Shooting at parlaiment hall

and no were not sent as peacekeepers for the record were sent in with heavy guns and artillery and sent to use them, we are ONLY sent as peacekeepers when something of natural disaster or something america is not involved in (which isnt much)

my entire family has military background going back past to the 1800s
Everyone knows the problem is the rich are in power all over the world. War is a guise the greedy use to gain wealth. (Iraqi war over oil)etc And to the argument that we are allies and so far up the Americans ass. Ok well then wouldn't that mean that Iraq, Afghanistan etc are allies of Isis so fare game plus the fact that there religion tells them to kill..... I know our government and every government are corrupt. But to say that our innocient country men should die is just pathetic and kind disgusting. We had it comming come on yes we are allies with the USA but at the end of the day our government never sent any soldiers in in the name of war. If some douch bag trigger happy fuck head soldier was doing things he shouldn't have with your uncle then that's another story but to say that our government has not been sent in as peace keepers is your opinion as this is mine.


You actually believe Canada hasnt been involved in a combat role in the middle east?

It is always stunning when a country that has brought violence and military force to numerous countries acts shocked and bewildered when someone brings a tiny fraction of that violence back to that country. Regardless of one’s views on the justifiability of Canada’s lengthy military actions, it’s not the slightest bit surprising or difficult to understand why people who identify with those on the other end of Canadian bombs and bullets would decide to attack the military responsible for that violence.

That’s the nature of war. A country doesn’t get to run around for years wallowing in war glory, invading, rendering and bombing others, without the risk of having violence brought back to it. Rather than being baffling or shocking, that reaction is completely natural and predictable. The only surprising thing about any of it is that it doesn’t happen more often.

The issue here is not justification (very few people would view attacks on soldiers in a shopping mall parking lot, war memorial, Parliament building to be justified). The issue is causation. Every time one of these attacks occurs — from 9/11 on down — Western governments pretend that it was just some sort of unprovoked, utterly “senseless” act of violence caused by primitive, irrational, savage religious extremism inexplicably aimed at a country innocently minding its own business.
Take a pill that was directed to everyone on here who thinks that our country deserves any of this bullshit.

no im not going to take a pill when you PERSONALLY attacked me for not saying anything and put words in my mouth it was directed at me in the way you worded it
and no were not sent as peacekeepers for the record were sent in with heavy guns and artillery and sent to use them, we are ONLY sent as peacekeepers when something of natural disaster or something america is not involved in (which isnt much)

my entire family has military background going back past to the 1800s
We served as strictly peacekeepers in Cyprus, and in Africa...
As recently as Tuesday, Canada sent eight fighter jets to the Mideast to join the battle against Islamic State.

Does anybody wonder or care how many people those fighter jets will kill in the next few weeks?

I think its awful what happen and how some young man was killed but over there its far worst. I've been to air shows and seen/heard those fighter jets flying faster then the speed of sound, I can't imagine how its like if they were dropping bombs as they fly by. I guess U see a flash of light before you are killed ?

This is all messed up and it all goes back to that War on Terror the last US president started. Obama tried to end the war but its took a life of its own now, it can not be stop, the other side won't stop fighting


Does anybody notice now that every time a bad shooting happens, either in the USA or now Canada, the police always say there are more then one gunman and sweep the area..that happens all the time it seems like...i guess they fear the worst and go from there.

I hope Canada is now more on guard, they got really lucky only one person was killed..sad but now machine guns might be standard weapons outside of Parliament, the US is like that in Washington...some dude jumped the White House fence tonight and the cops sent the K9 dogs after him, hes now in hospital, ha ha...yeah the crazies are coming out in droves
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they will use the excuse of national security to do many things in the near future. Watch and see. People are going to start screaming when they realize that their lives have been searched and looked into. Should be rather interesting how the next 25 years go with this kinda shit flowin...
This is true..we are just not so used to it as other countries are....somehow me thinks we need to get used to it.
I can't believe I am posting this...
I really can't stand Harper. I detest him. I cringe when I see his picture.
I don't know if he had ulterior motives, but today after he thanked the sergent-at-arms he crossed over the aisle and hugged the opposition leaders. I hope it was just a spur of the moment sincere showed some class in my mind.
agree, that was a great showing from all politicians/parties this morning (wasn't just Harper, they all took turns then thanks the sergeant at arms and shook other leaders hands)

so it seems the consensus is we gotta take out ISIS..
ok, but it was the west's complete bumbling of Afghanistan and Iraq that led to ISIS' rise in the first place. (or at the very least really helped it. obviously been conflict there for generations)

..seems everytime we take out one group, a worse one takes its place.
*not saying leave them alone, and especially not condoning what those animals do.. but maybe we should have a more thorough plan this time?

you know at the very least; we're going to create another generation that grew up in fear of western bombs and soldiers, got fed lies and propaganda, and will surely grow to despise us. that much i can foresee.
and the circle continues.
agree, that was a great showing from all politicians/parties this morning (wasn't just Harper, they all took turns then thanks the sergeant at arms and shook other leaders hands)

so it seems the consensus is we gotta take out ISIS..
ok, but it was the west's complete bumbling of Afghanistan and Iraq that led to ISIS' rise in the first place. (or at the very least really helped it. obviously been conflict there for generations)

..seems everytime we take out one group, a worse one takes its place.
*not saying leave them alone, and especially not condoning what those animals do.. but maybe we should have a more thorough plan this time?

you know at the very least; we're going to create another generation that grew up in fear of western bombs and soldiers, got fed lies and propaganda, and will surely grow to despise us. that much i can foresee.
and the circle continues.

The only thing they should do is pull out completely. Right now.

There are substantial sized armies surrounding ISIS at the moment, Kurds, Iraqi's and the Saudi's who don't want ISIS around. ISIS is 20-30 thousand 20 year old guys. They are teenage lunatics basically, that's the core of them. What are they actually going to accomplish against the Kurdish, Iraqi, and Saudi armies? People need to realize that suicide bombing and a lot of these extreme actions weren't part of the jihadist culture until the CIA trained them. This is all created by US foreign policy. When the US bombs them it is the greatest possible recruiting tool for ISIS and Al Qaeda. The strategy of these extremists is to get bombs dropped in the middle east, which cause people to hate the US and join these groups. Davis Petraeus said this himself.

What would cause you to join a terrorist group? The only thing that would make me do that is someone dropping a bomb on my family. I'd not be a nice person and it would make me do tons of crazy shit I wasn't willing to do prior to that.

The best way we can show our support for troops is to bring them all home now… alive.
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I'm not so sure about it being a small group of 20 somethings. Their leaders, imams maybe, are older people preaching to them. I do see your point about dropped bombs being a tool for recruitment....tit for tat kinda shit ya?? If we leave before we even get there....they win. I expect my government to now follow through on their commitment as much as I was against it in the beginning. The rules of the game have now been changed and it is a new reality in this country. And then there were 88!
I'm not so sure about it being a small group of 20 somethings. Their leaders, imams maybe, are older people preaching to them. I do see your point about dropped bombs being a tool for recruitment....tit for tat kinda shit ya?? If we leave before we even get there....they win. I expect my government to now follow through on their commitment as much as I was against it in the beginning. The rules of the game have now been changed and it is a new reality in this country. And then there were 88!

I'd appreciate if you could share your source for that claim. All reports out have stated no more than 20-30,000 members.

Even if somehow the US were able to kill every single member, which isnt possible, they still lose. Let’s see: they've spent billions of borrowed dollars on security, invaded two countries at a cost of thousands of American lives and trillions of borrowed dollars with nothing to show for it, squandered any sympathy or good will the world felt for the US, gone from being admired around the world to being loathed for our heavy-handed tactics, and we’ve seen the rise of right wing extremism here at home. The war on terror, like the war on drugs, is really just a steaming load of BS.
The politicians in power have gained lots of money for the people in power. With tax payers left to deal with the debt. Example Iraqi oil, military stocks rise due to war etc. terrorism is propaganda for the government profiteers to hide there true plan.

I can't believe I am posting this...
I really can't stand Harper. I detest him. I cringe when I see his picture.
I don't know if he had ulterior motives, but today after he thanked the sergent-at-arms he crossed over the aisle and hugged the opposition leaders. I hope it was just a spur of the moment sincere showed some class in my mind.
He did ? That is pretty hates Harper, he seems to govern how he feels like it should be, not what the people want. A leader needs to listen to what the people want. Why I love Obama, he is letting the states decide if they want weed, even non medical and I don't think he be so happy if his daughters started using weed...isn't one 18 by now ? I don't like everything about Obama but he sure is better then the last dude we had, ugh.

Maybe Harper got the shit scared out of him yesterday, it easily could have been worst. They must have heard the gunfire--that is scary when its indoors and things are being hit, windows breaking, people screaming.

Maybe it change Harper for the better, LOL