Dear customer, we are writing today to inform you of a situation that were recently alerted to. It appears that several packages were seized by law enforcement in Oregon and, regretfully, yours was among them.

Here is what will likely happen: You will receive an official letter declaring that your package of preservation genetic souvenirs was seized under the premise that they have reasonable grounds to believe the contents are non-mailable and possibly in violation of Federal Controlled Substances Act.

WE are not lawyers and, as it states in our FAQ, WE are not not responsible for issues regarding legality or deliverability to your state, region or country. If you choose to contact them and ask for your property that is your right but we cannot advise for or against that action. We have never had a customer who was contacted by law enforcement to date.

That said, here is what we WILL do. A manager or representative WILL be in touch to find out from you if you wish to try for a second delivery or if you prefer a refund - either option at NO cost to you. If you have already reached out to us, thank you in advance for your patience as we get all the emails answered in a timely manner.

Received the letter today, from the USPS postal inspection services, criminal investigation service center. Same deal as the old customs letter, except they sent this one priority envelope. But they've got SHN address as a UPS store in Medford, if that's the case, a guy should have known that UPS would turn in suspicious activity. Says they tried to get a hold of the sender as well as the adressee. I would be leary of this company from now on. JME
So heres my ? So is shn the only seed bank this is happening with? If so did someone turn in their addy or is there something bigger going on here?
Happened to greenpoint seeds too I heard although I do not follow them or their gear
lil oddity, with GPS, nobody got letters, to my knowledge, just got seized and he changed shipping companies from usps. SHN, apparently uses a ups store, gets their box or packages seized and the recepients get letters from the usps post insp crim div. You figure it out. Both in legal rec and medical states, not the same one. Looks like the bombmaker and fent folks have made the mail folks susp of mass volume mailings, I guess we'll see where it goes. Now you see why on IG many do the dm or email dealio. Still think this is good for sites like strainly, peer to peer marketplace.jmho
Ive not heard a word, they are all over FB wide open, they've knocked their google search down a lil, but they've upped their advertising by the looks of their site. #1 bean supplier now!
Do a lot of people not know about this current issue with SeedsHereNow? A few months back tons of people were losing their minds because OregonElite's website had a glitch that allowed customers to see the names and addresses of other customers who'd purchased beans. The owner was slaughtered here for not publicly addressing the problem and scores of people vowed to never do business with OregonElite ever again.

Now we have a much worse situation where the cops actually got a hold of people's mail (including names, addresses, and payment) and there's hardly a peep being raised anywhere about it, including from SeedsHereNow. Are they still listing the same mailing address where everyone's orders were confiscated?