SCROG questions for a 8' x 4' tent


Well-Known Member
Im wanting to give SCROG a try.. I have a 8ft x 4ft grow tent with 2000watt running. But im drawing a blank on how to set up a scrog net/setup inside the tent. Most i see are built with wood an strings i get how to run The string. But lost on how to set up the structure in the tent.. i want it to be adjustable for height reaons.

So my ? Is if any one knows of a set up to buy an where. Thatd be awesome. Or any info on how to construct one easily. Im not new to growing to just to scrog. So any advice is helpful.

Thanks in advanced!!
Ive seen wood around the garden as a base to tie the strings/wire to. Like this pic i found on google search lol1422316180959.jpg
But any idea how to set one up in my grow tent? Im lost on how to set one up besides jus building from random materials.. or is that how its done? An any advice on how the technique works would be helpfull.
K i gotcha.. there any way to make it adjustable for height? I have variouse strains an sizes.. an any tips on how to do it like a pro lol
Acquire tomato cages, zip ties, and 2-3 foot long plastic sticks (used in place of bamboo or string, bamboo sticks are also okay to use, just make sure to wash the green powder off of them). modify the tomato cages to your desire with bolt cutters or something like that, be careful the cut edges might be sharp. You'll want to place these tomato cages around your plants, be careful not to disturb your plant because that's totally rude. Now start zip tying plastic sticks(bamboo) or tying strings to make a grid parallel to the ground (eventually the scrog your plants will be supported by). You can now GENTLY lower your plant onto the grid, be careful here because you can snap a stalk, and gently zip tie your plant in place. You can zip tie any branch anywhere you want it to go for optimal lumen consumption. IF you do snap a stalk or a branch you can use zip ties as 'band-aids'. The branch will recover if the snap is not too bad.

This method can be really annoying at times. When you harvest, you have to cut ALL the zip ties free. Sometimes it is hard to get around in small spaces. Some people zip tie the branches too tightly and suffocate them. Plus stepping on a cut zip tie with bare feet HURTS, do NOT make that mistake.

However, it will increase your yield, support your plants from drooping into the dirt, and you get to keep the tomato cages and plastic sticks (or bamboo) for re-use.

EDIT: I bet you could use string in place of zip ties and plastic sticks(bamboo) if you wanted to.
FWIW: (I cut some off the end of the quote. Start of quote in italics could be ignored for practical purposes of not repeating everything)

1. tomato cages are a pain in the ass..
2. instead of zip ties.. i've been recommended spools of twist ties.. cheaper but still time consuming
75' for 60 cents may require drilling as would zip ties.

definitely use chicken wire or make a grid from something for the canopy (which is what makes a scrog). The bamboo/custom method stated from Lamont is fine, but 2' x 25' of chicken wire is like $10 at a local store and will be your typical method.

There is a youtube video out there that explains all the forms of cropping your plant to accompany this scrog you should look for it.. it's around on the forum as well, but it's not difficult enough to come across for me to lurch through posts to find it.

3. height can be adjusted in different ways, you'll figure that out easily.

Acquire tomato cages, zip ties, and 2-3 foot long plastic sticks (used in place of bamboo or string, bamboo sticks are also okay to use, just make sure to wash the green powder off of them). modify the tomato cages to your desire with bolt cutters or something like that, be careful the cut edges might be sharp. You'll want to place these tomato cages around your plants, be careful not to disturb your plant because that's totally rude. Now start zip tying plastic sticks(bamboo) or tying strings to make a grid parallel to the ground (eventually the scrog your plants will be supported by). You can now GENTLY lower your plant onto the grid, be careful here because you can snap a stalk, and gently zip tie your plant in place. You can zip tie any branch anywhere you want it to go for optimal lumen consumption.

IF you do snap a stalk or a branch you can use zip ties as 'band-aids'. The branch will recover if the snap is not too bad.
-Brilliant, and also think about relocating other branches at this point via grafting

This method can be really annoying at times. When you harvest, you have to cut ALL the zip ties free. Sometimes it is hard to get around in small spaces. Some people zip tie the branches too tightly and suffocate them. Plus stepping on a cut zip tie with bare feet HURTS, do NOT make that mistake.

Yea figure out a string or twist tie method.. zip ties are more like duct tape
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Im wanting to give SCROG a try.. I have a 8ft x 4ft grow tent with 2000watt running. But im drawing a blank on how to set up a scrog net/setup inside the tent. Most i see are built with wood an strings i get how to run The string. But lost on how to set up the structure in the tent.. i want it to be adjustable for height reaons.

So my ? Is if any one knows of a set up to buy an where. Thatd be awesome. Or any info on how to construct one easily. Im not new to growing to just to scrog. So any advice is helpful.
Hey I found this video on youtube: Icemuds DIY vscrog he has a pretty cool setup I thought. Also seen people use PVC tubing too.
Thanks in advanced!!
Thanks everyone! I like to pvc video that Sire posted.. seems like ima have to get ta buildin one. I have a round goin right now so got bout 2 months to get er done.. any pointers on how to grow with method would be helpfull also. But thanks again fellas!!!
image.jpg Go to walmart ikea or the dollarstore and pick up a couple of these from the closet storage section.
Then you can scrog vertical and or horizontal.
Couple bucks a piece.
I put loose zipties on all of my tent poles, then connected carabiners to them. I then tightly connected 5" nylon trellis netting to the carabiners. This way I can slide up and down early on and during/after harvest for access and cleanup. I have a lower set for trunk and stem support, and an upper set for flower support. Works well.
