Scotch's bringing back the growing, efficiently and stress free...

Your only res change for that run? Shit dawg! I never minded top offs but I don't miss the full changes. I got away with a couple runs of 2-3 the whole time. Definitely drawbacks to both systems.

Hydro all I did was check my ph once I had it all dialed in and top off every few days, soil I tend to have to water all the time (in the small containers I've been in.) Nice not worrying about mixing anything with the water only ROLS. I think where I'm really liking the soil are the blumats. Just get to go out and enjoy the view. No chores lol. I don't mind doing em but it's so much nicer taking a couple things off the list.
Little update. Huge variety of stages of vdg, the far right is super stunted from too much water. When I transplanted it the soil was still wet from veggies so the Blumat kept it at that moisture, slowly dialed it back and and she's at the right level now. Hopefully she bounces back relatively quick because the sibling on the left is ready for 12/12

The middle two are great. Gonna let them get another 2" before I start training and flip them. Trying to figure out if I wanna deal with moving the others back to the veg cab and start flowering the big one or move the big one under the AT in a tent. I gotta pull the trigger soon or she's gonna be bigger than I'd like for hunting.

All the veggies are ready to go outside but it's been raining for a good week here. So once it dries up around here they'll finally get some root space.

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Just ordered an hvgc-100-700a (15-142V, 420-700mA, 91% eff) from Sager


x10 Tina2 74 degree reflectors from mouser

The BD 5000k cxb3070s were paid for yesterday and received a tracking number today.

So all the parts are ordered for my fickle diy. The hvgc will leave plenty of head room in case I decide to use it for another build. I have reds on hand that were accidently shipped to me. Assuming they are 660-665, not 665-670 if I remember right. I am gonna have to hunt around and see if I can source where I got them from. Thought about doing 630 and 660 but I'm not trying to order any more parts than what I have to.

Edit: yea I thought cutter were the ones that sent them to me, they must be XPEPHR-L1-0000-00901, which is 650-670 but the sheet doesn't tell me if it's 660-665, just assuming.
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@Positivity @SupraSPL

I think I screwed up. Will you guys look at the hvgc 100 specs and let me know.

I don't think it can run on 120v AC, I was going to look at the eff numbers for x amount of load and it doesn't list 120, now going back up to the top, it doesn't show it in range......... I already called sager and let them know to cancel if it doesn't run on 120. Kinda freaking out a bit
Well I have straight blown them up. Before I posted my question I called and left them a message asking that if in fact it can't operate at 120v to please cancel the order. Then once yoy verified it for me I sent them an email and found the hlg-40h-54a, I thought I saw someone mention them but didn't know if they were available.

So I messaged them online and explained the mistake I made, asking them to help and cancel the first order and that I'd place an order for the correct driver to kind of mend the situation.

Only thing I don't like about the hlg-40 is that it can adjust volts and amps, don't want to have to dick with adjusting the voltage when I shift the current...
Well I have straight blown them up. Before I posted my question I called and left them a message asking that if in fact it can't operate at 120v to please cancel the order. Then once yoy verified it for me I sent them an email and found the hlg-40h-54a, I thought I saw someone mention them but didn't know if they were available.

So I messaged them online and explained the mistake I made, asking them to help and cancel the first order and that I'd place an order for the correct driver to kind of mend the situation.

Only thing I don't like about the hlg-40 is that it can adjust volts and amps, don't want to have to dick with adjusting the voltage when I shift the current...

maybe look into other brands. what specs are you looking for?
I have an HLN-80-36A which has both voltage and current screws. The way it works, if you are under the "constant current region" voltage it will behave as a constant current driver and you adjust via current screw and you can just set the voltage screw to max. If you run above that voltage it goes into constant voltage mode. It runs smooth and efficient either way so have no worries :)
Thanks supe, good to know it's a set it and forget it on the voltage. And thanks for the help positivity I should have looked closer.

I'm looking for a driver that can run 39-43V, preferably 350 - 700ma 3in1 dimming. 120v AC! Basically I just want a baby version of my hlg 185s, I hadn't r3laized the hlg 40s were available yet or I would have just gotten those from the get go.

Grabbed a hlg-40h-54a, it was that or the 48a, I decided on the 54 because of the little extra voltage and being 450 - 700ma instead of pushing closer to the xpes max current. Plus if I decide to use it elsewhere, I'm pretty set on running most stuff at 700ma.

Pretty sure I'm seeing microscopic balls on my trained ssdd, so frustrated.... I am about out of super lemon haze and planned on making the rest of it into the edibles for the family. Went ahead and moved him under the AT200 in a 3x3 to finish out. He stinks all to hell right now. Very good growth. And a stem rub makes your hands smell unbelievable. Definitely indica Dom but showing great health/signs of choosing a male keeper, roots are growing right up to the top of thr fab pot too. Granted there's not much room in that small pot

So, the other 3 are taking off, I topped two of them and they've already perked back up, I'm probably going to transplant the larger two to 5 gals, I've had 5/5 males so far and I dono... I've never had that shitty of luck. I'm worried I'm stressing them with no root space and fucking myself. Even then you'd expect them to be herm. Not full blown males... idk. Guess I'm just trying to give myself better luck of a better yield when I DO catch a break and get a fem to flower. The other smaller one is starting to look a bit more sat dominant so fingers crossed that bitch,is a bitch.


This pic was before I topped em but they look just about identical to that, you can see a little bit of hear stress they didn't have a fan in there with them and that light is on 24/0 so they are getting the hottest part of the day whereas the flower cab was only getting up to 77° from 72 with lights on/off. Went ahead and dug out another fan for em
Got my Tina relfectors in and refused my wrong driver from ups and apologized for the waste of time on their part. He laughed it off not no problem, still feel bad.

So I started tearing the old setup down last night, I only have 6 days and I am getting married and off to the honeymoon so there is a lot to get done before I leave. Took the xpls off and took the old ABS out, need to still take the hlg driver off and get wiring ready. I'll be working on getting the other reds in place tonight but I have to be up early tomorrow for the Bach party so dono how much I'll get done.

On top of that I have to transplant the outdoor veggies outside and transplant the other three into 5 gals, put two in flower and the other will stay in veg (small sat) and make sure the blumats are gonna run right while I'm gone. Actually I can't do that... I don't have another bulk head and plug to put a feeder in the sativa Dom. Idk gonna have to figure something out.

I'll keep you guys posted, take care!
Lol psu baby number two is a ways out. We wanna give little man someone to play with but we're already running ourselves out of space where we're at now.

Got all the reds wired up and got the RIGHT driver in the mail the other day so I just have to 1) replace the old hlg 185 and wire it in. 2) mount the Tina reflectors back on. 3) and wire in a toggle switch to turn off the reds entirely.

(@SupraSPL is there any hazards wiring a simple on off switch on the negative wire DC side? [Right?] Or should I take it all the way back the it's own switch with both wires leading into it? Don't see much of a difference myself..)

Gonna be a bit more of a task than I hoped, not just plug and play with the new emitters with the toggle on the reds.. gonna make a mount for the switch to keep it clean etc.

Kiddos are doing alright. I just haaaaate growing heavy indicas. I know... usually not what you hear. But it's so much more tidy (tidier? Lol) training my sats. Such a fucking labrynth to train the stack stack stack strains. -_- guess it's just what you start on and get used to. Always grown mostly sativas.

The left is the one I despise right now. Really thin stems on the side branches and shooting straight up under the fans leaved. No growth horizontally. Just wants to pack itself together. I hate it. It wouldn't be so bad if the stems were nice thick and hardy but, not the case.

The middle is hands down my favorite. She looks like a chick fellas. Pray she is. Such good growth. Indica dominant but branches like a sativa. Close to a 60/40 mix favoring the sat side actually.. Indica leaves sat stems. Trains very well. I tell her where to go and she goes. Takes the abuse and asks for more. Very similar to the male I have under the AT200 growth wise. Smells the best too. Fantastic pungent skunk that makes your fingers sticky. Gets me excited...

The right is straight sativa, excited to see her take off. She's doing well but not much vigor. Haven't even bothered training her. She has enough space between the stems to not crowd herself.

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If the 5000k cxbs don't come in tomorrow I'm going to move the veg panel over into the flower cab so I can put these kids on blumats before I leave. Obviously I won't be transplanting the sat dominant till I find balls on one of the others.

Take care guys I'll try and snap some shots of them bouncing back from the training before I leave but no promises.
Here is the following day. It'll be the last update till I'm back. The cxbs are not here yet so I'm going to start flower under 3 5k cxas. Not ideal but I need to get them seed before they're too big.

Nice 9 tops on the middle, ten if the center catches up.probably use 3 from each if they come out chicks. May end up topping them again before the end of the night and set in flower the day we leave. (3 days out) That fucking indica went straight back to veticsl. O well,could end up being the best smoke if it comes out a chick and that's what matters.

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(@SupraSPL is there any hazards wiring a simple on off switch on the negative wire DC side? [Right?] Or should I take it all the way back the it's own switch with both wires leading into it? Don't see much of a difference myself..)
Switch the AC side (if you switched the DC side, the driver would produce the highest voltage it can and once you switch it back on...)!

...thanks Alesh...;)

...on other things... remembering similar cases from my pov...
...for my eye hot swapping cobs its the similar way to put a switch on dc side... ...but its only my inexpert opinion...

pd... from my inexpert pov too... ...flickering led (normally bad connection) its other form the hot swapping... stress the driver output can damage or destroy the driver and the led too... course depends on protections on driver side too...


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Alright. Couple hours till were out the door and on our way to vaca. Doing last minute checks and getting things squared away. Couldn't figure out how to get the blumats in the veg cab; the panel is wired through a hole should have made it a clip and don't have another bulk head for the water line. So I just heavily watered them. Thought about putting a cut off water bottle in the soil but fuck it. They'll live. I think. Only pics I am uploading are of the male under the at200, the ones up top look the same except the indica dominant - I'm starting to see some tops. Who woulda thunk. Lol I do have a question about a bug- is it a tick?? I know this year they are bad. Second one I've seen on the plants. Crunchy exoskeleton.. other than that. The outdoor veggies are doing great. Liking their new home. Even if the soil is unbelievably packed (a LOT of clay)

Wont hear much from me, im sure ill be lurking and liking here snd there but im sure my sub threads will be a task to get through later. Take care guys and I hope everyone had a safe fourth if July.
