If you support of some of the agendas by the Trump Administration.
Let us not forget...
Hillary loves Putin.
“I said, ‘You know, Mr. Prime Minister, we actually have some things in common. We both want to protect wildlife, and I know how committed you are to protecting the tiger,’” Clinton reportedly told the audience. “I mean, all of a sudden, he sat up straight and his eyes got big and he goes, ‘You care about the tiger? I said, ‘I care about the tiger, I care about the elephant, I care about the rhinoceros, I care about the whale.'”
She added: “So we go down the stairs, we go down this long hall, we go into this private inner sanctum.
"All of his, you know, very beefy security guys are there, they all jump up at attention, you know, they punch a code, he goes through a heavily-armed door.
“And then we’re in an inner, inner sanctum with, you know, just this long, wooden table, and then further back, there’s a desk and the biggest map of Russia I ever saw.
"And he starts talking to me about, you know, the habitat of the tigers and the habitat of the seals and the whales.”
Mrs Clinton appears to have previously been a fan of the masculine world leader who plays a mean piano.
She also claimed earlier that year that he was: "Engaging and, you know, very interesting conversationalist.”
Was instrumental in helping Russia buy 20% of America's Uranium to build nuclear weapons only to be pointed at the US. She took 145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation from the Canadian company. The deal had to be signed off by the Pres and Sec of State Clinton.
Another time when she was with Putin.
Earlier that year, Clinton reportedly dismissed the possibility of Putin’s military buildup being a threat to the United States. “I last saw [Putin] in Vladivostok where I represented President Obama in September for the Asia Pacific economic community,” she allegedly said in remarks at Sanford Bernstein. “I sat next to him. He’s an engaging and, you know, very interesting conversationalist.”
“We talked about a lot of issues that were not the hot-button issues between us, you know, his view on missile defense, which we think is misplaced because, you know, we don’t believe that there will be a threat from Russia,” she continued.
and another time.
“And finally on Afghanistan and Russia. Look, I would love it if we could continue to build a more positive relationship with Russia,” she reportedly said in a June 2013 speech to Goldman Sachs, claiming that Russia was “helpful” in Afghanistan. In that same speech, Clinton said that, while Putin was “asserting himself in a way now that is going to take some management on our side,” she still hoped the U.S. could “have a positive relationship with Russia.”
Bill Clinton also gave speeches in Russia and got paid big bucks as well.
Funny how things are isn't it?
I guess Larry Nichols was right when he said he advised the Clintons that whatever you are doing you accuse your opponent of doing it.