Seeking enlightenment

this is what I think of.
Hmm so I add chemicals to reduce the salts??
Don't forgot sledgehammer. Bushdocters line of the same bullshit. Unused that crap for years. Omg still mad I didn't try living soil growing sooner. One time I took all my soil out to back yard and dumped under a tree. Fox farms full line of nutes. Well the tree lost all of its leaves in July. Every single one crisped up and fell off. Healthy stuff
No offense taken n thanks for allowing a humble fluorescent illuminator to partake in this exchange of knowledge.
I know a little, about a lot. But don't know near nuff!
Haha. Like like that anyone one who knows enough stoped learning. And I also know those t5s are badass lights. At least you not doing cfl. And I'm sure you would shit at my electric bill. So more power to ya!
Haha. Like like that anyone one who knows enough stoped learning. And I also know those t5s are badass lights. At least you not doing cfl. And I'm sure you would shit at my electric bill. So more power to ya!
I'm sure I would! I harness the invisible power that runs OUR worlds n sling dedicated circuits as directed. They get what they want!
Yes and when people say flush the first thought is the typical 2-3x pot volume drenched in water. It's for those chemy growers and even then can be unnecessary.

Not only unnecessary, It doesn't work the way they intend - thus the "myth" takes strength.
And yes, you should have plenty built right into your soil.....from the get!

"Sweeten up the buds" I think this is a misnomer. You can strengthen or enhance, even increase the natural terps by the use of S and Mg.....Carbs do nothing (for taste/bud size) and you must realize that even unsulfured molasses,,,,still has S in it. Just reduced to remove the unwanted smell/flavor it has......Some more of the "molasses" at finish myth explained.....It may help taste a bit in some strains but, sweeter - nah!

Yeah, I've been real stressed lately. Impatient and crabby. It should not be expressed here but, sometimes I slip.

Pardon me :oops:

I think some people mistake a true flush. For just water only last few weeks. By this goes back to my theory that if used correctly bsm should be mostly consumed before it reaches plants. Teas should be left for 48-72 hours during which mircobes feed off the bsm. I don't think molasses should ever be considere a mg source. We he enough of that build into soil ahead of time. Right??

??? 48-72 ??? Are you using a bubbler for AACT or simply making "bottle" tea?

I run vortex style home made's for AACT and 48 is the longest I run - 36 is prime for simple bio teas....18 hrs is for foliar applications.

And yes, the molasses is consumed by the bio's as food to multiply.

Not only unnecessary, It doesn't work the way they intend - thus the "myth" takes strength.
And yes, you should have plenty built right into your soil.....from the get!

"Sweeten up the buds" I think this is a misnomer. You can strengthen or enhance, even increase the natural terps by the use of S and Mg.....Carbs do nothing (for taste/bud size) and you must realize that even unsulfured molasses,,,,still has S in it. Just reduced to remove the unwanted smell/flavor it has......Some more of the "molasses" at finish myth explained.....It may help taste a bit in some strains but, sweeter - nah!

Yeah, I've been real stressed lately. Impatient and crabby. It should not be expressed here but, sometimes I slip.

Pardon me :oops:

No harn no foul sir. Just another day in PairODice!
??? 48-72 ??? Are you using a bubbler for AACT or simply making "bottle" tea?

I run vortex style home made's for AACT and 48 is the longest I run - 36 is prime for simple bio teas....18 hrs is for foliar applications.

And yes, the molasses is consumed by the bio's as food to multiply.

Just a simple bubble 5 gal bucket. It's in a back corner of my basement and stays relatively cool. I guess 48 is where I'm usually at but sometimes let it go a bit longer. I would love to get one of those vortex brewers. Or make my own someday soon
Just a simple bubble 5 gal bucket. It's in a back corner of my basement and stays relatively cool. I guess 48 is where I'm usually at but sometimes let it go a bit longer. I would love to get one of those vortex brewers. Or make my own someday soon

I think I saw a post here with where to get the hard to find PVC parts.......The big thing is the expense of the air pump needed to make them work.......

Just to note....simple bio teas basically stop reproducing after 48+ hrs - they've used up the Molasses.....

Not only unnecessary, It doesn't work the way they intend - thus the "myth" takes strength.
And yes, you should have plenty built right into your soil.....from the get!

"Sweeten up the buds" I think this is a misnomer. You can strengthen or enhance, even increase the natural terps by the use of S and Mg.....Carbs do nothing (for taste/bud size) and you must realize that even unsulfured molasses,,,,still has S in it. Just reduced to remove the unwanted smell/flavor it has......Some more of the "molasses" at finish myth explained.....It may help taste a bit in some strains but, sweeter - nah!

Yeah, I've been real stressed lately. Impatient and crabby. It should not be expressed here but, sometimes I slip.

Pardon me :oops:

you know, i'm really contemplating getting SULFURED molasses... why the hell not?
Is sulfur not an ingredient that is somewhat hard to source in an organic recipe??
I have it in my neem, but not much else..
Just wondered why I always, always hear that the Unsulfured molasses is the ONLY one you should use...
Believe me, I already learned the hard way, yrs ago, that BSM isn't something you should really use consistently as a nutrient, as a food source for AACT? Yes, but not as a potassium supplement.
BUT that being said, i'm wondering what possibly could hurt my plants if I gave them, say, maybe two "teas" of sulfured molasses..
maybe a half tablespoon per gallon?
Just thinking aloud here..
OR, my other thought would be to use it as the food source for the AACT, assuming the sulfur isn't consumed by microbials.
Ahhh... coffee fueled thoughts...