Skywalker F7 autos in a tub

I’ll give that a try thanks. Do you work plain water into your schedule anywhere?
I always ran feed, plain, plain, feed to runoff with salt nutes. Or at least alternating days depending on the time of the plants life cycle. That way I wouldn't get a buildup of salts that could affect my ph or cause lockout issues going into mid flower or later. I used advanced ph perfect and a couple of they're add ons like big bud and rhino skin for years.
Breeder’s height was 60 -90 cm, I think I’ll have enuff head room to keep them on the platform and not have to drop them into the tub.
I moved a humidifier to,inside the enclosure and that had a big effect - I’m at around 75 degrees and 50 RH. Just for S&G I’m gonna get 20 lbs of dry ice pellets and have a fan blow it on the plants as it to follow. May not have any effect, but will be cool to watch...

sorry to hear ur pup is having difficulty - my male Bernese Mountain Dog, Zermatt, was whining the other day. We give him Flexadin which seems to help...he is a hoot...

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Gotta love Bernese Mountain dogs. I'm a big fan of giant breeds. Our last dog was a malamute/timber wolf cross I rescued. 120 pounds of pure cuddle once he had an owner that understood him and respected what he was. I'm too unstable on my feet to be messing around with giant rough dogs now. My wife really wants a Tibetan Mastiff but at close to 170 pounds for a purebred male I just don't have the energy or strength to train it properly. I'll stick with my labradors. This one can go into the kitchen and get me a bottle of water which is really nice when you have bad cotton mouth. He also can fetch me my cane if I drop it. I trained him for everything so he's not a real service dog just super helpful to me. I'd like to give him something for his hip but he's had seizures from different medications before. I've thought about CBD but I have no idea where to start. He had mild hip dysplasia since he was a puppy and since he's had free run of the mountain most of his life he's done a lot of up and down walking and climbing that aggregated it over the years. He's a couch puppy now, no more mountain exploring. Too many new neighbors and he's too old. He keeps the feral cats in line. I have a crew of 6 of them that we've adopted over the years as well that add to the menagerie. They keep the mice away from the outbuildings and no mice equals no snakes which keeps my wife from losing her mind.
I prefer big dogs myself...the miniature Australian Shepard we also have I’d about the smallest I’d go. she wants a mastiff, but I talk her out of that...with 3 mature dogs already settled into their position in the pack, adding a bigger dog into the mix not a great she wants a LeonBerger, which might be okay. They are bred to be mellow and non aggressive. Sorta like me...

the Skywalkers are doing well. I was able to bend some more branches and tuck more leaves to increase the light exposure. Should be some nice stocky symmetrical plants.

My wife would have the Leonberger out looking for truffles in a heartbeat. I know we get enough mushroom hunters wandering around up here. Australian shepherds are too smart for me, just don't have the time to keep one working.
I violated the number one rule of vegging plants and clipped some huge fan leaves. They were going to block the secondary sites for at least a week or more and I just decided to try to take them out on two of the girls and see how they respond. I'm leaf tucking the other two and bending them as soon as I can. They're super stiff and short so I'll have to wait until they stretch a little bit. Yours are looking terrific. I love how much mass they have in such a small area. When they flower they're going to explode I bet. I had my first fungus gnat show up in the tent so I'll be getting ready to battle them probably.
Applied some heavy handed LST while the branches are pliable...hopefully they lock in these positions when flowering hits...

id like a leonberger year maybe. I’ve not clipped any fan leaves yet. Not sure but the Si I’ve been giving it makes it easier to give them a gentle bend (just short of a crush), and they hold that position more easily.

off to a buddy’s house with my Buchner filter and infusion machine this afternoon...will be a hoot!

Spending the morning trying not to freeze my ass off. I lost so much weight my coveralls didn't fit and I had to go hunting in jeans. Still better than being stuck inside the house. Can't beat being outside again. It's been too long. Hope you have fun with the infusion process. I probably just let Bambi walk but that's fine. I'm just happy to be out in the fresh air again with some fellow veterans. Great view of the power lines huh?IMG_20211113_061349946.jpgIMG_20211113_083738082.jpg
glad yr hunt was successful...good luck for the rest of the year too! I accompanied some friends in a caribou hunt while I lived in AK...was pretty thrilling. 4 hunters and 4 caribou in about 15 minutes. I had the honor of cooking the blackstrap from the largest while they processed the meat and it was awesome!

I pulled the plants out of the tub enclosure to switch out the T5 bulbs and do a bit more LST. I found a couple spots to use some LST clips, and there are a couple other places this might work once the stalks get a bit thicker. It’s kind of a pain to move them out of the tub (have to disconnect the T5 fixture at the front)...I think I’ll force myself to do it once a week just to get them some air and more thorough inspections...

They are looking so good buddy! There's so much new growth. Mine are really looking good and I managed to chop the top off the 5 gallon bucket with a jig saw to help in burying the the runt plant. It wasn't pretty by any means but it looks better than it was. The growth is slow but seems to be stepping up.
I'm super happy to have the meat for sure and can't wait to get it back from the game processor. Unfortunately VA is experiencing chronic wasting disease as a result of the over population of deer and it has been found as close as the county two counties away from where these were taken. I'm having them tested and waiting the two to three weeks it takes to be sure they're safe. I'm 99% sure they're fine based on their behavior as I watched them in the field for a bit before I harvested them but I might as well be positive if I can be. VA fish and game Dept is working really hard to stop the spread of it but it's really contagious and the population is so out of whack with what it should be it's spreading too fast. Hopefully this year will help to slow it down.
A great friend of mine while I was assigned in Germany was an avid hunter and took me out in a couple...he got wild boar on both, around 200 lbs. such great eating!

I had some LST clips laying about so put a few more in the plants. The ones I placed previously have taken hold and the ends of those branches have turned upwards toward the LED light, unobstructed by the canopy. hopefully the ones I place tonite will do the same thing. I’ll pull them once the branches start to get constricted. They’ll turn back upwards after that, but they’ll be outside of the canopy when that happens.

the central stalks are getting thick, and are vividly stripped; green and a maroon color; nutrients moving up the chain...

it Seems like they grew a couple inches overnight so I’m in the stretch. Still a foot or so of headroom, and can drop them down into the tub if necessary...60CFE585-853B-4774-AE6B-E2E202AB0175.jpeg9520E022-FE09-4CB5-A9E4-85DAAC9526F5.jpeg4BF03363-B599-47D3-BAF8-0EB2D4B0F2D2.jpegB68205B0-2A96-48F5-9FB1-74DE05D7C918.jpeg9ABBFE95-3413-4AC9-AED0-1CC8E21D63E8.jpeg8A909A2D-73D8-4AC2-ABF7-1F28FE1BB1F6.jpeg86A3A031-5BE8-48AD-A9C6-2299A17B0B8A.jpeg23DFB444-EAEA-493F-9E0B-D3E242916B6E.jpegEE5D7ED6-D02A-4BCF-93C5-04F0889F18A4.jpegDB43C97C-84E2-4F64-A862-5BAC1EEE693F.jpeg
Holy shit!! They are throwing some crazy pistils! Those are going to be monsters buddy! I don't know when the last pictures were taken that you posted but Damn! That's a big jump up! I can't wait to see what happens when the stretch is over and they start to swell:D. You're killing it. Those lowers look really nice, bet they give you a ton of yield with all those bud sites, damn I'm nearly drooling. UFO side lighting for the win I'd say!
I’m really happy with how they are growing...there Are tons of lower bud sites out in the light and hardly anything you’d call larf interior to the canopy. Wound up with some decent internodal spacing on the main stalk so the plants are easy to position in the tub for best exposure, and the branches coming from the main stalk are getting thick and stiff. all the lower branches I grabbed early and trained to run horizontal have made it to the edges of the pots, and made the 90 degree turn upwards. Those bud sites are around 6 inches from the T5 lights and have lots of foliage around them so they are just sucking up the T5 lighting. One more LST session (I have 2 LST clips left) and then let ‘em rip. I might run 2 of my 4 outdoor plants this way, and the other 6 bent over completely.

This is my optimum time for an indoor grow with manageable temps and humidity. I was running a humdifier to get the humidity up, but the plants are now transpiring like crazy, so they are modulating the humidity to their needs. I keep the house cool in the winter, and have a fan on the floor pointed up into the space that pushes the cool air from the floor in there. Daytime conditions are 78 degrees/50% humidity and it can dip down to 68 degrees at night. If I could find the right purple strain it’d go nuts in there.

Jan 22 will see another indoor grow (Creme de la Chem from DC Seed Exchange probably). That’ll take me to Apr 22 when I’ll start something indoors to put outside on 1 May 22.
That's about as perfect as you could want it I'd think. They really seem to love the side lighting for sure. I stayed up last night to watch the eclipse and it was really cool. Wish I had found the mounting screw to mount my old camera to my tripod. I tried to use it as a support but with me holding the camera I don't think the pics will be that good. If any are I'll post one. I'm a day or two behind you on the serious stretch but they are showing pistils and putting on some heavy vegetation so I think the height is coming this week. I'll probably do a 50/50 mix of grow and flower girl this week top dressed since they're still going to want the Nitrogen during stretch and early flower I think. The Mephisto stuff should be good I've seen a bunch of diaries on that strain and it looks really nice. I just have too much stuff to run at four plants at a time!
I missed the eclipse which was disappointing...I’ll catch the next one for sure! I have a 300mm f2.8 lens that does a great job on full moons - lots of settings to tweak, and tough sometimes to get the camera locked and perfectly stable for the clearest shot possible. I’ll rummage thru some old files and post an example later today or tomorrow.

Had to shift the plants around a bit - the two in the middle are showing signs of light stress - taco leaves - and the ones on the ends were lagging behind in height. So, the 2 that used to be in the middle are on the sides, and the 2 from the sides are now in the middle. If the light stress continues, I’ll dial the overhead LED down a bit, and might put the side firing T5 fixtures in their own timer and hit them with those for the middle 12 hrs of the 20 hr light cycle.

it’s getting crowded in the enclosure - 3 plants might be the sweet spot, but I hate not hitting my “quota” of we’ll play musical chairs to make up the difference...87236FBB-5025-4CCC-9B94-7B3AC8FC81E5.jpeg17A1AE80-BB63-4F18-9D4E-5761C1C0B39B.jpeg3C9CBF93-3922-44BB-B4FE-4868D6DC5B52.jpegB068962B-C6A8-4E7A-98EC-D4E2818E7417.jpegE3520FA5-AF69-4A58-A138-E63678302B69.jpeg203854FB-FFEB-4BFB-AA7A-D8A4A9992689.jpeg50774CA3-1812-4EBE-9BFE-4B443FCDBADA.jpeg9F007EEB-A42C-4EAA-8417-C4F01A3169CC.jpeg

I think I’m done with vertical stretch now, and the side branches are filling in well. Clipped a few damaged leaves that were showing signs of a calcium deficiency so hit them with some CalMag today, with some FF Beastie Blooms added in for good measure. They got 600ml of ph 6.0 water before that, and the CalMag/BB ph was 6.3. I’ll give them another shot of ph 6.0 water in a couple hours to drench the roots and wash the CalMag further down in the pots, and then tomorrow will be a dry day...

hope ya have a great thanksgiving - I’ll be with the GF and dawgs feasting and eating way too much. My one day of gluttony...
lazy today so did not take them outta the tub...

might try an experiment - the lower bulbs on the four foot T5 fixtures are hitting the plants low on the canopy where there are a ton of fan leaves. Might throw a couple vegging T5 bulbs back in the mix...6,500k on top for the exposed colas, and 3,500k on the bottom for the foliage.

the twin two foot T5 fixtures are still pulled up out of the way - they’ll get turned on in a couple weeks, with a 3,500k and 10,000k bulb in each. Will run 15 min/hr for the middle 4 hrs of the light period. Anything beyond that and the 10,000k bulb scorches the plants, I learned after some experimentation...

gave them some Mammoth P and Si this morning. I’ve been adding Si every other feeding and the stalks are thick, brilliantly colored, and growing every day. Also puled all the LST clips out, and the plants have big knuckles where they were bent; the bent over branches are reaching back up the light with good lateral clearance from the main stalk. Full light from 3 directions where they would normally been inside the apically dominant canopy...the pistils are the most brilliant white I’ve ever seen...

some pics...

This will be my best indoor grow to date. I’m pretty meticulous in trimming back dying foliage, and usually have collected quite a bit by this point. I’ve trimmed these a few times and can count on two hands the leaves I’ve pulled. They are healthy top to bottom, front to back and all the way up the stalks.

I think the side lighting has kept the lower foliage fully energized and pumping nutes and energy into the main stalk. The colas are getting dense and running together upwards; it is a little crowded in the space, so I released some of the hoops I had binding down lower branches so they can stretch upwards. Also moved the LED light as high as I can to even out coverage and heat (although it hasn’t gotten over 80 yet in the tub). Normal temp swing from light to dark is 72 to 78. In the zone...
