
You called the cops on your friend for being blackout drunk?

what a pal.
I mean if my friend started punching me/people at my house I guess we're not friends right now because I'm going to fuck them up, and I'm not joking. Some might rather the cops come instead.
Thankfully I don't have to deal with this because I have a very small circle and a real friend wouldn't pull this shit.
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Ah man... I had an experience with too much booze and shrooms one time. I was busy getting liquored up and busy eating my home grown shrooms. It was winter outside the wind was howling something fierce. I went outside, went behind my house into an open field and started walking with my coat wide open with my arms spread eagle accepting the icy cold wind on my face. Couldn't feel it, but it was exhilarating!
When I came back, I felt dead inside. I remember looking at what I would normally find beautiful to look at, but felt no emotion at all. Played some video games for about 10 minutes but couldn't sit up straight and was slightly drooling.... not cool. I decided I was going to smoke a bowl, see if maybe, just maybe it'll bring some life back into me... the moment I see that smoke exiting my mouth, I could feel emotions flooding back into me. I could feel happiness again. I could feel wonder again. I sat up straight and contemplated life for the next 3 hours. Ever since then, cannabis has been an absolute ally in my life. Also, got to take it easy on the liquor and shrooms. But the cannabis did seem to override anything that was happening and made me very much saner again and allowed me to enjoy the rest of the shrooms. I didnt touch any alcohol the rest of the night either. In fact, just the sight of the bottle made me want to smash it. Be safe out there fellas!