Smoking makes you vulnerable to coronavirus?

☺ It's called democracy dear
I didn't know modi haters are here too. No internet have been blocked till now it's just rumers. I am talking about our culture man not our PM. its OK u don't understand about Indian culture. There are man scripts written about thousands of diseases in ancient times here man and all countries can compete with us with technology, GDP and all but all your medicine industry can never come anywhere near our Ayurveda, homoeopathy and yoga when compared to healing and side effects man remember this
☺☺☺ That's a lie man muslims are protesting and damaging pubic property burning down buildings and attacking cops. Everything has shut down in those regions due to damages done by both not by only govt.
Where are you from man u seem be interested our country politics
I knew u were Indian when u told our pm name it's good know there are Indians here man
Well before WE assume that WE know everything ONE should not talk. Earth has been here for BILLIONS of years. Civilizations has evolved and destroyed. How long I, YOU, EVERYONE has been on this planet think for yourself. EARTH has been here. is here and will be here. Even before we were here. as of now we are are and it will still be here when we won't be here. PEACE and GOODBYEE
Health experts say smokers and vapers not only have a higher risk of suffering the effects of coronavirus but also spreading it to others.
Doctor J. Taylor Hays, an internist with Mayo Clinic in Rochester, said coronavirus particles get stuck in the mucus in bronchial tubes.
He said the effects of smoking cause more mucus to form in the lungs, trapping coronavirus inside and increasing the chances of infection.

Preliminary data from cases in China shows the mortality rate among smokers is slightly higher than non-smokers.
On top of that, Dr. Hays says smokers who've contracted coronavirus can spread it through second-hand smoke because it often contains respiratory droplets.


Interesting... lol
honestly i would stop smoking if you can and go to coconut oil in your hot milos like me (hot choc with weed oils in it) or cookies whatever, its super easy it just doesnt hit you as quick and isnt as pleasurable, but if you are smart like me taking care of your lungs is very important and i want to be looking like a athlete when im 80 and get as many great years out of my life as possible, less is more! micro dose or only dose at night to make it more strong within you because you will have less tolerance, or only every second day and you will feel it more, you wont feel edibles as much if u smoke anything ciggies or weed or meth or if you drink grog the same day, its a gentle stone and you need to learn how to feel it, i havent smoked in 15 days much at all, it is tempting though as i said its more pleasurable, but how much is your health worth
Of course smoking probably doesn't help, but I would argue air pollution/smog and the related lung diseases and respiratory inflammation etc that it causes is a bigger and more far reaching concern that makes everyone, especially city dwellers, more vulnerable to this virus.
Why would someone stop smoking or cut down..If one doesn't have any signs or symptoms. Better to double your intake,,The higher the CBD content in system, the stronger the immune system. Not a rocket science. Peace