Short Ryder Feminized under 250 Watt HPS in Small Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
Looking good man going to be joining you for the ride. Sorry im a little late!! subbed +rep


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... I see.

Took cuttings last night.

Headband, BlueMystic, Ice, cheese cross, Diesel Star. I'll likely have an extra or two of each... do you just want headband still?
I don't know. I need you to help me plan my next grow. Give me a call sometime soon and we will talk about it.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have some pictures for you all to check out. For the most part the plants are doing good. Number one is kicking ass and healthy as a hoarse. The head on that thing is going to be massive, like beer bottle size at least! #2 and #3 aren't as healthy looking but are still doing fine. There isn't too much time left anyways to try and fix them so I am just going to take care of them the best I know how and let them finish. I will throw in some pics of what I am talking about. Anyways, on to the pictures. Thank you all for following and helping along the way. This grow has been a million times more fun sharing it with you all.

Group Photo:




And since I decided to move #4 outside permanently, I did trans-plant it into a bigger pot. It isn't really any taller, but quite a bit larger around. Here is it in its new home:

Well, again, thanks for looking. Now I'm off to update my garden thread with tons of pics to go check them out!


Well-Known Member
Damn girls are looking nice. Tell them I said they are looking prettier by the minute. If they are awake.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I haven't been thinking about this grow in terms of weeks, but I just figured out that I am at 8 weeks from seed. I cannot believe that this plant will be ready to harvest in just 10-11 weeks from popping out of the ground. I don't know, I might becoming sold on these auto's! The buds are fattening up by the day and becoming frostier all the time.

The weather here is absolutely perfect; high 70's, bright sun and a steady breeze so the girls are out by the pool for the afternoon. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment:




Group Photo:

There are fan leaves on the plants that are covering up big, nice bud sites. Should I trim off the fan leaves that are causing shade or just leave them?


wow man they look perfect! i know that the main features behind the short ryders is that they autoflower and stay small but yours are quite big though. im curious... is that because they didnt autoflower and you just decided to let them grow bigger?


Well-Known Member
wow man they look perfect! i know that the main features behind the short ryders is that they autoflower and stay small but yours are quite big though. im curious... is that because they didnt autoflower and you just decided to let them grow bigger?
No, they auto flowered. If you cruise back through this journal you can see when they started showing female flowers. It was early on, like the third or fourth week just as they were supposed to. I am surprised at the size but am pleasently surprised.


Active Member
i'de say if its not sick leave it...yeah it will affect ur harvest but it will also stun her growth..........dont do it man.....


Well-Known Member
i'de say if its not sick leave it...yeah it will affect ur harvest but it will also stun her growth..........dont do it man.....
Yeah, I am just going to leave them. If they are still bothering me I will clip them off for the last week. I figure the plant knows what it is doing better than I do, so let it be.


Well-Known Member
Howdy ya'll! Though I would provide a picture update I took some pictures last night and again this morning and since I ain't got nothing better to do, figured I would post them all up. We all like pictures don't we? Also I have some pictures of #4, which if you have been following this journal was moved outside and planted in a bigger pot about a week ago. It is absolutely loving the outdoors and its new home. Also, the weather here has been great so I have been moving the three big girls outside in the morning and taking them in at sunset. My backyard is on the west side of the house so in the morning they are along the back fence to get the nice morning sun and then at lunch time I put them against the house to get blasted all afternoon so they are getting about 12 hours of full, uninterrupted sunlight and they are absolutely loving lounging by the pool all day. Sorry if this is long, I am a fast typer so it doesn't take me any time. Anyways, on to the pictures:











Thanks for looking! Only a week and a half to two-and-a-half weeks left! Boo ya!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Looking great brother.. I'd be flushing now if I was in your shoes. You want all those leaves to yellow out completely and start falling off. Two weeks is a short time..

Can't wait to help you smoke it...:fire:


Active Member
Alright, I'm in. Have only read first and last page - gotta go take a test - will bring myself up to speed later. Ladies sure do look like they are LOVING that sunshine tho!!