Shooting at parlaiment hall

I can't help but speculate this is going to be Canada's ... 911 or some other date....and we find out that it was perpetrated from the American side may well have been.....and maybe our Neighbors below helped Harpie cheat and stay in power ,when It was certain he should have been defeated last time...So that they would have their puppet in power here
to do their bidding.....come the right time.....because traditionally this is NOT the Canadian role at all......
this is super fucked up though.. imagine if this happened at the white house? obama would have already nuked the entire middle east.

We need to put this into perspective. ISIS is shooting Canadian soldiers on Canadian soil, in our nations capitol.

I have a split opinion on this matter. DO two wrongs make a right? I would usually say no. If we go over there and bust them all to shit, thousands of civilians will die, and thats a waste of life.

However, if we don't take a stand and defend ourselves, this will keep happening.

This is an extremist group, they have an agenda that we will probably never understand. If we don't retaliate and totally fuck them up, then they will continue doing what they need to do in order to achieve their goal. It's true, they hate our civilization just for existing. This is Hitler-ish like. They hate us like Hitler hated Jewish people. If we don't take a stand this will continue to happen, here, the state where ever else they see fit.
..... The 2000 people killed on 9/11 are a direct result of western presence on their land, which had been stated numerous times leading up to 9/11 and after.


How many Mosques occupy the lands in the west? Bunches!

I guess the west can use that as an excuse to kill Muslims, right?
this is super fucked up though.. imagine if this happened at the white house? obama would have already nuked the entire middle east.

We need to put this into perspective. ISIS is shooting Canadian soldiers on Canadian soil, in our nations capitol.

I have a split opinion on this matter. DO two wrongs make a right? I would usually say no. If we go over there and bust them all to shit, thousands of civilians will die, and thats a waste of life.

However, if we don't take a stand and defend ourselves, this will keep happening.

This is an extremist group, they have an agenda that we will probably never understand. If we don't retaliate and totally fuck them up, then they will continue doing what they need to do in order to achieve their goal. It's true, they hate our civilization just for existing. This is Hitler-ish like. They hate us like Hitler hated Jewish people. If we don't take a stand this will continue to happen, here, the state where ever else they see fit.

You seem to be missing the point. They are doing this because of what we have assisted the US in doing for the last 50 years in their countries. It's called blowback.

How many Mosques occupy the lands in the west? Bunches!

I guess the west can use that as an excuse to kill Muslims, right?

Another poor rebuttal. Mosques don't steal your resources, stage coup's against sitting governments so western powers get their way, kill a million innocent civilians. The US military on the other hand does. Educate yourself on the situation. Don't mimic the talking heads on the "news".
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We need to be clear that it's not all of "them"'s a group taking shit out of context to justify their actions.
Hey Adam until recently Canada was only doing peace keeping so maybe you should rethink your reasoning. As you keep talking about USA not Canada. We do not shoot missiles that kill innocent people but USA does. Quit lumping North America together. Just my opinion

We have been the lap dog of the US for a long time. There have been multiple incidents of Canadian military killing civilians/ complicity in torture. A Google search will bring up multiple results. The bottom line is by supporting US foreign policy Canada puts itself in harms way.
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You seem to be missing the point. They are doing this because of what we have assisted the US in doing for the last 50 years in their countries. It's called blowback.

the reason behind it is history. it's irrelevant when it comes to defending our country.
Hey Adam until recently Canada was only doing peace keeping so maybe you should rethink your reasoning. As you keep talking about USA not Canada. We do not shoot missiles that kill innocent people but USA does. Quit lumping North America together. Just my opinion

peace keeping my ass. we have been so far up americas ass its no wonder this thing or somethign worse hasnt happened earlier.
we are no peacekeepers, my uncle was an american soldier who fought with many canadians who did just the same thing as he did.

on the UPSIDE we do offer a lot of assistance and peace keeping in times of natural disasters to other countries. that is where our "peacekeeping" comes in , but not in war
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the reason behind it is history. it's irrelevant when it comes to defending our country.
History defines the present. Actions of our country and allies are very relevant and have consequences. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Perpetual war.
History defines the present. Actions of our country and allies are very relevant and have consequences. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Perpetual war.
I'm not saying it doesn't matter.. If someone was trying to kill you would you let them just because you wronged them in the past?

I don't want anyone to fight.. I don't dislike anybody.. But unfortunately we are faced with this.
I've been attempting to ignore / avoid this incident all day; I'm not sure why...I just don't really want to think about it. Same thing with the freak in Quebec. I come from a military family, I grew up on military bases, some of them in overseas during the cold war, so I have nothing but respect for our soldiers. It hurts when one them is killed for absolutely nothing except for wearing the uniform. I am worried where we go as a nation from here? Some heads need to roll within the RCMP and CSIS...both these nuts had had their passports seized because they posed a threat of killing Syrians...but they were allowed to hunt Canadians with impunity?
Here's a real controversial opinion...I think we, as a society, need to have a serious rethink of the values and rights we give religions. I am an atheist and don't get the whole worshiping a god thing, and I really don't get these radicals... IMHO a persons right to religion should not override my right to live free of religious radicalism.
Everyone knows the problem is the rich are in power all over the world. War is a guise the greedy use to gain wealth. (Iraqi war over oil)etc And to the argument that we are allies and so far up the Americans ass. Ok well then wouldn't that mean that Iraq, Afghanistan etc are allies of Isis so fare game plus the fact that there religion tells them to kill..... I know our government and every government are corrupt. But to say that our innocient country men should die is just pathetic and kind disgusting. We had it comming come on yes we are allies with the USA but at the end of the day our government never sent any soldiers in in the name of war. If some douch bag trigger happy fuck head soldier was doing things he shouldn't have with your uncle then that's another story but to say that our government has not been sent in as peace keepers is your opinion as this is mine.

. But to say that our innocient country men should die is just pathetic and kind disgusting. We had it comming come on yes we are allies with the USA but at the end of the day our government never sent any soldiers in in the name of war. If some douch bag trigger happy fuck head soldier was doing things he shouldn't have with your uncle then that's another story but to say that our government has not been sent in as peace keepers is your opinion as this is mine.


when the fuck did i say that

HOLY fuck putting words in ones mouth
please take a second and READ what i said
i NEVER EVER said those words, I said IM SURPRISED somethign else hasnt happened yet due to our KNOWN association with USA.