Sleep paralysis.

this. you'll be sure next time.
if you've had a false awakenings like when you think you've woke up and got out bed dream, but you haven't ... sleep paralysis is the same but you think you can't move, rather than waking up in your room.

It means nothing just like false awakenings and isn't true but feels real at the time.

Brain evolution, or yourselfs intelligence getting brighter (more aware) idk, one of them.
if you've had a false awakenings like when you think you've woke up and got out bed dream, but you haven't ... sleep paralysis is the same but you think you can't move, rather than waking up in your room.

It means nothing just like false awakenings and isn't true but feels real at the time.

Brain evolution, or yourselfs intelligence getting brighter (more aware) idk, one of them.

It's not that you think you can't move, you literally can't. From what I've learned your brain still has its protection mechanism active so you don't act out your dreams. It's just odd because when you're in that mode but conscious, very odd things tend to happen.
It's not that you think you can't move, you literally can't. From what I've learned your brain still has its protection mechanism active so you don't act out your dreams. It's just odd because when you're in that mode but conscious, very odd things tend to happen.
You wake up in your bed unable to move, in a false awakening you just wake up in your room and walk around.

They're the same thing but opposite.

They mean nothing and have been plagued by odd beliefs like 'the devils sitting on my chest' some children have reported actually seeing the devil, children over 100's of years have recorded different devil like things ...... it's just a false awakening where you're slightly lucid.

Anything out of this world is just your thoughts, if you see a devil then there's a devil, false awakenings are a phenomena in the dream world, we all get them but don't know why, we can't control them, they're just there for no reason but.

Same with sleep paralysis and obes which are just dreams.

""if i was blind and i was told clouds looked like oranges my dreams would be real"" primabudda

It could have been an obe or astral projection is my theory ik y'all don't believe that kinda shit just because you have to train yourself to remember the experiences but we all do it I once had one in my apartment and a black figure grabbed me real hard from the behind and it felt so real.. Another time I had sex with my girlfriends bestfreind while in the astral planes... Do some research it could have been the cause if you can research it and you will have more control over the sleep paralysis
It's not that you think you can't move, you literally can't. From what I've learned your brain still has its protection mechanism active so you don't act out your dreams. It's just odd because when you're in that mode but conscious, very odd things tend to happen.

That's because neurological processes are inbetween awake, and asleep. For instance if what your subconscious is processing gets dumped into your vision? You can hallucinate something that you were not even consciously thinking of, but your subconscious was. Being from one's own subconscious, the hallucinator may imbue some mystical meaning to the experience.


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That's because neurological processes are inbetween awake, and asleep. For instance if what your subconscious is processing gets dumped into your vision? You can hallucinate something that you were not even consciously thinking of, but your subconscious was. Being from one's own subconscious, the hallucinator may imbue some mystical meaning to the experience.

I can agree that's the most likely explanation to the phenomenon, the experience changes for me very often, sometimes it's very intense and sometimes it's very subtle, but every time it is scary. I think maybe that's because when I am paralyzed I start to freak out a bit, and my brain projects that which I fear, maybe to try and rationalize the feeling I'm having. Who knows.
I can agree that's the most likely explanation to the phenomenon, the experience changes for me very often, sometimes it's very intense and sometimes it's very subtle, but every time it is scary. I think maybe that's because when I am paralyzed I start to freak out a bit, and my brain projects that which I fear, maybe to try and rationalize the feeling I'm having. Who knows.

You're better off just going back to sleep, or concentrate on moving a single finger.

It's just a neurological hiccup.
Man I had the worst sleep paralysis experience tonight.

Recently me and my Boyfriend have been tasked with cleaning out the home and garage of his deceased family members. This place is a literal nightmare, 4 people have died in it and it is full of junk dating back to the 30's.

Oftentimes we feel like we are being watched, and I'm certain several entities reside here. I had a dream that I was in the garage and for some reason this one metal object that was in there was giving me the jeebies, all of the sudden I'm hyperventilating and things are falling on top of me, I feel like someone is grabbing my leg and I wake up and can't move with the same feeling of someone holding on to my left leg. This was the first time I've woken from sleep paralysis breathing heavily and my boyfriend got to witness what it's like, but in my eyes he was just a scary thing laying next to me.

I think my dreams tell me things for sure, there's no other explanation for that shit.
Hello everyone.

I wanted to talk about the dreaded sleep paralysis and wanted to hear your opinions on the matter.

Do you believe it to be some sort of evolutionary trait, maybe a flaw in our functioning, our minds not able to work with most of our senses dulled, or could it be the presence of something that has a metaphysical meaning?

If anyone would like to share their stories of this disturbing state, please do.

Maybe I should start: the first time this happened was a few years ago. I remember I was slowely drifting through the first stage of sleep when I felt... something. It's hard to explain, but ever had the feeling that someone is behind you, or even watching you? You can suddenly feel their presence with your skin, becoming more alert.

Well I was lying on my back and suddenly realized that I was unable to move. I don't recall what exactly made me wake up, but I found that I couldn't move a muscle.. I was trapped in my own body, screaming without opening my mouth.

Everything became even more morbid when I sensed.. it staring at me. My memories are somewhat vauge, but I remember a dark shadow looking at me, watching in silence as I was lying. I had red eyes and was shapless, yet somehow resembled a man in a cloak, yest none of it's features were clear.

After a few minutes that felt like a few hours I managed to somehow wake up and everything around me vanished as I regained my full awareness.

I honestly don't know what to believe, Im on the border of believing it to be some kind of "meeting" were the unreal manifested itself in our reality, and believing that it was just my mind struggeling to comprehend the total blackness and silence, and then conjuring some scary thought in order to wake up.

What is curious is that it would seem our brains have the same pattern, the "dark man" is present in most peoples experiences, all around the world. Often with a hat I might add.

Could be of course total bollocks, but the experience generally scares people a lot.View attachment 3687540
I had these as a teenager but grew out of them.
I believe we get stuck in a realm between the living and the dead. Everytime I've had sleep paralysis there has been some sort of paranormal activity hahaha so to speak. One time I was asleep in an ex gf's bed she had not long left for work, I got to sleep in. The love of her life had past away a while before I met her. Anyway I was asleep and then I woke up but couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything. I heard footsteps come down the hall way and I felt some one standing behind me but I was facing away from the door towards the corner or the room.. felt someone or something there for a good 4 5 mins but couldn't turn around couldn't speak. Was trying to move and trying to scream but couldn't. Then the energy went away and I could move. Sat up and looked around like wtf hahahahaha. Rang my gf and told her her ex just visited me then went back to sleep. That was the last time. Use to happen all the time before then. Now not so much.. that was about 2 years ago
I used to experience sleep paralysis quite often around the ages of 18-22. I’m 30 now and haven’t had it in years. Anyways I ducking hated it. A couple minutes of it was horrible. Never felt anything paranormal or anything like that though thank god.