Simpsons Fans - Name That Quote Game


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm dwelling on your questions too. They'll come to me eventually. And you're right. That was a pretty hard one. Sorry, but I just cant think of any easy ones.

Oh shit I just got it. Wiggum uses his gun to change the channels on the tv.

It was Moe said "they're gonna take my thumbs".

Hahaha... nice work. And no worries, hard ones are welcome, just gonna take longer! haha.


Well-Known Member
fun idea. this isnt a quote but this question here won me a $25 gift certificate to a grocery store when i was around 10-12 from a local radio stations weekly trivia questions where people call in and ask them the question, if they cant answer you win, i got lucky though, he answered REALLY close.
"When marges mom passes and patti and selma are given the iguana their mother loved what did they say they should kill it with?" (tbh im having trouble remembering the scene now and im pretty certain thats what happened in the scene but at the same time for some reason ive got a nagging feeling i screwed it up somehow since its been many years since i saw it.)
Answer-"a hat pin"
His answer "a sewing needle"


Well-Known Member
Haha, cool. Glad you guys are digging this thread. I KNEW there had to be hardcore Simpsons fans around.

Mad props to everyone who is nailing questions. Too bad this isn't set up to allow for some sort of automated "correct!" system or anything, lol. I'll go back and give props wherever due when I can later, lol.

for now, here's an extra:

"Instead of chewing gum, chew __________!"

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Haha, cool. Glad you guys are digging this thread. I KNEW there had to be hardcore Simpsons fans around.

Mad props to everyone who is nailing questions. Too bad this isn't set up to allow for some sort of automated "correct!" system or anything, lol. I'll go back and give props wherever due when I can later, lol.

for now, here's an extra:

"Instead of chewing gum, chew __________!"


Well-Known Member
Right on guys... remember, if you know an answer, it's only fair that you replace the question you're eliminating with a new one. ;)

What was the name of the Springfield burlesque house?


Well-Known Member
the back house is what its name means in english
i can hear the name in my head but i aint got a clue on how to spell it.

"remember the time i dropped my keys and you thought......."


Well-Known Member
Dark I will take a phonetic pronunciation if you can do that. ;)

And gog, no, man, anyone can contribute what ever. No rules. I was just encouraging people who get em right to post one to keep the tally full of new questions to answer.

Here's some new stuff:

Name the character and/or context: "Bart, I'm not sure your source on this is reliable..."
Who does Apu get to play for his wife on the roof of the quick-e-mart as a valentine's gift?
What IS apu's wife's first name?
Their last name?
Who ELSE has played music on the roof of the quick-e-mart?


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm getting lax on the quote concept, I'm having more fun with trivia format, lol:


According to Chief Wiggum, when a boy falls down the well, why doesn't he (Wiggum) go down into the hole and rescue the boy?
In the same episode, what is the news scoop that the reporter receives via telephone that causes him to abandon the well story?
What is the follow-up to that news scoop that Kent Brockman later reports?


Well-Known Member
la mayson derrier,
What is the name of the new TV show that features a character named Homer Simpson?
angry dad i believe although didnt that not get revealed until homer suddenly realized HE and his angry moments were the basis/model for the show or am i mixing up episodes? its been a long time since i watched the simpsons regularly so my memory is no longer as sharp and complete as back then.
the rest ive got no clue on really, i could cheat as i do know the episodes still just not all the details but that wouldnt be any fun, lol . do you give up on my quote and who said it when? i'll give you a hint- it involved smoking marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Yesss... Le Mason Deriere is correct!

Actually I did not mean Angry Dad, but I guess I have to concede that it is pretty damn close to a correct answer! For the sake of articulation, it is a show that contains a character NAMED Homer Simpson, but is NOT our beloved Homer. :)

P.S. a hint: The character is known for wearing a scarf. He also starts as an awesome character who Homer gladly relates his name to, but then he becomes an idiot and everyone relates him to the idiot. "I wish I hadn't bough a hundred of these..." (scarfs)

Your quote, I'm almost positive that it's Homer talking to Otto, but I haven't quite gotten it yet... wait wait... it's Otto talking to Homer... does he say, "Remember the time I dropped my keys and you thought the phone was ringing?" to which Homer responds something like, "Oh yeah... haha.. get out."??

My favorite quote from the same episode would be, "They call 'em fingers, but I've never seen 'em fing..."


Well-Known Member
Yay, now I can do one. "Hi, I'm Troy McClure; you may remember from such self-help videos as"...
This is such a great question, I wish I could pull it out. Let's leave it dangling... it's just a matter of time before his voice pops into my head and completes that line... :)


Well-Known Member
What is the name of the store where homer bought his gun?
This one is on the tip of my tongue... I know it's a delicious pun.

Speaking of delicious puns:

What is the name of the comic to which Bart compares their beloved favorite while speaking to Milhouse in the folowing quote: "Radioactive Man has his famous catch phrase, "Up and at 'em" with "at em" spelled A-T-O-M in a delicious pun."


Ursus marijanus
I do know Terwilliger was Sideshow Bob, who had a lovely way of not-cursing every time he did the rake gag ... cn

Bonus: Rob't Terwilliger's middle name?

<edit> I googled the gun store, and yes indeedy it's a delicious pun. Since I did cheat, I won't post the name.


Well-Known Member
I do know Terwilliger was Sideshow Bob, who had a lovely way of not-cursing every time he did the rake gag ... cn

Bonus: Rob't Terwilliger's middle name?
I fell in love with Bob after that rake gag. :)

Man, middle name... that is a toughie... I KNOW I've heard it... hmmm...

p.s. feel free to post more questions ;)


Well-Known Member
Ohhh... that would be... Wiggum's chili... ;) containing ...arrrrgh... what is the name of the chili pepper...

P.S. GREAT reference, easily one of the best episodes ever. they really managed to capture the unspeakably "damp" feeling of being alive when tripping with those squishy water effect visuals, lol.