are

New Licensed Products

These products have been reviewed and licensed by Clean Green, and we feel that they are beneficial to the sustainability of your garden and to the environment, and most importantly they improve the health and purity of your plants.
Dominion Organics:

Brix Blaster
Super B

Sanctuary Botanics:

Bio Brew
Bio Fert
Bio Plex
Sanctuary Growers Mix
Sanctuary Ultra Premium Worm Castings
Sanctuary Beneficial Insectary Mix
Sanctuary Ultra Garden Mix

Once again i cannot vouch for those products but sounds very legit to me if I donate to patients when this will be one...if in the future , the law require those CGC to inspect those cannabis products that intended head to the medical center to donate cardholders...then all the BS products that you ve been preaching for many years, especially AN company that open publicly that their products are for cannabis will be out of business for sure...just thought to share with y all...thanks.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Brix Blaster
Super B

Sanctuary Botanics:

Bio Brew
Bio Fert
Bio Plex
Sanctuary Growers Mix
Sanctuary Ultra Premium Worm Castings
Sanctuary Beneficial Insectary Mix
Sanctuary Ultra Garden Mix
With corny names like that, I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. Sorry, no opinion.

Looks like someone has been to Hell, Grand Cayman? I did 9 scuba dives there, awesome.


Well-Known Member
lol tio it s all good...just thought to ask ya but thanks.

ohh you like to scuba dives huh ? most time I would like to spend my free at the catalina island for snorking around and sleep camp since I live in the SoCal...have been there before ?

happy growing and peace



Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
lol tio it s all good...just thought to ask ya but thanks.

ohh you like to scuba dives huh ? most time I would like to spend my free at the catalina island for snorking around and sleep camp since I live in the SoCal...have been there before ?

happy growing and peace


Sounds like a great time. Never been there before, just heard it talked up a lot in a syndicated jazz show. Apparently they have a big jazz gig there. Photos of it look really nice.


I tend to call it like it is — I didn't go to politically correct school.

And what do you call "productive", putting on a happy face and giving kudos to a yellowed garden when you know it looks like shit or supporting shysters and folks too damn lazy to lurk and do a search? Take my topping thread for example. If I had a penny for every airhead that is too lazy to read the first page, asking the same ole questions like "what is a node and where do you top?". The FAQ over at Riddle's place has done a lot to stop those redundant questions.
I read your threads many times, i still have questions but most of all you and others tell it like it is, dont stop.

I started with the myths too, someone said adding horse manure from a feild would help my plant and totally killed it in 3 days. That was then this is now, someone told me yellow leaves were normal in flowering, what an idot, he probably never read yours and other growers threads.

Rollitup dose make it easy to find this information, those spreading the rubbish obviously had problems reading books let alone internet forums. God loves a tryer but i feel your right, were not here to humour them. Thankyou


Well-Known Member
I read your threads many times, i still have questions but most of all you and others tell it like it is, dont stop.

I started with the myths too, someone said adding horse manure from a feild would help my plant and totally killed it in 3 days. That was then this is now, someone told me yellow leaves were normal in flowering, what an idot, he probably never read yours and other growers threads.

Rollitup dose make it easy to find this information, those spreading the rubbish obviously had problems reading books let alone internet forums. God loves a tryer but i feel your right, were not here to humour them. Thankyou
Pro tip; if you're going to use that strong language you should make sure you can back up what you're saying. You don't sound like you have a lot of knowledge behind your speech.


Well-Known Member
well, if id added horsemanure to my soil, id use old (the crumbly dry kind, least year old) and only use bit, mixed in with the soil (and i wouldnt add any to nutrient rich soil, maybe sprinkle bit on top and then water)

or make tea from it and water with that. (not alot)


Well-Known Member
I think a big myth is that ANY cannabis specific product is a snake oil, but I guess that's off topic and who'd be arrogant enough to generalise like that anyways? ;)


Well-Known Member
ive never heard anyone but newbies praise supplements and cannabis specific growing.

the few times they werent newbies, they came off as fools or someone touting a product they got a buck from.

ive many times heard from experienced growers, "all that stuff is shit"

keep it simple stupid.

why the fuck i want to pay 200 bux, when i can do it better or the same good for next to nothing or free?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I think a big myth is that ANY cannabis specific product is a snake oil, but I guess that's off topic and who'd be arrogant enough to generalise like that anyways? ;)
Yep, that is a bit of a stretch, but most, not all "cannabis specific" products are fraudulent by nature.


Well-Known Member
Canna's base nutes are complete, they sell supplements (you gotta pander to the whole market) but never once do they claim the other stuff is necessary, nor do they try sex up anything to Godly Status.

Given that in this country it's either Miracle Grow or "Cannabis Ferts", I'll take the least of the evils (Canna) because it's a genuine product with genuine results.

Can't speak for any others, I only change when I need to.