Sleep paralysis.

Yeah once its opened there's no closing it. I can read peoples personality just by looking at them now nucking futs!
I remember a few days after it closed.Someone told me a bad thing and It affected me so deep.Also ciggaretes were given me a little depression and anxiety and it was really weird and weed highs were something like instant mind fucks and terrible highs, know I enjoy it again anyway but that feeling remaied a little bit...Sorry my english!:)))
It has been studied in sleep labs and is really just a temporary state between awake and sleep and although it can be terrifying you will live with it, my husband suffers from it and 2 other sleep disorders.
If only people can come to terms that the mind is very fallible, and we have the evolutionary pitfall of believing the most ridiculous things as reality.


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This had happened to me 4 times and it always feels like a person reaching out to touch me and i always panic and try to move or scream gtfo but struggle till i pass out and wake up again in the morning.
This had happened to me 4 times and it always feels like a person reaching out to touch me and i always panic and try to move or scream gtfo but struggle till i pass out and wake up again in the morning.
This past winter I was under alot of stress and had a few moments of sleep paralysis. After many years without it. I was going through one deep. I was able to raise an arm almost by reflex. But only from the elbow to hand. I "imagined" an arm and hand reaching for and grasping mine. And it happened. Was freaked for a moment. But realized to myself that it felt like a personal experience I had from being a kid in the hospital. It was my mom. I actually called out to her during a prior s.p. That's how scared I was. Oddly enough the hand grasp was comforting.
This past winter I was under alot of stress and had a few moments of sleep paralysis. After many years without it. I was going through one deep. I was able to raise an arm almost by reflex. But only from the elbow to hand. I "imagined" an arm and hand reaching for and grasping mine. And it happened. Was freaked for a moment. But realized to myself that it felt like a personal experience I had from being a kid in the hospital. It was my mom. I actually called out to her during a prior s.p. That's how scared I was. Oddly enough the hand grasp was comforting.
Wow we have eerily similar experiences!
Would you say spirits demons or aliens?
I would say. Based on prior experiences...
My self!
Dummm dumm dummmmmm.
Shockingly. Even from way back. I noticed something about the dark figure. It was coming from me. If anything it they are other dimensional creations drawn from our own subconscious or lower level consciousness. Easy way of sayin it. Some would say you are going out of body. But experiencing the actual transition. If you relax when it's happening you can kind of control and navigate the experience. The only thing is to remember to do so while it's happening.
Sleep paralysis is a terrible plague that I've had for years and my trigger warnings are very odd. Usually I get a weird urge to sleep on back though I usually don't. And no matter how hard I fight it I will end up on my back.

When it happens I try to stay calm because when you start freaking out, things usually get out of hand. The last time I had it I freaked out and things got pretty bad.

I felt like something was staring at me just waiting for a chance to do something. I felt like my bed was shaking uncontrollably but I couldn't do anything about it.

I haven't had an episode in a few months which is awesome, I hope it continues.
The doctor is prescribing sleep meds in u.k called mirtazipine every now and again i get the worst sleep para. I think im getting pulled into the bed and about to die,or someone is sitting on my arm or leg.u seen niggtmare on elm street when the guy lies on his bed gets sucked in and he gets spewed out off the bed all liquified.feels like
I didnt know this was so common. reading the thread ive had most of the symptoms mentioned for 10 years.trying to move that arm so itll hit my face and wake me up.
I thought weed was a dream inhibitor but it dont stop this,with or without the docs pills.
Sleep paralysis is a terrible plague that I've had for years and my trigger warnings are very odd. Usually I get a weird urge to sleep on back though I usually don't. And no matter how hard I fight it I will end up on my back.

When it happens I try to stay calm because when you start freaking out, things usually get out of hand. The last time I had it I freaked out and things got pretty bad.

I felt like something was staring at me just waiting for a chance to do something. I felt like my bed was shaking uncontrollably but I couldn't do anything about it.

I haven't had an episode in a few months which is awesome, I hope it continues.
I get that shaking thing. It's like me and my bed are one big super vibrator. It's like mega tremors. Like your cell phone but bigger type vibration. Also the odd turning thing. One time I even heard a voice, "We are just trying to turn you over.". Could be a part if some ptsd or something. I had an experience where I woke up in the hospital once. Not knowing how I got there. Or what led up to it.