Shooting at parlaiment hall

He is not going to be swayed from the goal. He does not have a heart....anything he does is for show only and the will of the people be damned.
I can't believe I am posting this...
I really can't stand Harper. I detest him. I cringe when I see his picture.
I don't know if he had ulterior motives, but today after he thanked the sergent-at-arms he crossed over the aisle and hugged the opposition leaders. I hope it was just a spur of the moment sincere showed some class in my mind.
I'm not nearly as optimistic about anything Harper does. Stephen Harper does nothing unless it aids Stephen Harper. It made for a great photo op, but I doubt there was a whole lot of sincerity in his actions...It's unfortunate in that it may have actually been a case of Harper displaying some compassion and humanity that I just can't wrap my head around, it just that we have been witness to his true colors for too long.