seedling leaves tips curling down and yelowing on the edges of leaves help pls


Active Member
water it 1/1-2 time as much as you regularly did. depending how many times you water it in a day, it could be your plant isnt getting enough oxygen.... give it sun that always works wet soil, rays of natural heat ,fresh air this should perk them up


Active Member
but id say cut the small leafs at the bottom there steal n nutrients, use clean nail clippers an it will take off some weight prob relive strss but keep it well watered to much is better then less ;^B


Active Member
look absolutely fine, the bottom leaves will fall off... happens on eveyr plant think abt yer plant su have at home
hi ok first part of the sentence i understand but the end i dont get it what u mean?

happens on eveyr plant think abt yer plant su have at home
best regards
maybe u smoked too much ur girls hhaahahahahahahhaha lol?
just kidding:joint:


Active Member
but id say cut the small leafs at the bottom there steal n nutrients, use clean nail clippers an it will take off some weight prob relive strss but keep it well watered to much is better then less ;^B
ok man,its not only leaves ,there is also many little branches with tops ,that r not developed good ,and i dont think they ever will ,should i cut them too?i use little scissors and desinfect them before cut, yes i give liquids everyday to girls 500ml or pure water or mix ,they dry out very quick ,if i wait 1 day between watering they go droopy ,so i keep them enough watered,in the begin i had problems but now i think i manage to figure out how to water them corectly ,i hope lol
anyway thx best regards


Active Member
hi guys so i try to buy epsom salt in pharmacy but they dont have it ,i have to order from net ,it take around 1 week to arrive,one girl looks really nice on top, but some smaller bottom and middle leaves get droopy and yellowing,the bigger leaves r green even bottom ones,also the little shoots with tops are weak and pale ,i was reading about lollitoping the plant is to cut all the little not mature branches on the bottom of the plant that the tops on top will become bigger,can i still do it now first day in 4th week of flowering or is it to late? i hope the girls will survive 1 week ,today i add phosphorus new nutes ,the ec level is 2,2 ,ph 6.5
like in hessi manual ,i was thinking maybe i dont water enough?why the leaves r droopy i dont understand from top all looks so good
best regards


Active Member
hi guys i get epsom salt ,but i wait cause i think i know why the leaves on some girls get yellow and droopy and fall off,because on some girls there wasnt so many little branches on the bottom and they dont have all this problems ,only the girls that have dense canopy with many little branches have it ,so i think the plant need a lot of energy to feed all branches ,so the leaves on healthy branches started to get yellow too,thats why so i cut them ,iam in 25 days in flowering ,its a bit to late to cut but i dont want my healthy tops get sick because of it,the temp is get a bit high the fan run on top speed and still 29 degrees Celsius ,i hope the girls handle it i
best regards



Active Member
hi all,
so here little update,the girls r now 70 days old and 30 days in flowering ,after i cut few little branches the girls did fine ,but the leaves on the bottom still yellow ,the droopiness go away when i water them,but yellow stay ,i try epsom salt few days ago but no changes, just less leaves falling off.i give to girls nutes everyday 700ml and they like it no signs of nute burn .anyway they dry out everyday.few days ago it start to smell like fruity moldy sweet ,strange smell,so i put bigger fan inside box to move air around and smell disappear and its smell nice again.also my new clip on fan which i bought 2 weeks ago ,fall down on the plant and bend her main stem ,i put it up again and make support she not fall and its looks like she make it ,already 3 days and no signs of dying .i thought maybe i have nitrogen deficieny ,i read a lot and it looks like it,or maybe its normal anyway i upload some pictures maybe u see something
if anyone have any idea please share
best regards



Active Member
so hi guys again
did try to water feed them every second day ,nutes water mix,its looks like it work ,the yellow leaves problem still here,i sprayed again with Epsom salt but not visible changes yet ,the small leaves r falling off ,before they looks like beans ,i checked today run off water that is comming out of the bottom of the pots ,could test only 3 girls ,so its looks like this EC 1,8 PH 7.2,EC 2.0 PH 7.1,EC 2.5 PH 7.0 the last mesurement is from the best looking girl but she have crazy results ec 2.5 ph 7.0 .maybe my yellow leaves problem related to ,to low ec and to high ph ?should i flush the soil with corect ph ?and after add nutes like usual?
thx for advice
best regards


Active Member
hello everyone
sprayed twise the girls with epsom salt no changes at alll or maybe i looked in wrong places ,but the tops leaves r all green and growing slowly
so i soaked the girls with water feed mix EC 1.8 pH 6.7
after i mesure the run off here is the results
1st girl. ec 2.1 ph 6.9
2nd girl ec 2.1 ph 7.0
3rd girl ec 2.0 ph 6.9
4th girl ec 2.0 ph 7.0
5th girl ec 2.0 ph 6.9
so looks like not too much nutes burn but i will keep it this way for 1 week ,i want to see how it goes
i am looking Jorge Cervantes dvds now
i put 1 more fan in the box ,so now 2 fans moving air around tops
i removed also few little branches with tops ,they r yellow and droopy they will not develop i am sure and removed few dead leaves too
i took out 1 plant out of pot too see the roots ,and its looks fine ,i can see very thin roots also not everywhere ,iam sure i dont have root bound now
best regards



Active Member
hello so here is the last update
the girls r now 84 days old and 44 days in flowering,sensi seed say northern lights flower 45-55 days ,i see many brown hair but not everywhere ,the tops stop to grow,i should remove all the little branches before ,that would make primary tops get bigger ,1 girls i see she is more fat than others cause no branches on the bottom at all, i cut them ,next time i know what to do lol
so today normally start 7th week of flowering i give to girls nutes for last week ,next week only water
i was thinking to cut them in 12 days around is it ok?
here some pictures
best regards



Active Member
hey man u really think its looks good man ?
hahaha i dont believe u
they r kinda small
i read now when to harvest,i need magnifying glass to see the tryhomes turn to more milky amber ,right?
u think i should start with only water now or in 1 week?
best regards


Active Member
hi all ,its been a while but i was very busy lol,first i want to tell u all big thanx for ur help and advice it helped me tru
,it was awesome experience ,the conclusion is that its beat all my expectations ,i harvested from 5 girls without any expirience or knowledge or special tactics 320 gramms( 11 ounces) dry northern lights indica
yes now the story ,i waited til i had almost everywhere brown hairs so i decided time to harvest
i water the girls last 10 days only water ,2 days before harvest no water.
and waited 10 days in my box to dry and now i cure it slowly ,i smoked it already and its exelent ,but most of u know northern lights but me first time and the best

the conclusion is that if u spend a little bit money for good equipment and GOOD seeds and be reasonable with nutes and water ,any1 could do it
and now lady's and gents some pornography
good luck to u all
peace and love
i will come back here for sure


very nice job man! I begin reading this thread to learn what to do with my seedlings of my own, and ended up following thru ur story to see how things went and it turned out GREAT! well done bud/


Active Member
yes man its very easy ,in the end the girls will always survive,if u dont do something crazy lol ,i was also worryd too much about them during growth hahahahaha for nothing,
next growth will be jack flash from sensi seeds ,i will try sativa lol
good luck for u all see u soon
best regards