Should an Australian be concered posting his grow?

I wish I knew mate . I takea few precautions like taking sim out of phone to take pics ( smart phones attach location info to pics) and use someone elses internet , maybe an internet cafe,

Just my opinion , doesnt mean your 100% safe
I wish I knew mate . I takea few precautions like taking sim out of phone to take pics ( smart phones attach location info to pics) and use someone elses internet , maybe an internet cafe,

Just my opinion , doesnt mean your 100% safe
Shit... haha that's a worry I have never even considered that my phones photos were at risk ;/ gonna have to sort that out asap, Thanks for the tip much appreciated.
Dont aussies get 24 hour notice before the police can enter & search your house ? We used to have a moderator here that told me thats how it is where he's at & i thought it was Australia.

If thats the case you got time to spare if your worried about getting busted , however take the members advice about sim cards & do all you can to conceal your identy .
Dont aussies get 24 hour notice before the police can enter & search your house ? We used to have a moderator here that told me thats how it is where he's at & i thought it was Australia.

If thats the case you got time to spare if your worried about getting busted , however take the members advice about sim cards & do all you can to conceal your identy .
Haha if that were the case I dont think anyone would get busted for growing , na once they get a search warrant they just roll in , and break the door if you dont open it for them
Haha if that were the case I dont think anyone would get busted for growing , na once they get a search warrant they just roll in , and break the door if you dont open it for them
Haha would more could you ask for aye! 24 hours to get rid of your goods before they come.
What do they think youll be doing in that time hmm?? maybe baking them a cake or getting tea ready haha I wish man
Australia is going thru some serious power changes recently, with one politician fucking another over for the job, is a run on insecure ego's, is like USA was b4 the legalization of cannabis for medicine years ago, trying hard to claim cannabis is a fuck up drug, of serious concern is the order(was top secret) of several billion dollars worth of UAV's in with the uav makers, with the intention of locating those illegal immigrants, and 'drug' crops all over the outback ...alleged!

Just be careful ordering seeds ..
I'm not to concerned, but I scrub all exif data from images before uploading and I don't give any info about location. If you take reasonable precautions it minimises the risk, it's not to bad.

Most of the drug squads in the country are busy fighting the meth epidemic that's getting really bad at the moment, so just keep your head down.

I hope that one day our politicians wake up to themselves and move into the 21st century, if that ever happens, I swear I'm converting my whole 5,000 sqm warehouse, hahaha
Australia is going thru some serious power changes recently, with one politician fucking another over for the job, is a run on insecure ego's, is like USA was b4 the legalization of cannabis for medicine years ago, trying hard to claim cannabis is a fuck up drug, of serious concern is the order(was top secret) of several billion dollars worth of UAV's in with the uav makers, with the intention of locating those illegal immigrants, and 'drug' crops all over the outback ...alleged!

Just be careful ordering seeds ..

Fair point... do you recon these power changes will have an impact of medicinal and/ or recreational cannabis in Aus in terms of the law?
Fair point... do you recon these power changes will have an impact of medicinal and/ or recreational cannabis in Aus in terms of the law?
I'd say we were still a few years away away from medicinal legalisation and I doubt that it will ever be legal for recreational use, Australia is still to conservative for it, they were doing a trial of medicinal use in Vic, but even with the positive results, they said they weren't going to go any further with the studies.
I'd say we were still a few years away away from medicinal legalisation and I doubt that it will ever be legal for recreational use, Australia is still to conservative for it, they were doing a trial of medicinal use in Vic, but even with the positive results, they said they weren't going to go any further with the studies.
yep... no matter how many cancer patients and epilepsy sufferers are affected our baby boomer poplation and conservative alignment will fuck us over in the end...

although any legalisation for even cancer only is a step in the right direction... we as always like with gay marriage.. a treaty with native and a whole bunch of other issue will be left behind due to conservatism and "young" fogey's.. they are like old fogey's but worse as they live longer...

governments here are too stupid to realise that prohibition aids organised crime...if you leaglised and taxed it at a reasonable rate then organised crime wouldnt see it as viable...

again... naive dicks in power controlling what is right and wrong...

on Sunday night 96% vote4d in favour of medical marijuana.... and you get dumshits like Jillian Skinner talking about its hazardous to smoke..... the stupid bitch has never heard of edibles and vaporisers...
yep... no matter how many cancer patients and epilepsy sufferers are affected our baby boomer poplation and conservative alignment will fuck us over in the end...

although any legalisation for even cancer only is a step in the right direction... we as always like with gay marriage.. a treaty with native and a whole bunch of other issue will be left behind due to conservatism and "young" fogey's.. they are like old fogey's but worse as they live longer...

governments here are too stupid to realise that prohibition aids organised crime...if you leaglised and taxed it at a reasonable rate then organised crime wouldnt see it as viable...

again... naive dicks in power controlling what is right and wrong...

on Sunday night 96% vote4d in favour of medical marijuana.... and you get dumshits like Jillian Skinner talking about its hazardous to smoke..... the stupid bitch has never heard of edibles and vaporisers...
haha, Skinner cracks me up, she tells terminal cancer patients that they cant have medicinal cannabis because it causes cancer, stupid bitch, haha
haha, Skinner cracks me up, she tells terminal cancer patients that they cant have medicinal cannabis because it causes cancer, stupid bitch, haha

I know... I read that quote online..... this poor bastard is dying with terminal cancer and smoking weed allows him to eat and function normally and she tells him it will give him cancer...

it is the monty python of Govts...if it wasn't so sad it would be amusing....
Fair point... do you recon these power changes will have an impact of medicinal and/ or recreational cannabis in Aus in terms of the law?
Not only in Cannabis but in anything about aussie lifestyle for quiet some time, I think someones woken up to the fact that theirs not much money in the till, or some such, again the aussie people have grow sick of fighting wars with the yanks, and just a growing feeling of disquiet

eventually the govt will allow cannabis, but only after 2-9 years after Canada, but already the tax take these last few month in Colorado has woken many up
if you are in australia your governemnt won't be spying on you as heavily as people in the u.k or u.s.

i wouldn't be worried about getting caught because of posting info to this site.

be careful but don't get paranoid now :)
Good to hear but what makes you think this? I don't mean to call you wrong- just trying to learn why.

SWIM has 2 cautions from the cops and has been caught with bongs, weed and have a few hints they were onto SWIM selling moonshine.

What do the cops have to do to be able to come and "say hi"

Thanks in advance - stay high
yeah id love to know what the members of this forum know about this sort of thing , theres very litle info out there , i only "know" what iv heard from friends and growers . Im pretty catious and use my common sense , (which doesnt seem so common with some people) but I know sweetf#@$ all about how the blue dudes opperate or how much they know about me or the oeople they incestigate , anyone willing to enlighten me please dont hold back
yeah id love to know what the members of this forum know about this sort of thing , theres very litle info out there , i only "know" what iv heard from friends and growers . Im pretty catious and use my common sense , (which doesnt seem so common with some people) but I know sweetf#@$ all about how the blue dudes opperate or how much they know about me or the oeople they incestigate , anyone willing to enlighten me please dont hold back

This should clear it up (link bellow) glad of found this link on the back for a postcard I bought in Nimbin's "Hemp Embassy" HEMP standing for help end marijuana prohibition. Along with some other goodies... A little bit of topic but if you smoke/ support or just love the ganja then Nimbin is definitely worth the trip, I like to call it the Amsterdam of Australia and am privileged to live in the beautiful state.
Those tax revenues coming from here in Colorado should wake a lot of people up. Especially when they see them getting stolen.