Short Ryder Feminized under 250 Watt HPS in Small Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
over fed and didnt have the right lights so she was stun and didnt grow a hole was my real first plant and i think this time around i will crack another and see now that i know a bit more, but the rh was way low to start and the heat was lacking and she wasnt eating cause it was cold and janurary, and i kept putting the nutes to her and really didnt know whut is was doin but a real vague idea...then i found RIU and this place saved me the lost of the short ryder taught me everything i know and helped me grow my (the joint doctor's )easy ryder (Auto-AK47 x LR2) and my harvest was 42 grams from the some Auto ak in the water afrm and ff as u see im moving on to bigger and danker strains w/ the help of u all.....
I hear ya. If it wasn't for this site I don't know where I would be with my plants! I think that my next grow I will switch to photo period plants unless this short ryder is just the bomb smoke. I planted my Onyx seeds so hopefully they should be coming up soon.


Active Member
yeah i think i neeed to reaad about photo period plants cause i know nothing and i am growin 4 right not really

oh yeah joint docs right
joint doc's 002.jpgjoint doc's 001.jpg
this is whut i just harvested


Well-Known Member
I have grown a photo period plant in the past it is is just as easy or hard as autos. My problem seems to be getting beans to sprout, so once I have them up out of the soil, I feel confident that I can grow them. I have a friend that grows and should be giving me a couple of cuttings of a photo period that I will probably scrog. My tent is small (20"x36"x60" so maximizing the real estate is a plus.


Active Member
u could alwayss go primitive as i do and germ in the ol paper towel and plastic works if the beans arent bunk as im thinking these auto-widow beans r....5 bunk so far...35 beans in the whole order.....i have had 10 be bunk...i think they all r...i found a better place to shop and all the plants im growin now r from the other place, the good place im just having issues with the beans from this company i found before i knew bout nirvana or attitude or even herbies so many others own fault for bein impulsive, but damn it i wanted to grow good dank and not spend alot of money, well i found u kinda do have to spend money to get good beans...but thus is life....sorry 4 ranting

oh yeah i said it before but much much respect to the joint doctors for the fem they said was fem....dank beans


Well-Known Member
I have done the plastic bag technique and think that I don't let the sprouts get long enough before I put the seeds in the dirt. I don't know. I am getting frustrated at the moment but oh well. I don't really have room to grow the seeds anyways and will hopefully get some cuttings soon it should be too big of a deal, but still frustrating none the less.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures. I just snapped away and didn't care which plant was which so I will just throw them up. Just a group photo and then some close ups of the the developing colas. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Hey every one! Here are some pictures. Look how lanky and stretched out #4 is. I think that it is because the pot is too small. I could re-pot now or let it go and live and learn. The yield won't be great, but the other three should be bumpers!







Active Member
hey dude ur pots should be fine look at mine...i thought my 4 were small but my 4 girl r happy in their first homes.......and it doesnt seem that i will be re-potting n e thing, just putting the yeah ur pots r fine bro...she is just a stretcher some do some dont....... whut 2 plants make the short ryder.....???????
Hey every one! Here are some pictures. Look how lanky and stretched out #4 is. I think that it is because the pot is too small. I could re-pot now or let it go and live and learn. The yield won't be great, but the other three should be bumpers!

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posting new pix tonight if i can find the cam, i am in veg but u should see the change and difference.......


Well-Known Member
hey dude ur pots should be fine look at mine...i thought my 4 were small but my 4 girl r happy in their first homes.......and it doesnt seem that i will be re-potting n e thing, just putting the yeah ur pots r fine bro...she is just a stretcher some do some dont....... whut 2 plants make the short ryder.....???????
posting new pix tonight if i can find the cam, i am in veg but u should see the change and difference.......
Yeah, I am leaving them they way they are.


Well-Known Member
The plants are filling up quite nicely and the buds are definitely getting bigger every day. Some lower leaves looked sick so I pulled them off, which the fell easily. Actually I don't know if they are actually sick of if it is because they are putting their energy into flowering and didn't need the lower fan leaves any more. What do you all think? Is some browning of lower leaves normal for this stage of flowering? Anyways just in case it is nute burn, I ran two gallons of water with Botanicare's Sweet through each plant, well for plants 1-3 and plant 4 just got a gallon of Sweet solution.

Anyways, on to the pictures!





Group Photo

Bud Shots

So what do you all think?


Active Member
i cant say much, idk alot but whut i do know is that with my Auto AK her lower fans started yellowing out as well when she started heavily producing and getting denser as well................idk if that helps u.......


Well-Known Member
The more I have read and researched I think that if anything it is a deficiency rather than an overdose. If they show signs of worsening than I will get some CalMag+ to add the other nutes that the Bloom solution isn't giving them. Not that much has changed in the past 16 hours or so but I did snap a few pictures this morning and figure I might as well put them up here. I am not too impressed with #4 so I didn't bother taking a picture of her.





Main Cola of one of the taller two:


Well-Known Member
Yellowing off of lower fan leaves is normal and healthy. It is a sign of a slight deficiency, but is also a sign of a healthy plant working to maintain adequate health up top by pulling nutes out of the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
Yellowing off of lower fan leaves is normal and healthy. It is a sign of a slight deficiency, but is also a sign of a healthy plant working to maintain adequate health up top by pulling nutes out of the lower leaves.
That is what I thought. Thank you for the second opinion.