SEEDS arent cracking!


Well-Known Member
I started my germination 2 nights ago first by soaking in a cup of 5.5 ph water and a couple of drops of thrive B-1. Then I put them in damp paper towel and still not signs of cracking. Any suggestions? Positive rep for some help.


Well-Known Member
I got them from dr. chronic. They are barneys blue cheese (feminized).
I knew u got the seeds from the Doc before I even clicked on the thread.
The doc sells old shit seeds, or he doesn't send u shit. He is a complete fucking scam. Sorry bro, u are another person who got scammed by the Doc!
He used to be a good seed dealer, just recently he turned to a piece of shit!


Well-Known Member
This same exact thing happenned to me so don't feel bad. Then I emailed the doc, he said he would replace the seeds. They never showed. I figured they got took by customs, so I ordered more from him, same shit, no show. Then i started checking around and I found a whole shit load of people who have also been ripped off by the doc>.....

Open up one of your seeds, I bet the embrio started to turn to cotlydons but that is as far as they will get. I left mine for 7 days, and during this I had 25 other seeds from a friend sprout and grow 3 inches, the docs cracked but nothing came out....


Active Member
brought mine from nirvanna put them in a cup of tap water,twelve hours later started to crack,put in damp paper towel next day root was so long it went trough the paper towel bamm,i would say they are old seeds give them a week then bin them


Well-Known Member
try a slightly damp paper towel in a ziplock baggie in a dark warm area. i tried many things and they didnt work i tried this and they sprouted just fine... good luck


Well-Known Member
Lots of places sell out of date/unviable seeds not just the doc..sometimes they just get intercepted by the Customs people who use the Xray machines to nuke the crap out of them and for obvious reasons theyll never germ.
The doc has never let me down, but i'm sure some people run into problems, as with many breeders/seed banks.
But that is not under discussion here...

Whereas most seeds will germ just fine within a day or so, it is worth noting that Some seeds can take upto 2-3wks to germinate,also some strains from warmer climates require slightly warmer temps to germ too cold and theyll eventually just die and go mouldy.

I've had a lot of strains in the past that i thought were screwed, and after a lil experimenting discovered that they WILL pop, if either
A) left long enough in the ziploc baggie
B) are supplied with with slightly warmer temps.
C) sometimes the seeds do not have enough vitality to pop strong shells, so a GENTLE scuff in a matchbox line with a piece of 1000 grit sandpaper,will make the shells porous so they can absorb water better,and also a gentle scuff along the shell seam with a STERILE scalpel will all aid difficult seeds.
Be careful not to cut into the seed, just use the side of the scalpel to scrape the seam...Go slowly, dont go too deep and most importantly watch your fingers unless you like visiting the local ER.

Finally, ALWAYS ensure you have CLEAN hands when handling seeds, no nicotine residue etc as this can kill seeds.
Cleanliness will help your success rates.
Also if they are in a ziploc bag for more than a few days, they will need fresh water.. so you will need to change the water and paper towels, as this could begin to mould, which will kill the seed.

hope thats a help.



Well-Known Member
Thank you for that great advice. I think im going to try scuffing the shell to allow more water penetration. Right now i have my plate on top of a bowl with warm water in it and it seems to be warming up the paper towel nicely.


Well-Known Member
give it a bit more time, hopefully they will pop. I germ mine in a damp paper towel on top of my cable box. My germ rate for Nirvana thru Dr. Chronic' NL was 100%.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am doing something wrong. I don't germinate. I just put them in soil and they always pop on day 5. If they don't, I always give them a full 10 days. I have always had luck doing it that way.

Maybe you just have some stubborn seeds.


Well-Known Member
I started my germination 2 nights ago first by soaking in a cup of 5.5 ph water and a couple of drops of thrive B-1. Then I put them in damp paper towel and still not signs of cracking. Any suggestions? Positive rep for some help.
this works for mw every time: wet paper towel
2 small plates (heat safe)
heating pad
wet paper towel all over but not dripping. place seeds in towel and fold up the towel. Turn heating pad on warm. place plate on heating pad then turn other plate over it like a lid oe dome. this keeps it warm & moist. check on them every 12 hrs or so:lol:


Active Member
If I read your post right, you need to remove the excess water from the towel and bowl, the seeds need to be moist , not wet to sprout. Darkness and warmth does the rest.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
hey that sucks but if your carefull yes you can crack the shell your self I just did that with a bigbudxafgandream the thign was so hard but then again I grew the mother myself so I know the seeds arnt crap just fuckin hard as a rock oh ya post some pics lets seed what the seeds look like maaybe we can tell if there doin out


Well-Known Member
Yeah popping seeds manually works, but again, you gotta be careful not to squish them too hard and damage the embryo.
They can fire outta your fingers/tweezers etc, and unless you like hunting around on your hands and knees they can be a bitch to find