Should an Australian be concered posting his grow?

Ah, so you're one of those misguided people who thinks "it's the right wing who are bad."

Newsflash: both sides are what is known as "controlled opposition."

Neither "side" has your best interests in mind. Both "sides" of the upper echelon want you either controlled or eliminated.

Not quite so paranoid, but yes, both parties are owned and operated as subsidiaries of the .01% Power Elite in this country.

Australia is mentioned in this article, as another country controlled the same way by the same interests.
Not quite so paranoid, but yes, both parties are owned and operated as subsidiaries of the .01% Power Elite in this country.

Australia is mentioned in this article, as another country controlled the same way by the same interests.

the author of the article linked in the previous quote said:
"I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this: A highly complex set of laws and exemptions from laws and taxes has been put in place by those in the uppermost reaches of the U.S. financial system. It allows them to protect and increase their wealth and significantly affect the U.S. political and legislative processes. They have real power and real wealth. Ordinary citizens in the bottom 99.9% are largely not aware of these systems, do not understand how they work, are unlikely to participate in them, and have little likelihood of entering the top 0.5%, much less the top 0.1%. Moreover, those at the very top have no incentive whatsoever for revealing or changing the rules. I am not optimistic."

^This. All the this.
Well what would be the point of that, in order for the EXIF data to be use to them it would also need to transmit the picture in order to provide context for the EXIF data also it is very easy to detect unwanted connections via an application such as wireshark and doing something like that is a good way to get removed from CNET's network.

Source: Malware research enthusiast.
Well what would be the point of that, in order for the EXIF data to be use to them it would also need to transmit the picture in order to provide context for the EXIF data also it is very easy to detect unwanted connections via an application such as wireshark and doing something like that is a good way to get removed from CNET's network.

Source: Malware research enthusiast.
Hmm... i suppose that's a good enough answer.
Yes, guns are made to kill.

And when someone who already has a gun, decides to kill you, without any intention of having a discussion about who is right or wrong, how do you stop them? I already explained this. This is not "arguing semantics."

If i know i'm outnumbered and outgunned, and my only option is to either submit to the unjust ruination of my life, or try to take some of the bastards down with me... guess which i think is the better choice.

Maybe you would prefer everyone be easily rounded up and thrown in cages, but that violates the "i'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees" protocol.
Dam strait!!
People think of society as something humble.. something that can be perfected so that someday everyone will live out their lives in happiness and love and nobody will do anything "un-just" well I strongly believe that society is the result of evolution in its worst form , a species that actually believes it is superior to all other species and to all other forms of the human race just like the arabs , asians, westerners africans and all the other races , in there world they are the ones who have the right values and beliefs and the rest of us are on the wrong path .

Where it will all end ? Who knows nuclear warfare , virus epidemic or artifical intelligence enslaving us all , who cares either way as oneday our whole galaxy will probably disappear in a super nova or get sucked into a black hole and we will be bits of dust floating around a cosmos , the only thing for certain is that we are like roses , we will grow blossom then die
Now im gona smoke some more of last seasons bush bud watch planet of the apes go to bed and get back to society tommorow at 6 am
Guns were made to kill. Nothing more nothing less..argue semantics all you want but guns are produced with one single objective.

Everyone I know with a gun, over 20 people in my circle, use them for personal protection and recreation, not to kill.

My friend Carla was recently car jacked and was able to not only get out of the car, but turned it around and forced her attacker out of her car so she could drive home and not be stuck. This would not have been possible without her firearm, in fact she would be a victim, and probably wouldn't be safe and alive if not for her weapon.

A gun is a tool, to be used with whatever intention it's wielder desires.

I like using mine to paint pretty pictures on bulls eyes and to deter crime in my vicinity. My neighbors all have guns and so do I. I will shoot you if you're partaking in criminality on my property (at my discretion and within reason obviously) and so will they.

We react much more quickly than the local police dept, and have every right to do so.

And guess what? There's no crime on my street, can you guess why?

Have there been shootings? Yes. There have been people trying to break and enter other's homes who have been shot. No more B&E's around here...

A couple years ago a guy got shot in the leg while trying to steal a neighbors car. My neighbor subdued him while I tended his injuries while we waited for the authorities. Guess what? No more crime on my street.

If fact, mine is one of the safest hoods in this area, and I wouldn't trade that security for anything.
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