

New Member
It’s my first time growing cannibis.
I put the seeds in water for like 2 1/2 days it barely popped. So I ended up putting it in cups with the soil iunder the light. I did spray inside and outside the soil when I was done. I realize at the last minute the humidity was at 22% the whole time and the temperature was at 32 C
What I did to fix it I put wet towels inside so now the temperature averaging 23 C and humidity averaging 68%
Will the seeds still germinate meaning it’s gonna take a lil longer. Or it won’t be able to germinate and the roots don’t grow. I need help any ideals?


New Member
I haven’t soaked the seeds I did a light spray on the soil after I planted it hopefully I see some results the next couple days


Well-Known Member
Relative humidity and light are irrelevant when the seed is underground.
No need to soak the seeds........just plant them and keep the soil moist.
I haven’t soaked the seeds
I thought you said you soaked the seeds for 2-1/2 days.
Good luck and welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
I soak for up to 2 days maybe 3.
The trick is to not stir the water (they will sink) and let them float the whole time so they dont drown.
Wet your soil to field capacity prior to begin germination and when you see a tail go ahead and sow the seeds.


New Member
I had planted my seeds in soil 2 days ago I’m just now putting plastic over the cup so keep the temperature up. Still no sprout, how long it takes cannibis seeds to sprout?


New Member
Sorry it’s been in cup for 3 days and I just sprinkle some water over them
Just trying to figure out how long it normally takes to sprout


New Member
I did have them in water for 3 days it popped a lil then that’s when I put them in a cup so yeah it’s been 3 days in the cup so far