Sharpton paid to keep quiet about lack of black TV programming: suit


Well-Known Member
sock puppet murdoch, why do you complain about the existence of BET as well as this?

seems contradictory, like you're some douchebag racist trying to gin up some fake anger.

and why do you complain about sharpton, who holds no power whatsoever, yet not make a peep about the 3rd ranking GOP house member courting the KKK for votes?
sock puppet murdoch, why do you complain about the existence of BET as well as this?

seems contradictory, like you're some douchebag racist trying to gin up some fake anger.

and why do you complain about sharpton, who holds no power whatsoever, yet not make a peep about the 3rd ranking GOP house member courting the KKK for votes?

My friend UB,

When have I complained about BET? Maybe I have, but I don't remember. My memory and a dollar will buy you a cup at McDonald's.

Sharpton is a racist asshole who regularly gets press, so he's an easy target man.

And plz enlighten me on the GOP house member who was linked to the KKK. I do remember hearing about that in passing (I've been on near-constant business travel for weeks now).
sock puppet murdoch, why do you complain about the existence of BET as well as this?

seems contradictory, like you're some douchebag racist trying to gin up some fake anger.

and why do you complain about sharpton, who holds no power whatsoever, yet not make a peep about the 3rd ranking GOP house member courting the KKK for votes?
I don't know why these people think Sharpton is the voice of black people.
I don't know why these people think Sharpton is the voice of black people.

sharpton speaks for all people, black and whie alike. studies show that increased integration diminishes racism.

we can safely say, however, that david duke is the voice of white people like tbone. the opinion that david duke has of sharpton matches exactly the opinion that tbone has of sharpton.

probably not a good thing when your views coincide with that of the former grand wizard of the ku klux klan.
sharpton speaks for all people, black and whie alike. studies show that increased integration diminishes racism.

we can safely say, however, that david duke is the voice of white people like tbone. the opinion that david duke has of sharpton matches exactly the opinion that tbone has of sharpton.

probably not a good thing when your views coincide with that of the former grand wizard of the ku klux klan.

Lots of reasonable people have seen and spoken about Sharpton's racism and tax evasion. After this latest story, let's see if Obama invites him to the White House any more.
david duke, former grandwizard of the KKK, is not a reasonable person you piece of garbage.

Two racist afrocentrists: Al Sharpton and Barack Obama.

congrats, you and david duke are in perfect harmonious agreement on this one.

I didn't say that Duke was a reasonable person Buck. I just said that lots of reasonable people have my opinion of Sharpton.

For once and all, let me say that I hate the KKK, and I condemn it and anyone associated with it; past, present, or future. David Duke included.
If the black community want more "black TV programming" I'd suggest they start making more instead of moaning that someone else hasn't done it.

Aside from that, Sharpton is a POS race baiter.

awwww, the 4'11'' racist guy is racist, owing to his deep seated insecurities about being so short.

that's cute.