Skywalker F7 autos in a tub

Man, I'm loving the bald eagle pics more than the plant pics!! That is too cool. I love photography. This is the logo I want to use if I ever setup a small seed business. I was really baked and sort of saw a dragon breathing fire in this cloud. My wife really loves dragons so I grabbed a quick cell phone shot. I wish I had my crappy digital camera instead. IMG_20210917_192635239~3.jpg
I've been all over the world on photography trips; I've been going thru a bazillion photos getting a 2022 calendar ready for gifts to friends and family. lots of good memories in that effort, and discovered some gems I forgot I had.
boobie.jpgheron seagull.jpgpelican.jpg
That's really cool. I have a big thing for raptors, in particular bald eagles. I've seen one here once this year and that was the first time ever at home. I have a nesting red tailed hawk that I love to watch hunt. We also have a few great horned owls too. They're mostly a night time visitor. Wish I could take some good pics of them. I get cell phone pics but they just aren't very clear.
I’ve searched for owls for a long time...saw a couple in Madagascar and South Africa, but none here...

the Skywalkers are doing well...internodal spacing is not enuff to start bending now, hopefully they’ll stretch in the next couple days. I was able to get a couple of the lower shoots out from under the canopy with some aggressive leaf tucking. They got a good shot of bone meal today, ph adjusted to 6.2. Those shoots are getting direct light from above from the LED, and straight in at 90 degrees from the T5 fixtures. They are gonna explode...

ive also been working Si into the feeding schedule for heat tolerance and to strengthen the stalks.

I gotta decide on topping in the next couple days too I think...3DF84B13-4F80-4364-A43B-9FF5E9ABB865.jpegC94B5138-A044-4B03-AF1A-534D4E0C4DBF.jpegEC8F373B-3E09-4755-9811-17CECD8B4A3F.jpegC46AA705-0886-47D0-94EB-3B7CE1D3F2BA.jpeg
I topped my white widow right as the 4th node was beginning to emerge. It was growing very well and already responding positively.
I topped my white widow right as the 4th node was beginning to emerge. It was growing very well and already responding positively.
glad you had success, I think I’m gonna let these autos just go their own way and get lower branch sites out in the light...aim is a honking central cola with lots of not so honkin’ but still pretty damn good colas Surrounding it...I love tying plants down. Bend to my will they will...
I topped my white widow right as the 4th node was beginning to emerge. It was growing very well and already responding positively.
What day was it on? I've had good and bad luck topping my autos. Mostly good. I have had a couple that stunted and remained really short, like 14" and I only pulled like an ounce dry off of a plant that should have been a much better yielder. It seems like much past day 15-16 and I am pushing it. What do you think?
Engineer, is your humidity still low, like down in the 30s? What kind of VPD target are you going for or do you use VPD charts in your grow?

What day was it on? I've had good and bad luck topping my autos. Mostly good. I have had a couple that stunted and remained really short, like 14" and I only pulled like an ounce dry off of a plant that should have been a much better yielder. It seems like much past day 15-16 and I am pushing it. What do you think?
I topped it on day 11. I've only grown a handful of autos and all but one have stayed around 12-15in tall, half I transplant and half started in final pot. The biggest so far was started in its final pot. This is the first one I decided to top.
Engineer, is your humidity still low, like down in the 30s? What kind of VPD target are you going for or do you use VPD charts in your grow?
I got it up to around 44% with a humidifier...all the big fan leaves are visibly “plump” with deep ridges which I think means they are sucking up the light and in photosynthesis hyperdrive...the lower shoots I pulled out this morning are now in the light and growing visibly. These are gonna be pretty short and bushy I think...I can live with that...
I never knew that about the leaves, that's cool as hell. Like Ballpark franks, plump when you cook em. They are looking really nice and healthy. My nite blood autos shipped from DC SEEDS today, he's been holding the order waiting for the freebies to come from Strayfox seeds. I'll run those outside this coming summer as long as I can get some tree work done this winter. I'm going to be drowning in kush this fall hopefully. Between the clones and the Strayfox stuff it's going to be great. I love the idea of adding silica. I used rhino whatever it was called by advanced nutrients for years for silica and it really helped. I need to find a good way to add it organically now I'm doing that.
I hope you can clear the path for more sun outside...I lose the sun on my patio around 20 Sep (I kept track) so that is my target date for the last harvest. Gotta have a plan...

I applied some prelim LST and pulled down a couple shoots that were poking up from the edge of the canopy. Gets them in the light and clears the path for the side lighting to hit the main stalk and all the shoots that are growing up their height. Decided to just let the central cola continue straight upward, and pull everything around it downward.

took yr advice on micro planing a hash ball I wound up with. Wow - flavor, smooth and pie in the face kinda stoned...

i sampled the Green Dragon with an eye dropper sublingually - burned like fire so gotta find different method to use this. Just like I top a bowl with hash, I’ll add a bit ‘o tincture to my next White Russian...

I ordered some of the Recharge and will give it a try tomorrow. they Got FF Wk2 today.

at what point do you think I should start boosting the phosphorous?

The tincture is brutal but the sublingual application is really important just to get the medicine into the system quicker. The blood vessels there have some kind of special delivery method, that's super quick. It does burn that's why some people make tincture with vegetable glycerin but I just got used to it with the bottle I was gifted. Thought of it like cough syrup.
Holy shit your girls are really going great! I wish I was seeing that kind of vegetative growth!! Make sure you do some reading on using the recharge with salt based nutes. It's establishing a living colony of microbes and beneficial soil critters that salt based nutrients can kill. You can use it but it recommended using it slightly differently as you're not in a living soil. The difference in my plants is night and day since I applied it. I'm sure it has to do with my soil being so new and not having much microbial life or nutrition but results are results. I've never specifically just done phosphorus boosting. I've always just used a balanced bloom fert and then hit them with a bloom booster right at peak bloom around week 5/6. Do you think you have a deficiency or are you just trying to boost it as you head into flower? If it's the latter I'd wait until stretch is over for sure as they still want plenty of Nitrogen while they are stretching then once that's done and flowers are set hit em with a mild dose of bloom booster or big bud type of nute. Advanced used to have something for early flower to increase bud sites I can't remember the name of now. Bud accelerator or some crap like that. Big bud does pretty much just the same thing now I think. It increases the amount of bud sites and pumps up the buds supposedly. I think it was worth it to use, but I never did any kind of tests just my personal observation. Clones are coming along but I got them too wet accidentally by overfilling the tray(damn shaky hands) so I'm hoping it doesn't delay rooting by too much. DC Seeds order is in Richmond so I should have it in days. I had to build a ramp for my dog to come up the steps. He's old and his hip is bad. I'm hurting big time, going to be a good night for hash or kief. Something strong for sure
Tried a couple drops of tincture in a concoction I call the Velvet Hammer:

Baileys Salted Caramel
DiSaronna Amaretto
Butterscotch Schnapps

new name - The Velvet Sledgehammer.

just gave them a half strength application of Recharge. All I read indicated no need to adjust ph, so I let ‘er rip...anxious to see if there is “explosive growth” as advertised. They are staying pretty stocky, and I’ve gotten several shoots from lower on the main stalk out in the direct light. I think the lighting from above and the sides is keeping them short (no need to stretch toward the light since it is all encompassing). The central, main colas are developing really well, with tons of new bud sites emerging...

except for the runt, but the runts I’ve had in the past mostly catch up and equal the other plants once we hit flowering. No matter, she’ll just do what she wants. Ain’t that the story of the world?

ive fallen into a schedule that includes a “dry day” once a week to force the roots to search out moisture; not sure if that’s worth it, but they don’t seem to mind...

hope yr clones kick it into high gear, I enjoy seeing their pictures since I can’t go that route with my vicariously...0358FE3E-A5C5-49E9-9211-B25C4432D136.jpeg0D5A6824-5A34-4C5D-9D27-956398E7D33F.jpegF9F667A3-3ADE-492C-A59D-FF6ED2947A76.jpeg867D5387-6695-4FC6-91E1-8380B2A542B1.jpegF2A1D03B-4273-4B08-B590-E052EAD3070A.jpeg6659343E-60BA-4C68-B6EA-08187B087FBE.jpeg
I spy pistils...went in soil 22 Oct, so 17 days old. I’ll wait until I see more on the tops before I declare preflower status...soon prolly

They are really looking good bud. Way ahead of the game as far as development goes compared to the bubbas. The bubba trouble will veg for about a month I bet before flowering at this rate of growth. What was the breeders height range on that strain? I bet you have a good bit of height still to come. I'd love to get some side lighting in but with such tight quarters in the tent and the LEDs needing so much space there's just no room. When I used to drink, I loved Kahlua. I mixed it with coffee all the time after dinner. You seem to like the after dinner liquors as well based on that recipe. Schnapps is a bit of an acquired taste. I'm German, English, Scottish, Russian and a little bit Finnish according to Ancestry DNA. That makes schnapps like a family member second only to good German beer.
The bubba's are moving slowly but I get the feeling they are going to be hell when they stretch. There's a good root system being developed, way better than my normal plants I think. Hopefully that pays off in the next couple weeks when preflowers show up. I'm going to top dress in a couple days with a mix of veg and flower nutes to give it enough nitrogen to boost it through the stretch and start off the flower cycle. Organics take awhile to take effect so I have to plan ahead by a couple weeks with the feedings. It's taking a lot of getting used to for sure and I'd be lost without the net and forums.
Breeder’s height was 60 -90 cm, I think I’ll have enuff head room to keep them on the platform and not have to drop them into the tub.
I moved a humidifier to,inside the enclosure and that had a big effect - I’m at around 75 degrees and 50 RH. Just for S&G I’m gonna get 20 lbs of dry ice pellets and have a fan blow it on the plants as it to follow. May not have any effect, but will be cool to watch...

sorry to hear ur pup is having difficulty - my male Bernese Mountain Dog, Zermatt, was whining the other day. We give him Flexadin which seems to help...he is a hoot...

I give them a deep drench (1.0 l) once or twice a week, moderate watering (.5 l) a couple days, and let them go dry a couple days. The above photos were taken this morning after a couple hours after lights on, before watering. They stood straight up 20 min after watering. When I filled the cloth pots I inserted a layer of bat guano and earthwork castings mixed with Happy Frog about 4 inches deep that they should hit soon. Will prolly top dress with the same mixture next week just for an added boost.

I used to use airpots in this setup, which dry out pretty quickly, so I’m searching for the sweet spot relative to watering frequency/level in these cloth pots. I have a tendency to overwater so on the learning curve now.
I am in 3 gal cloth pots and 60 days in on two autos...I water them a little over half a gallon when the pots feel very light, which is every two days for one and three for the other. I would get away from a set schedule and go by weight of the pot fully saturated vs dry. At the very least try dropping the half litre moderate waterings.