Shooting at parlaiment hall

You can't fight a war in your chair...come on FG
You don't think that this incident is now going to add fuel to the fire? They said we weren't going into combat....guess what we're on our boots on the ground....totally agree it can't be fought from a chair but ffs, what is the point of denying the inevitable and trying to make it look like Harptler is trying to spare us?
You don't think that this incident is now going to add fuel to the fire? They said we weren't going into combat....guess what we're on our boots on the ground....totally agree it can't be fought from a chair but ffs, what is the point of denying the inevitable and trying to make it look like Harptler is trying to spare us?
As much as I hate Harper he is not to blame for this or any other trouble from isis. These assholes want to kill you and me. I know folks are using the jets we send as the reason they are picking on us. That is only an excuse to justify why were being attacked. It is simply not the case.
We are already involved as free men.
By the way...more to come...I'll guarantee that.
We are under attack..get used to it folks...coming to a town near you. Now not to the level we see over seas. But is any incident small?
Good news is the piece of shit who did this is laying out flat dead. That makes me feel good. It would have been even more tragic if he had gotten away. But of course they are looking to be martyred. So dying is what they want. Very tough to fight people who have more to gain by being killed than staying alive.
What do you think is the motivation?
Well it's a lot of things Leaf, but 6 jets is only another one on the pile to hate us for. They don't see us as anything more than Americans. We are not so different in their minds hate.
There's your reason Leaf...and it only takes one of many reasons to drive an on the edge person to killing you or me. Do you see?
i was watching it on the news is it just me or does there police need more training.they didnt seem fluid in there movements like our swat i guess stuff like this doesnt happen very oftem over there.
its all about revenge...its in the book...
believing in religion in this manor is actually mental illness...
which is quite impossible to fight.
What do you mean?

I mean you go to war against someone, or publicly state your intention to do so, why is everyone so shocked?

Bombs could start going off all over London, and tbh, i wouldn't give a damn. We live in this amazing world where we think we can bomb whoever the hell we like and it is all wonderful and happy and yay and ought to expect absolutely zero retaliation, but one person get's killed in our own country, and we react as if they have just committed the most inexcusable of crimes.

"terrorists" (they are terrorists, we are terrorists, the word means absolutely nothing) can kill whoever they like within our borders, to act schocked, upset, alarmed, that's just being childish. Given what the western world has done, we should accept that far worse should and can happen to us. suddenly war is this thing that only happens elsewhere, and the notion of something happening within our own borders is just an unthinkable notion, and should it happen, is somehow a monstrocity. As societies, we have become utterly pathetic.