Should an Australian be concered posting his grow?

haha, Skinner cracks me up, she tells terminal cancer patients that they cant have medicinal cannabis because it causes cancer, stupid bitch, haha

Lol better stop giving chemo and radiotherapy to cancer patients, because they cause cancer aswell.
Thoughts anyone??

For personal use I would think not but if you're a commercial guy it might not be such a good idea. I find it highly unlikely the government will employ drones to find outback grows although i am concerned about abbott and his "creeping right" agenda.
My brother in law has just been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) so i will be steeping up my efforts to ensure his last couple of years are as comfortable as possible.
For personal use I would think not but if you're a commercial guy it might not be such a good idea. I find it highly unlikely the government will employ drones to find outback grows although i am concerned about abbott and his "creeping right" agenda.
My brother in law has just been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) so i will be steeping up my efforts to ensure his last couple of years are as comfortable as possible.
look at the censorship that FOX and the big movie industry is trying to put on the internet as far as downloading... Who owns FOXTEL... Rupert... better put a ban on illegally downloading something when we have to pay 5 times the price and wait months for it VIA foxtel...

its the born to rule mentality that they will tell us whats good for us....

its a dark peroid for sure and all the JULIAR propaganda that many bought is biting them in the arse... the guy is a bigger liar than JULIAR...

how people thought a tax on super profits was a bad thing Ill never know... I guess billionaires should be encouraged to pay less as long as pensioners pay for the doctor...
so you guys get it.. 1% that runs this country own all most the politicians no matter the continent you think wrothschilds care what continent or planet their on .... just grow be safe don't leave anything with your address or can say whereabouts you live like me saying i live in kankakee illinois... i seen a guy on here with his canine college business card on his fridge lol..
Really depends on how big your grow is that you post. If you're only growing small amounts, it isnt worth their time and money to come knocking on your door, you can argue personal use if it goes to court. If your 're putting up pics of grows that are pulling pounds and pounds, then they take it more seriously. The laws are fucked, but there is ways around them ;)
I always thought....why would I want to be a legal grower?.....They(the man) has your name and address so they know where you have a number of plants, you have to include the State, Province, whatever it may be?...and the health care Dr's, etc.......
Then...when they decide to go backwards and outlaw it again, when some kid gets high and jumps off a bridge listening to Judas Priest.....then when they "take away" the legal program.....they know exactly who's houses to start looking for the "Illegal" weed......What the first and golden rule of growing......"Do not tell anyone"....but we are so eager to tell everyone! :) In my opinion.....keep your head down...grow the meds you need illegally and tell no one! Ever! and don't let $$$$$$$ ever get involved in your decision making! :) I always think of myself as a "Free Man".....Just my 2cents! :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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I went in on my Iphone4s and shut off the gps tag on my photos.. I D/L some free program that is suppose to show you where the photo was taken and the data was not attached to the photo so I presume it worked, plus my plants are still here .... LOL
if you are in australia your governemnt won't be spying on you as heavily as people in the u.k or u.s.
i wouldn't be worried about getting caught because of posting info to this site.
be careful but don't get paranoid now :)

Total Bullshit ..!!!! Australia belongs to the 5 eyes club set up after WW2 to spy on us soviets .. a very weak idea that is used now to spy on the very people that the 5 eyes are set up to protect, Canada,UK, USA, Australia, and Eireland? those with the smaller populations and greater land mass are the greater targets, as they can't hide in populace locals and the football world cup is the ideal proof of that, using the cup as an experiment of mass social communication, and individual montiering
Everyone everywhere should be concerned about anything they put on or through any part of the internet, and any part of the infrastructure, and any part of the global surveillance network.

Security by obscurity is well known to be a flawed approach.

Security by design, from the very onset, is the best and arguably only "secure" way to do anything at all.

Unfortunately, by design, the established systems in place virtually and practically prevent that approach for all but the most skilled and paranoid of hackers.
Those tax revenues coming from here in Colorado should wake a lot of people up. Especially when they see them getting stolen.
2 problems:

1) most people will just pass it off as "typical gov't incompetence"
2) what are you going to do about it? (the royal "you," not you personally)
Everyone everywhere should be concerned about anything they put on or through any part of the internet, and any part of the infrastructure, and any part of the global surveillance network.

Security by obscurity is well known to be a flawed approach.

Security by design, from the very onset, is the best and arguably only "secure" way to do anything at all.

Unfortunately, by design, the established systems in place virtually and practically prevent that approach for all but the most skilled and paranoid of hackers.

I do like this comment, but can't help but think microsoft windows(any version) has back doors as per "Security by design, from the very onset, is the best and arguably only "secure" way to do anything at all" ....?
I do like this comment, but can't help but think microsoft windows(any version) has back doors as per "Security by design, from the very onset, is the best and arguably only "secure" way to do anything at all" ....?
That's kinda part of my point. ^^

How many regular people can function sufficiently without a microsoft or apple product in their lives? I'd bet "not the majority."

Most of us have been living and behaving within a false sense of security for so long already, it's pretty much too late to be truly secure, until you can completely erase your trails, change your identity and never use things like Windows or iPhones or Google (including anything android) ever again. It's just not feasible for most people. I'm in that precarious position where i know enough to realize the insecurity, but not enough to do enough about it.

I was ruminating on "anonymity" the other day... and i realized that all this "internet anonymity" really only works to keep us hidden from each other. The gov't agencies can easily figure out who 99% of us are, regardless of any "fake accounts" or pseudonyms or false images we may create. All of those things are "security by obscurity." It merely delays them slightly, if that. And it's not just the gov't agencies who may have wicked intentions for people's personal info.

But the alternative thought is just too frightening for most people: coming out of the cannabis closet and openly being who you really are, carries the risk of being selected to be made an example of, which can have immeasurable extended impacts on anyone's loved ones, families and/or friends... or even just other people who share the same illegitimately criminalized opinions.

If i were able to completely shield all of my relevant personal information from everyone i did not want to be able to access it, i would have no problem with everyone else knowing exactly who i am. But it's not regular people i'm worried about; it's the people who claim illegitimate authority, backed by weapons and organized imposition of force, who have most people convinced they have the right to commit violence in the name of "the law," and that "the law" is always the pinnacle of authority, even when it is obviously wrong.
Also! Back on Topic:

From my perspective and frame of reference, as a native U.S. citizen: Australia and NZ seem "quite harsh" in their approach to cannabis and other drugs... so: yes, i would be "concerned" if i were there.

Then again, i'd be concerned just about anywhere, because most of the planet is ruled by various governments who maintain the position that any involvement with cannabis is sufficient justification for the use of deadly force and/or extreme prison sentences. There are very few places where this is not the case.