SCOTUS Has Been Partisan and Corrupt for Decades, Constitutional Crisis Coming

also, cook it at a higher temp for the first 10-15 minutes to brown it, then add the coating.
I remember meatloaf from my Mom's cooking. In her version loaf is swimming in fat just after it comes out of the oven and then soaks back in. Do you drain it or what do you do about the fat that bakes out of the meat during cooking.

Not complaining, I remember liking the meatloaf a lot as a kid. I'd chow down. It was also great slice cold and put into a sandwich as I recall.. It's just that I can do without the grease nowdays.
So everyone has made clear who's interested in serious discussion on the issues and who prefers to be meatloaf.
So everyone has made clear who's interested in serious discussion on the issues and who prefers to be meatloaf.
This therad was unfit for serious discussion. The premise of the OP was debunked long ago.

The proper preparation of meatloaf has become a topic in this therad. So, what did your mom do? Did she drain the fat off or let it rest and soak back in?
This therad was unfit for serious discussion. The premise of the OP was debunked long ago.

The proper preparation of meatloaf has become a topic in this therad. So, what did your mom do? Did she drain the fat off or let it rest and soak back in?
Your pompous dismissiveness has been debunked long ago and is not fit for this thread.

The SCOTUS is hopelessly partisan and is exposing a fundamental flaw of our legal structure.

If America manages to right herself after the Chump has driven her into the rocks, it won't be for long unless something is done to endure it becomes more responsive to the will of the American people.

Or do you prefer that the Federalist Society remain the final arbiter of American Law?

Since you're a republican in drag, maybe you really don't mind.
Your pompous dismissiveness has been debunked long ago and is not fit for this thread.

The SCOTUS is hopelessly partisan and is exposing a fundamental flaw of our legal structure.

If America manages to right herself after the Chump has driven her into the rocks, it won't be for long unless something is done to endure it becomes more responsive to the will of the American people.

Or do you prefer that the Federalist Society remain the final arbiter of American Law?

Since you're a republican in drag, maybe you really don't mind.
Thanks, Travis for debunking the OP so thoroughly. Maybe @ttystikk will get it the second time around.
Reagan was a democrat?


Pointing out that you are wrong isn't raising hell.

Republicans had regained the senate for the first time since the 1950's. Kennedy was selected to appease democrats. Of course they helped confirm him.

Let Bork pass?
On This Day: Senate rejects Robert Bork for the Supreme Court

People like me are responsible for Trump? Weren't we talking about Anthony Kennedy?

Since you aren't capable of debating the thread topic, now Trump is my fucking fault?

Okay, I'll play. How is a guy with an ass face avatar, and a 1000 posts on a cannabis forum more responsible for electing Trump that a guy with tens of thousands of posts on multiple forums, who spends the majority of their time posting about how democrats are actually no different that republicans?

And a reminder:

nakedcapitalism is a propaganda website that supports the right wing agenda. Anything from that site is suspect.
Thanks, Travis for debunking the OP so thoroughly. Maybe @ttystikk will get it the second time around.

And a reminder:
Yet Kennedy hasn't done anything except make the situation worse.

But go on with yourself, and keep thinking the SCOTUS isn't partisan and part of the problem and not the solution.

the trick to meatloaf is not to cook it all as one loaf. split it up into 4 loaves at least

you're welcome

I heard at least a few people lost their meals, cuz you pinched a loaf in the wrong place.

I fixed bbq chicken using an Indonesian marinade and can post the recipe if anybody wants to give it a look.

Spicy Indonesian-style Sate'

2 tablespoons Kekap Manis - Sweet soy sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon up to 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled
1/2 teaspoon sambal ulek (hot chile paste)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper -- ground
1/2 teaspoon dried shrimp paste (trasi or blacan)
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 stalk lemongrass or zest of one lemon
2 teaspoons brown sugar

To use as a simple marinade:

Put shrimp paste into a small packet of aluminum foil and heat the foil packet in a dry frying pan until the pungent.
Coarsely chop ingredients as needed
Add ingredients to a blender or food processor and process to a smooth paste.
If using with pork or beef, cut meat into 3/4" cubes, mix with marinade and put back in fridge for 1-4 hours. String meat onto skewers before cooking.
If using chicken, cut into pieces (I prefer to skin the chicken), slash pieces diagonally in a few places and mix in marinade, Put back in fridge for 1-4 hours.

Cook as you would normally for grilled kebabs or chicken.

The shrimp paste, Kekap Manis and lemongrass can be found in Asian food stores. Unless the original packaging is air tight, the shrimp paste should be kept in a well sealed container (is very pungent). Shrimp paste can be kept unrefrigerated in the pantry for a long time.
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Yet Kennedy hasn't done anything except make the situation worse.

But go on with yourself, and keep thinking the SCOTUS isn't partisan and part of the problem and not the solution.

The premise behind the OP was trashed by Travis earlier. Go back and read it

nakedcapitalism is a propaganda website that serves the right wing agenda. Anything from that site is suspect.

"keep thinking the SCOTUS isn't partisan and part of the problem and not the solution"

The logical fallacy you used is called the:

Straw Man

Straw man fallacies are a cheap and easy way to make one’s position look stronger than it is. Using this fallacy, opposing views are characterized as “non-starters,” lifeless, truthless, and wholly unreliable. By comparison, one’s own position will look better for it. You can imagine how straw man fallacies and ad hominems can occur together, demonizing opponents and discrediting their views.
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Yet Kennedy hasn't done anything except make the situation worse.

Kennedy hasn't done anything?

Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
Legalized gay marriage

Boumediene v. Bush (2008)
Rights for Guantanamo Bay detainees

Roper v. Simmons (2005)
Banned the death penalty for juveniles

Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)
Upheld right to abortion, with restrictions

Lawrence vs. Texas, 2003—Struck down the last laws in Texas and other states that made sex between gays and lesbians a crime. Kennedy said gay people deserve dignity and respect.

While I may not agree with some of the decisions he's authored, to say he's done nothing, is farcical. He's accomplished more than Bernie, and you want him to be the president.

At least the meatloaf recipes attempt to add something useful to the discussion, while you caterwaul about the democrats being responsible for everything Kennedy touched, despite him being a republican appointment.
