seedling leaves tips curling down and yelowing on the edges of leaves help pls


Well-Known Member
Be sure to water the entire pot not just the plant. If you just water where the stem is, the roots won't spread throughout the medium because it will be too dry. So gently water the whole pot but don't go crazy and make it too wet.

They do look much better!


yes but how much water should give in each plant? the pots are big and the plants still small. about 50ml is ok at each one???


Well-Known Member
Just water the whole pot until all the medium is moist. It will take more than 50ml. You should have moistened all the soil before you transplanted. Once all the soil is properly moistened pick up the pot and judge its weight. This is the important part: don't water again until the pot feels light and the soil looks dry. Then water the whole pot again. Once again, it will take more than 50ml. You need to focus on the pot size, not the plant size.


Active Member
ok guys thx for help ,so i potted the girls in big pots 18 liter each and soaked soil till water stopped escaping down of the pot and i will let it dry out before watering again and girls looks much better ,get bit bigger ,perky leaves stand up hahahaha
how long should i wait before start to give them nutes?
best regards



Well-Known Member
so, then what can someone do to increase humidity in a 1,5m x 1m space with 4 plants and a 400w hps lamp? with a veeery low cost though..
Humidifiers are less than $40 at Wal Mart, that's a pretty low cost solution.

I'd wait for more leaves to start nutrients too. Maybe week 3 or 4. Judging by my math you're right around 2 weeks right now?


Well-Known Member
ok guys thx for help ,so i potted the girls in big pots 18 liter each and soaked soil till water stopped escaping down of the pot and i will let it dry out before watering again and girls looks much better ,get bit bigger ,perky leaves stand up hahahaha
how long should i wait before start to give them nutes?
best regards
Wait one more week to give nutes. They should have at least 4 sets of leaves. Start with just 1/4 of the recommended dose.


Active Member
Wait one more week to give nutes. They should have at least 4 sets of leaves. Start with just 1/4 of the recommended dose.
yes 1 week sounds good thx i use a little nutes in begin and watch how girls react and after add more a bit .my girls have 3 sets of leaves now
best regards


Humidifiers are less than $40 at Wal Mart, that's a pretty low cost solution.

I'd wait for more leaves to start nutrients too. Maybe week 3 or 4. Judging by my math you're right around 2 weeks right now?
yes, next monday starts the third week. i used though yesterday biobizz root juice. 0.5ml in 0.5lt water. i hope thats ok for the plants. but they seem perfect until now...


ok guys thx for help ,so i potted the girls in big pots 18 liter each and soaked soil till water stopped escaping down of the pot and i will let it dry out before watering again and girls looks much better ,get bit bigger ,perky leaves stand up hahahaha
how long should i wait before start to give them nutes?
best regards
hi, i want to ask you if u start with seeds? or clones? and in which week are now your "ladies"...? also whats the hydro-thermo in your grow area?
(sorry for my not so good english)lol


Active Member
hi, i want to ask you if u start with seeds? or clones? and in which week are now your "ladies"...? also whats the hydro-thermo in your grow area?
(sorry for my not so good english)lol
hi i started with seeds ,my girls r now 16 days old,what is hydro thermo?
best regards


Active Member
hi guys
so little update the girls doing fine,i didnt water them since 2nd march ,today is soaking time again ,the pots r light and dry, but i have little problem,i didn't had enough soil ,so the pots i couldn't fill up till end ,now the girls growing in sides and not up ,they r 20 cm till 25 cm bright and one girl start to hit the wall of the pot,so can i buy soil , take gently the girls one by one out of the pots, fill the bottoms of pots 10 cm with soil and put girls back inside the pots? and soak them with water after?
best regards



Well-Known Member
That's a good idea, but I would wait a little while. They have enough soil for now and in a week they will have roots filling the soil. This will make it much easier and safer to transplant. The roots will hold the soil together while you take the plants out of the pots.

When you put new soil in the bottom of the pot, water it a little bit. That way when you put the plant in there won't be a dry spot right underneath it.

Plants are looking good!


Active Member
That's a good idea, but I would wait a little while. They have enough soil for now and in a week they will have roots filling the soil. This will make it much easier and safer to transplant. The roots will hold the soil together while you take the plants out of the pots.

When you put new soil in the bottom of the pot, water it a little bit. That way when you put the plant in there won't be a dry spot right underneath it.

Plants are looking good!

hey thx man ,yeah it was my problem too i think if i take them out now all soil will fall apart and roots break ,ok i i have to water them today ,i have to water them 1 time per 6 days around,so next watering i should re pot them.also next watering will be with nutes ,i see 4 sets of leaves now ))))))) its not to much stress for them re pot and nutes at once or its ok?because next watering time i planned to add nutes
thanx man really cool that u help hahahahahaah
best regards


Active Member
hallo again

ok here little update i add some soil on bottom of pots ,wasnt enough ,i didnt wait till they have more roots ,it wouldnt hold all soil anyway the pots r 18 liter big,i add soil on sunday so if i would fuck it up the girls would show me no? soaked again full with water ,girls looks same like before not worse so i am happy already ,they start to smell nice hahahah i try to see if they r girls or boys but cant say really for sure but i don't see bananas and balls stuff so i hope they r girls ,i just see little long leaves ,very thin ,they r feminized seeds
tell me please if u think its ok
best regards

