Simpsons Fans - Name That Quote Game


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... I've noticed this forum is a little slower than the "casual" forums on some of my other favorite sites, and I thought maybe I would start making new threads and see if I can help breathe some fresh air into her.

I have been a HUGE Simpsons fan my whole life. I grew up on this shit. There is a quote for almost every life situation I find myself in, and I often find myself speaking in this foreign "Simpsons Language" that only the most elite fans will recognize 9/10 times.

That being said, I thought it might be fun to play a little game of "Name That Quote"... the idea would be to try to describe the context from which the quote was pulled... not necessarily the episode, but just a description of what was happening in the given scene. (Unlike that terrible Simpsons trivia game where they asked questions like, "In episode 3F10B what color are the shoes marge wears to the concerto?", which are just ridiculously cryptic questions that aren't even fun to try to answer...)

Another way to approach it is to offer a context but not the quote and see who can fill in the blank.

I'm not sure if this will be interesting to anyone here or not, but I figure there have got to be other longtime Simpsons fans on a site like this.

So, guess a quote, or add a quote to guess... or mention a context and see if anyone can fill in the blank! Or add a quote without the character name and suggest we guess that. Be creative, have fun with it. Simpsons Trivia! Woohoo!

P.S. I know we can all just use google to make this not as fun, but why ruin it when you can instead take the opportunity to test your Simpsons chops? We may not be able to prove we didn't use google, but at least we can avoid ruining it for ourselves and give it a shot without help. (And if you do google it, don't post the answer, just be satisfied that you know it now, lol)


Some questions to get the ball rolling and to give you an idea of WTF I'm on about... bongsmilie

Homer is speaking of whom?: "Huh... he came to life. Good for him."
Milhouse is referencing what indiscrepancy here?: "Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the Bowl???"
Name The Character: "The goggles! They do nothing!"
What is suggested to be Lisa's "catchphrase" equivalent to Mr. Burns' "Excellent," Bart's "Ay Carumba," and Homer's "D'oh!"
In the episode where Homer legally changes his name to "Max Power", what is the name of his new best friend? And what is the name he legally changes Marge's name to at the end?
P.S. If this is a stupid idea, so be it, but I'm bored and this forum is slow... bongsmilie

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the goggles do nothing, was siad by Rainier Wolfcastle

homer is speaking to reverend lovejoy?or flanders?

guess are ok right

stupid italics


Well-Known Member
Hell yes guesses are welcome, that's the idea!! :D You nailed the first one... but second one wasn't right. Put up a quote to guess when you win one!


Active Member
-homer is talking about lard lad
-milhouse ; how Barts dog(sanatas little helper) ate his fish
- already correct (Rainier)
-"i'll be in my room"
-I can't remember

But I love this game(not as much as the simpsons).


Well-Known Member
-homer is talking about lard lad
-milhouse ; how Barts dog(sanatas little helper) ate his fish
- already correct (Rainier)
-"i'll be in my room"
-I can't remember
Yes!! You nailed those!

Guys, post new questions when you get 'em right. I know if you know the answers you can think of more questions! :grin: Woooooooooooooo.
But I love this game(not as much as the simpsons).

All of my originals are answered except the Max Power episode Q's...


Well-Known Member
Gonna leave all questions unedited so that people who don't scroll down first can still have fun with 'em...


Well-Known Member
Here's some more material:

Who Said, "Call it an unfair generalization if you must, but old people are no good at EVERYTHING."
What does Chief Wiggum use to change the channels on his TV?
What blunder performed by whom prompts an un-named farmer to mutter the phrase, "Oh no! The corn! Paul Newman's gonna have mah legs broke..."
Who is Springfield's oldest citizen?
Who Said, "They're gonna take my thumbs!"
What was the name Bart used to forge a credit card application?
Name at least two insane schemes that Mr. Burns implements to lift massive amounts of money from the pockets of Springfield's citizens. (Not including running the power plant itself)

the night owl

Active Member
Officially, marge's name is changed to "Chesty La Rue", but if she doesn't like that she can go with "Hootie McBoob" or "Busty st. Clair". Homer's new friend's name is "Trent Steel".

the night owl

Active Member
Yay, now I can do one. "Hi, I'm Troy McClure; you may remember from such self-help videos as"... Oh, and bart's credit card was in the name of "Santos L. Halper".

Note the phrase "self-help videos" as opposed to the word "movies"


Well-Known Member
Oh man that is a good one... will have to dwell on it to pull the actual names... hmmm.

Most of mine have been pretty easy, lol.

And yeah, you got the CC one. :)

the night owl

Active Member
Oh man that is a good one... will have to dwell on it to pull the actual names... hmmm.

Most of mine have been pretty easy, lol.

And yeah, you got the CC one. :)
Yea, I'm dwelling on your questions too. They'll come to me eventually. And you're right. That was a pretty hard one. Sorry, but I just cant think of any easy ones.

Oh shit I just got it. Wiggum uses his gun to change the channels on the tv.

It was Moe said "they're gonna take my thumbs".