Seedlings problem... or not?

I wouldn't use tweezers. That can damage them.

I use a little dropper to put a drop or two of water on the hull to soften them.

Its actually best to plant the seed with point up. The tap makes a u turn as it comes out. With the seed point up the seed will open and the soil will take it off slowly.
View attachment 3776863

I concur.
Ya I use tweezers so that I only contact the shell but if you have very steady hands that's not necessary but wash it hands first
Ya I use tweezers so that I only contact the shell but if you have very steady hands that's not necessary but wash it hands first
Tweezers can work. I wouldn't recommend it. It can tear the cotyledons. Softening it with water works well. I have torn leaves before.
Its actually best to plant the seed with point up. The tap makes a u turn as it comes out.
Some of my seeds had roots almost an inch long. They grew through 2 layers of paper towel but luckily pulled out very easily.

This is a standard feed schedule:
Early Vegging 300 to 400
When is it considered early vegging? To be honest i have lost track of time and did not use a calendar because I work day and night. Are these ready to receive a 300ppm of veg nutes rich in "N"?

pot them up as soon as they have 2 to 4 mature leaves on them the faster they get potted up the faster they seem to grow from seed, getting the tap root to shoot of well is one of the most important factors to getting a good plant
As i mentioned earlier, I lost track of time and am not sure as to when to transfer into 4" but I can see roots start sticking out of the Jiffy. Is this a sign that they are ready to transplanted (potted)? I think that exposing roots to light is bad for the plant. especially at such early stage. Or am I wrong?
Or should i just transplant them 1 by 1 as they "invade" the Jiffy?
Some of my seeds had roots almost an inch long. They grew through 2 layers of paper towel but luckily pulled out very easily.

When is it considered early vegging? To be honest i have lost track of time and did not use a calendar because I work day and night. Are these ready to receive a 300ppm of veg nutes rich in "N"?
View attachment 3777071

As i mentioned earlier, I lost track of time and am not sure as to when to transfer into 4" but I can see roots start sticking out of the Jiffy. Is this a sign that they are ready to transplanted (potted)? I think that exposing roots to light is bad for the plant. especially at such early stage. Or am I wrong?
Or should i just transplant them 1 by 1 as they "invade" the Jiffy?

A seedlings tap root can come out of a jiffy in a day sometimes

just put some perlite in the tray

best to let them grow a bit so you know your not wasting your time potting them up

but you could pot them up now if you want to

I like them to have 2 to 4 leaves before I give them more of my time or I pot right into a 1l to 10L pot if its an expensive seed