Dick beaters? Is that how you look at your hands? Lmao.99% percent of questions have been asked and answered already.
Drag your lazy dick beaters across your keyboard and find what you're looking for.
Kids smh
Dick beaters? Is that how you look at your hands? Lmao.99% percent of questions have been asked and answered already.
Drag your lazy dick beaters across your keyboard and find what you're looking for.
Kids smh
The OP's hands.Is that how you look at your hands?
If you've been crying about the same thing for years maybe the problem is on your end.if anyone is tired of asking questions to people as the title says join here where you will treated with respect like everyone should be, and not be treated like shit for asking simple questions about growing.
all this talk about pulling stretching and spreading getting me worked up...well, a volleyball net is a little over 3 feet high, and 32 feet long, i don't think it would fit in his 4x4 area....
i guess if you're growing smaller plants a smaller net would work. or like chief says, just use one net, and stretch it over all your plants, do what you can do with it.
the whole purpose of scrogging though, is to spread the plant out as much as possible, so there is no "larf", it all turns into decent sized nugs. if you're not spreading the plant out enough, that's not going to happen. i guess any spreading would help, but anything that doesn't make it above that net isn't going to grow worth a shit. try it and let us know how it works.
that was me being rude? that was me telling someone the truth, in as polite a manner as i am capable of....if that response counts as rude, you need to never, ever look in the politics section, where i routinely call people fucking inbred idiots, fuckface morons, and worse...if that response counted as me being rude, you need to grow some thicker skin....tinkerbell
Yeah but you fuck kids.LoL
You call EVERYONE there vile names.
Yer a nice guy.
Even people who agree with you.
Get back on yur meds
no, your dyslexia is acting up again,Yeah but you fuck kids.
I've had to ask maybe one question in the 8 or so yrs I was on grasscity and the couple I've been on here. Just type any question in google and put rollitup or grasscity after it. You'll get answers from the other forums too.
OMG back when I lived in KCMO, I was waiting at a stop light in the bad part of town during rush hour. This black guy and his girl were crossing and the light changed, she went on to the other side like a normal person, the dude started dragging ass and taunting drivers like "what are you gonna do". she was trying to get him to move on and then this cop pulled around from behind me and a few other cars and had a talk with the dude. Probably had arrest warrants so there ya go! lol I was laughing so hard.Same questions again and again don't bother me. Assholes who run up to a cross walk on the street and then slow the fuck down as they cross in front of you bother me.
no, your dyslexia is acting up again,
I kid fucks.
OMG back when I lived in KCMO, I was waiting at a stop light in the bad part of town during rush hour. This black guy and his girl were crossing and the light changed, she went on to the other side like a normal person, the dude started dragging ass and taunting drivers like "what are you gonna do". she was trying to get him to move on and then this cop pulled around from behind me and a few other cars and had a talk with the dude. Probably had arrest warrants so there ya go! lol I was laughing so hard.
Dick beaters? Is that how you look at your hands? Lmao.