seedling leaves tips curling down and yelowing on the edges of leaves help pls


Well-Known Member
Just take the yellow leaves off when the pull off easily. Your pots are small so during the early flowering phase you will probably have to water them every day (with nutes). I know you are almost doing that now, but believe me they are going to get even thirstier.


Active Member
Just take the yellow leaves off when the pull off easily. Your pots are small so during the early flowering phase you will probably have to water them every day (with nutes). I know you are almost doing that now, but believe me they are going to get even thirstier.
thx again man :)

yes i give them 1 liter and iam sure they would like more but i dont want to overwater them .should i worry about that pots r too small?18liters?and is it ok if i give them water nutes mix on the plates under pots? and on top around roots ?and when i can drop down the lamp till 50cm?its not gona burn the tops ?i am worried,here i uploaded some pics day46
best regards



Well-Known Member
They can only drink so much at a time. Don't water them from the bottom. You should use nutes every other watering. the spots on your lower leaves are maybe from just a little too much fertilizer. It's okay. Just a little bit less. Continue to water when the pots become light.

They look really good up top!


Active Member
They can only drink so much at a time. Don't water them from the bottom. You should use nutes every other watering. the spots on your lower leaves are maybe from just a little too much fertilizer. It's okay. Just a little bit less. Continue to water when the pots become light.

They look really good up top!

hi thx again
ok so from now on i give every second watering nutes ,and no bottom feeding,is there particular reason why not ?
ok a bit less nutes ,i will do it
should i continiue with my growth nutes for how long ?i use it 1 week already in flowering period ,the hesi say only 1 week should i use it 2 weeks?
thx best regards


Well-Known Member
If you water from the top and bottom, the roots at the bottom may become to wet all the time and rot.

I would use growth nutes for another week. Your plants are going to grow really fast right now, then slow down and form buds. Start bloom nutes when the buds appear.


Active Member
If you water from the top and bottom, the roots at the bottom may become to wet all the time and rot.

I would use growth nutes for another week. Your plants are going to grow really fast right now, then slow down and form buds. Start bloom nutes when the buds appear.
ok thx again
yes i use and was planing on using growth nutes for 2 weeks into flowering ,i was giving to plants growth nutes ,flowering nutes together like in hesi shematics is it bad?
gave them pure water yesterday they liked it so i am relaxed now hahaha no bottom feeding anymore
best regards


Active Member
hallo everyone
i have little problem

so i make automated watering system ,i give liquids to girls everyday 600ml,one day mix and next day only water,they like it and i dont wait they get droopy ,so everyday they looks nice lol.i bought 50liters bucket ,i put inside water pump,water circulation pump,water heater and my nutes mix inside ,the problem is after 24 hours i see that the water circulation pump stop working ,i check inside my bucket and see that the pump is clogged with white slimy residue,its all over on bottom of the bucket and sides,i think its from nutes ,but thats why i buy circulation pump ,to mix nutes all time
anyone can help me please do i need air stone inside?

the girls doing fine ,just take to much time to water them lol they get thirsty
today i will post some pics 1st day 3rd flowering week
thx and best regards


Active Member
hi here is some pics of the girls they looks fine,they r girls for sure i can see bud everywhere no balls ,so i am happy,today start 3rd week flowering, just 4 girls have half yellow leaves on the bottom of stem ,and one girl to many droopy leaves down ,but i hope its ok
best regards



Active Member
hallo again
i have question ,i see on some girls they are really bushy, many small young bottom leaves around stem and branches are getting droopy and yellow and fall offeasy ,only some ,and they are light yellow green really pale ,why does it happens not enough light reach the bottom leaves?and the first top fan leaves going not to sides but more vertically ,like they want to reach the light ?
best regards



they are gettin too big for your cups, time to transplant before they get even more root bound, watch over watering. Mine looked like this until I transplanted and stopped watering. Now they are slowing recovering, but still are yellow a bit (prolly due to heat and sunlight). I grow outdoors, so that's my 2 cents.


hallo again
i have question ,i see on some girls they are really bushy, many small young bottom leaves around stem and branches are getting droopy and yellow and fall off when i touch them ,why does it happens not enough light reach the bottom leaves?and the first top leaves going not to sides but more vertically ,like they want to reach the light ?
best regards

I've seen some people say that they trim the leaves on top of their plants so that light is more evenly placed throughout the plant, your bottom leaves are prolly getting blocked out.


Active Member
they are gettin too big for your cups, time to transplant before they get even more root bound, watch over watering. Mine looked like this until I transplanted and stopped watering. Now they are slowing recovering, but still are yellow a bit (prolly due to heat and sunlight). I grow outdoors, so that's my 2 cents.
yeah thx but my pots r 18 liters ,but i feel it up no full its like 16 liters ,its 4,5 gallons,the girls are 70cm tall ,i dont think its problem the pot size and the other girls that r not so much bushy they r not having this problem,,i think no light reach them thats why ,i think to buy reflective foil and put on floor maybe it works
best regatds


Well-Known Member
You have a slight magnesium deficiency which is not uncommon during the early flowering stage. If you don't have a cal-mag supplement you can use, buy some epsom salts from the drug store and dissolve 1/2 teaspoon in 20 ounces of water and spray your foliage with that. You should stop having yellowing leaves in 4 or 5 days. The ones that are yellow now won't recover though.

Your plants still look fine.


Active Member
You have a slight magnesium deficiency which is not uncommon during the early flowering stage. If you don't have a cal-mag supplement you can use, buy some epsom salts from the drug store and dissolve 1/2 teaspoon in 20 ounces of water and spray your foliage with that. You should stop having yellowing leaves in 4 or 5 days. The ones that are yellow now won't recover though.

Your plants still look fine.
ok man thx so much but i have to look where to find it cal-mag?epsom salt
if i cant find it here what else i can do ?not all girls having this issue only 3 girls,what i risk to leave it like it is ?is it go away ?best regards looking now where to find this stuff
thx best regards


Active Member
You have a slight magnesium deficiency which is not uncommon during the early flowering stage. If you don't have a cal-mag supplement you can use, buy some epsom salts from the drug store and dissolve 1/2 teaspoon in 20 ounces of water and spray your foliage with that. You should stop having yellowing leaves in 4 or 5 days. The ones that are yellow now won't recover though.

Your plants still look fine.
hey hahahaha find Epsom salt in pharmacy
but its crystals or powder ,i use the same dosage ?half tea spoon for 20 onuses 600 ml water?
best regards


Well-Known Member
hey hahahaha find Epsom salt in pharmacy
but its crystals or powder ,i use the same dosage ?half tea spoon for 20 onuses 600 ml water?
best regards
Yes. Use warm water and shake it up really well. The salts don't dissolve quickly in cold water. Then let it cool down. Also, add TWO DROPS of liquid dishwashing detergent. This will help it spread and stick on the leaves. Spray the vegetative leaves really well, including the undersides. You can repeat this treatment once if necessary, but it usually isn't necessary.


Active Member
Yes. Use warm water and shake it up really well. The salts don't dissolve quickly in cold water. Then let it cool down. Also, add TWO DROPS of liquid dishwashing detergent. This will help it spread and stick on the leaves. Spray the vegetative leaves really well, including the undersides. You can repeat this treatment once if necessary, but it usually isn't necessary.
thx mate really cool i do tomorrow so, thx again