smoking unflushed weed


Well-Known Member
guys i got this weed and when you burn it crackles so i guess it was not flushed or not enough what i'm getting at is it safe to still smoke also it hasn't got much of taste to it but it smell dank when you grind it up can some one help me with this
It not flushing. I ran a plant at 900ppm right to harvest in my hydro system. There wasn't any of this crackling you speak of. Maybe from late in flower foliar sprays.
also the ash burns black and is really hard that is another reason why i think is wasn't flushed so i'm not sure if i should smoke or dump it
thanks anyway KPmarine
When its not flushed its pretty easy to tell if you have a taste for weed i think, if your questioning it, dump it imo.
May have been raised in the dreaded MG or something.....Which could add only Scotts knows what to that which it spawned.
That crackling isn't from not flushing. Weed might crackle if there is hair and contaminants mixed in, or there are seeds or seed pods etc, but not because the grower didn't flush.

And the only time i have had weed which has burnt with that weird hard ash was when it was some sprayed bullshit.
When its not flushed its pretty easy to tell if you have a taste for weed i think, if your questioning it, dump it imo.

No such thing as "A bad flush" 900ppm or 0ppm at harvest, same stuff with a good dry and cure.
Flushing is not needed. Ive flushed 2 weeks with straight ph water, Ive used final flush from AN and ive done nothing and fed to harvest. Ive NEVER had a difference or a patient say or notice either. So id say that crackling is probably the seed you ignited when you lit that bull shit lol
Flushing is not needed. Ive flushed 2 weeks with straight ph water, Ive used final flush from AN and ive done nothing and fed to harvest. Ive NEVER had a difference or a patient say or notice either. So id say that crackling is probably the seed you ignited when you lit that bull shit lol

This is what many people have experienced. I have also noticed absolutely no difference nor has anyone who knows my bud well. My experience aside, my thought is that the debate still goes on and is never concluded, and as such flushing obviously cannot be of that much importance if it does do anything at all. I've done it in soil coco and DWC, all with absolutely no difference in results :)
The crackling just means that the weed isn't dry is the moisture in the marijuana... I have flushed and not flushed my pot, and never had crackling either way...I am not sure where this idea came from, but I think it is another one of those things that just gets started on a forum and spreads...just like the whole the ashes won't burn white... What a joke... Anything turns white if you burn it long enough...Anytime you see white ashes in your bowl you have just roasted it too much you cheap was cashed 3 puffs
Here is an experiment... Take a lighter and a large piece of paper and go outside... Now set a small corner of the paper on fire and really quickly blow it out... The paper is now burnt take that same piece of paper and put it down on the ground and set it on fire and then will notice that at first burn the paper turns black, then as it burns more it turns white... That is the way any carbon based life form burns... It won't' stay black whether it is flushed or not, or covered in ink, or a live branch or all burns to white dust given a hot enough flame for a long enough time.... You should never roast your weed til it is white...just no need... Every bowl I cash out is just black hard stuff, cuz it doesn't taste good and makes me cough if I burn it til it turns white, but it can, and will...for real...
So let's try to stop this weirdo easily disproven myth...
Here is a better experiment... Take a glass of water and a couple of drops of plant food and just stick a small plant trimming in a few days take it out and let it dry out... When it is totally dry take it outside and set it on once it is totally done burning it is just a white pile of ash...
the only pre harvest ritual I have is letting that bitch suffer the last 2 weeks...I only water if she looks like she is about to drop over...I read a few different places, that THC is used by the plant to protect the leaves from drought...So I caused a drought, and that plant got so frosty that it coated the inside of the bottom of the jar til you can't even see through does the same to's pretty cool, so now I watch them all burn towards the end... *Laughs maniacally, rubbing hands back and forth with crazed look in eyes*
guys i got this weed and when you burn it crackles so i guess it was not flushed or not enough what i'm getting at is it safe to still smoke also it hasn't got much of taste to it but it smell dank when you grind it up can some one help me with this
This happened to me and then I switched to matches instead of a lighter and solved it.
the only pre harvest ritual I have is letting that bitch suffer the last 2 weeks...I only water if she looks like she is about to drop over...I read a few different places, that THC is used by the plant to protect the leaves from drought...So I caused a drought, and that plant got so frosty that it coated the inside of the bottom of the jar til you can't even see through does the same to's pretty cool, so now I watch them all burn towards the end... *Laughs maniacally, rubbing hands back and forth with crazed look in eyes*

Causing your plants extreme stress at the most critical part of flowering isn't my cup of tea.

Some nutrients can be backed off in flower (Nitrogen after stretch for example) because the plants use them at varying rates at different growth periods. The plants do need nutrients right up until the end though, especially those that aren't specific to any phase of growth (most of them).

The last two weeks is when the bud is building its bulk and should be being fed.

In my humble opinion.