Sick of “professional” growers treating you like shit for asking a simple question? Fuck’em all!


Well-Known Member
if anyone is tired of asking questions to people as the title says join here where you will treated with respect like everyone should be, and not be treated like shit for asking simple questions about growing.
How many individual scrog sets can one fit into a 4x4 space using 1/2”CPVC and 5-gal containers? Just estimates if any one has experience with this type.

seriously...4x4 isn't that big, and you're trying to spread a plant out as much as possible...if you aren't using at least 3X3 screens, you're wasting your time and space

Ok you know you dont have to be a prick about a simple question I mean what the hell man? No shit a 4x4 space isn’t big. Just never mind. Fucking assholes i swear. You all think you’re so high and mighty anf better than everybody and can be an asshole when someone asks a simple question. My apologies if the question wasn’t up to your superiority complex that you “professional “ growers have. My bad. Did realize you were better than everybody like subfool thinks he is. Assholes

Judging by your response above, its pretty clear why you deserve everything that's coming to you.
if anyone is tired of asking questions to people as the title says join here where you will treated with respect like everyone should be, and not be treated like shit for asking simple questions about growing.
Go check out the Grow Boss on YouTube. He’ll keep it real with you. Only regret was not finding him sooner. Cheers
For the last couple of years I have visited this site for the comic relief or to post some frosty bud pics.. My only advice to newbies: Read cannabis cultivation books and not just one. Read several from different authors, cover to cover...then read them again. Then read more books on basic horticulture then read them again. There are so many wittle dicks swinging up in here thinking they are Thor's Hammer it's cringe worthy...lmao
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Judging by your response above, its pretty clear why you deserve everything that's coming to you.
that was me being rude? that was me telling someone the truth, in as polite a manner as i am capable of....if that response counts as rude, you need to never, ever look in the politics section, where i routinely call people fucking inbred idiots, fuckface morons, and worse...if that response counted as me being rude, you need to grow some thicker skin....tinkerbell

You can put as many SCROG screens in a 4×4 that will fit.

I plan for 2ft2 per plant (1 month veg) but if I have 4 plants together I'd rather just use (1) 4×4 SCROG vs (4) 2×2 SCROGs. I use wire garden fencing for my SCROG screen because it's easy. Using wire fencing sucks if you need to pull a shoot down and poke it through another hole because the wires don't stretch like string, so you have to pay attention once its placed and keep pulling the longer branches outward toward the edges daily so that you get the correct spacing.

I use something like this...

I've always wondered if a volleyball net would be good material to construct with..
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well, a volleyball net is a little over 3 feet high, and 32 feet long, i don't think it would fit in his 4x4 area....
i guess if you're growing smaller plants a smaller net would work. or like chief says, just use one net, and stretch it over all your plants, do what you can do with it.
the whole purpose of scrogging though, is to spread the plant out as much as possible, so there is no "larf", it all turns into decent sized nugs. if you're not spreading the plant out enough, that's not going to happen. i guess any spreading would help, but anything that doesn't make it above that net isn't going to grow worth a shit. try it and let us know how it works.
Before asking the simple question, use the search feature as all simple questions have been answered many times here.
99% percent of questions have been asked and answered already.

Drag your lazy dick beaters across your keyboard and find what you're looking for.

Kids smh

both of these statements bear repeating
digging for the information manually is far more beneficial than being spoon fed
that was me being rude? that was me telling someone the truth, in as polite a manner as i am capable of....if that response counts as rude, you need to never, ever look in the politics section, where i routinely call people fucking inbred idiots, fuckface morons, and worse...if that response counted as me being rude, you need to grow some thicker skin....tinkerbell
This is true, lol, i love that sections of the forums