seedling leaves tips curling down and yelowing on the edges of leaves help pls


Active Member
the yellowing on the leaves is a nitrogen deficency and the wilting is probably because the humidity is too low, ideally you want it to be 50-60% and the temperature to be 70-80f , to up the humidity, just place a couple of bowls of water in the room, using a garden mister also really helps, mist the plants and room atleast once a day
hope that helps


I agreed, the baby do not required awhole lot of light, move them up, and move the air intake tube somewhere else not directly at them, and change pot too root and light don't mix, should always use black pots only.


Active Member
Did you use nutes when you transplanted? They look ready for some.
hi man
no i didnt used any nutes i wanted to wait 1 week ,that girls can heal roots ,the nutes normally i have to start Sunday ,just a bit 1,25 EC for begin
best regards


Active Member
I agreed, the baby do not required awhole lot of light, move them up, and move the air intake tube somewhere else not directly at them, and change pot too root and light don't mix, should always use black pots only.
i have black pots ,and pipe blowing between baby and light ,not direct on babys,the light is 1 meter high
best regards


Active Member
hi guys so all went more relaxed but now this the tips of the fresh new leave getting yellow and curling down?
normallyi suppose to start nutes and watering,tomorrow,i water last time Sunday night, ,so maybe they need nutes?only 3 most strongest girls have it the other 2 they normal.and wilma still very droopy .please help:-(



Well-Known Member
Your plants look fine. If you haven't fed them now is the time. Start out with 1/4 of what the bottle says.


Active Member
Your plants look fine. If you haven't fed them now is the time. Start out with 1/4 of what the bottle says.
yes i fed the girls yesterday ,ec level 1,0,ph 6.8, i wait to see how they react
but the yellow hooked leaves tips start to make me worry ,but maybe the heater fan was blowing hot air inside box too much , when girls was sleeping ,caused it ,because temperature can drop till 17 degrees Celsius 62,6 Fahrenheit
best regards


Well-Known Member
Don't use the heater any more. You don't need it. My room gets much colder than that at night. And it's probably why you have those brown tips on your baby leaves. maybe low humidity too but it's not a serious problem.


Active Member
Don't use the heater any more. You don't need it. My room gets much colder than that at night. And it's probably why you have those brown tips on your baby leaves. maybe low humidity too but it's not a serious problem.
yes i do it without the heater, the girls get stronger, they can survive in 17 degrees ,no problem , each time i think they gona die hahahhaha
thx again and best regards


Active Member
hi all here is update day 33
so i was giving girls nutes half dosage 1 week ,they looks ok ,the stem is thick and green ,many branches grow everywhere ,just still yelow tips ,they r 30 cm hight and 5ocm bright ,tommorow i start almost full dosage of nutes ,we see how they do and ,in 1 week i was thinking to change to flowering time 12 hours light is it ok?
tell me please if girls looks fine or not
best regards



Well-Known Member
They look really good, they should be able to handle full-strength nutrients. Don't let them get too big before they flower or you will have a problem with them getting too big. Not a bad problem to have.


Active Member
Bro, do not use cups that light can reach the roots, it burns them and will eventually kill them. You should move your plants to a bigger pot and make sure the pH is around 6. You do not need any nutrients right now. The roots are definitely too wet, thats not good, they need to breath. Try airing the soil out after you water.


Well-Known Member
Bro, do not use cups that light can reach the roots, it burns them and will eventually kill them. You should move your plants to a bigger pot and make sure the pH is around 6. You do not need any nutrients right now. The roots are definitely too wet, thats not good, they need to breath. Try airing the soil out after you water.
Dude, you are commenting on three week old pictures. Maybe read the thread first, eh?


Active Member
They look really good, they should be able to handle full-strength nutrients. Don't let them get too big before they flower or you will have a problem with them getting too big. Not a bad problem to have.
hi man thx
yeah tomorrow i start full dosage nutrients ,for 1 week ,and after i start flowering time,12 hours light i hope they get a bit bigger in 1 week,yeah they have many branches hahahahaaha
i will post pics in 1 week
best regards


Active Member
so i have a situation houston ,so to make it short ,2 weeks ago i started nutes ,i try different ways to prepare water and nutes but the best way for me is ,mixing nutes in 5 liter can and give each girl 1 liter mix,every second day or everyday because pots dry very quick and girls eat too much ,they have to many leaves and stem is 1.5 cm thick ,i never over water them for sure i am paranoid about over watering lol,the pots r 18 liter very big so even 1 liter is not too much ,so they like nutes too much and grow good ,apart few leaves on bottom yellow ,also i becarefull with nutes dosage ,so i didnt gave them water pure, always mix with nutes,i find out that if they was looking droopy i gave them nutes with water and they perk up ,but today in the morning i see girls droopy again a bit ,i just gave them 1 liter mix 10 hours ago ,i lift a pot and its light already , i make hole in soil dry ,i see under the pot the holes where water drain off(for me after i stop soaking them no water come out at all,and 1 liter is nothing)i see little white yellowish roots just the tips and they looks very dry and soil around it also dry and i realized i undrwater the girls not too much but on the limit ,the roots on the bottom of the pots dont have enough water nutes mix for sure,so i break my head now because the girls now 40-45 cm tall and i wanted to start flowering time today ,also i need to change different nutes ,so how the heck i should do it ?i was thinking like i did before ,ur way ,make 5 liter water nutes mix and give to each girl till water drain off(i found out that water going out of holes when i put 5 liter water inside ) down check PH and EC ,and to wait around 5 days and do it again ,when pots dry could it work?is not too much 5 liter water nutes mix ?or i just soak them with water and next time they thirsty to give them mix with nutes again? or to give girls 1 liter mix in soil around stem and 1 liter in the plate under the pots that the roots can drink from bottom? please some advice
best regards


Active Member
hi all
ok so yesterday i change to flowering period 12 hours light,i gave girls 1200ml water nutes (old and new flowering nutes) mix in soil around roots and 500ml on the bottom the on plate of the pot for 30 min ,and today i come from job and i see the girls dancing hahahaha they r so nice ,so fresh,all almost 50 cm tall,just few older leaves down are get a bit yellow and some leaves die,should i remove dead or yellow leaves?
even wilma like new lol ,i dont know why they feel so good cause of water or nutes or both ,so i will continiue this way every second day i water them with mix

i want to understand why half of all growers say PH level best is 6.8 and the other half say 6.5 ,i adjusted always before to 6.8 ,now the flowering nute adjust it to 6.6 so what ph level is in the middle ?and also the leaves of my girls looks a bit strange ?like on drugs?lol the lamp is 75cm above the girls ,second week flowering i drop it down to 50cm
best regards
thx to all who cared



Well-Known Member
You don't have to be too precise with pH as long as it is in range of ideal. So 6.6, 6.8, it's all good.

Wow, your plants look great. Nothing wrong with the leaves. The bottom ones will drop because they are old and don't get much light.


Active Member
Your plants look awesome, good stuff!

Subbed up, I'm curious to see how you do.

Good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
You don't have to be too precise with pH as long as it is in range of ideal. So 6.6, 6.8, it's all good.

Wow, your plants look great. Nothing wrong with the leaves. The bottom ones will drop because they are old and don't get much light.
thx man i love them too lol
i wish they would be everyday like today ,they get droopy a bit aghhhhh i gave them 700ml water mix around roots and 300ml on plates under pots they drink 300ml like in 5 min ,they was thirsty so if they perk up i know for sure when they get droopy then they need water ,easy hahahaha
ok no more headeck with ph level after i mix nutes in water it always 6,6 so i leave it i just check frequently
thx again and best regards


Active Member
hi all
the girls 50 cm tall even some r bigger 54 cm, the fan is moving the air between fan and lamp not direct on termometer is hanging on the side ,same level plants tops,temp always around 26 celsius and humidity 45% ,is it good to spray on plants water?today i was thinking to cut all yelow leaves is it correct?ion some plants there is many yelow leaves the old ones from first 2 sets of leaves and some not all yellow half green,they looks really droopy ,i must say its also jungle there too many stems and leaves and new heads.and i was thinking is it problem if i give all time water with nutes mix or should i give sometimes only water pure? they get a bit droopy ,they want drink today
best regards:?: