Scotch's bringing back the growing, efficiently and stress free...

Alright guys. After an insanely non stop trip last night we made it home about 7 this morning. I dropped like a rock once we got here. So nice to get back and see my little buddy.. nice time. Distilleries fishing drinking go karts.....drinking.... and,... good food. And..drinking. nice to be back though.

Kids rocked it while I was gone. Worried they were gonna droop out on my really bad and be dry. Nope. The ones I transplanted were still a little damp and the 1 gal was limp but perked back up after a watering. @captainmorgan 's male is dropping pollen everywhere. Barely nudge it and it snows. I need to find some containers around here and collect it and get rid of that fucker. No circulation in that tent to try and keep it off the walls as best I can.

GREAT NEWS is two of the three that just started flower (~1 week in) are showing me their nice white female parts. Especially that nice hardy middle one. The left is just... flimsy stems. Very very thin. Not a fan.

AND I got my cxb3070 5ks in so I can wrap that I'm and let then flower under the white red combo.

Take care guys, phones about dead.

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....yellow zones on green plants....problems with calcium?....


Are you talking about the male salo? It has some serious chlorosis from too intense of light. I've left the Apache right on top of it. When I got back it was resting on the lenses. I can't imagine what kind of readings it's been getting.

(Got my upgrades put in and finished. I'll throw an update here in a little bit)
Are you talking about the male salo? talking about this... ...yellow zones on green plants....problems with calcium?....


...i answer you... i do an exception (you are old member) in silence mode... ...when Positivity back im back too... sorry...

pd... better consult with a experienced grower... but to my inexpert pov ...seems calcium deficiency... or calcium bloks on earth...sorry my bad english..


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I appreciate that salo. Hopefully things grt handled and ppl can feel welcome in here again.. this place has really made a turn for the worse lately.

I'm not sure if it is a cal issue or not. This is new soil (first run with it) and I heavily amended with oyster shells. But it could be, maybe even iron? (Yellow new growth) If anyone else wants to chime in let me know what you think.

Not too much to report other than the light is up and running. O and I have 3 females now. Pretty happy about that.

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did those plants recently get flipped? it is not uncommon for me to get that neon colored new growth after i flip to flower. usually stops after a week or so. I think its just the plant trying to catch up with itself. just dont slack on feedings and you're fine. looks good to me. im no expert but in my opinion it def does not look like calcium
Damn. I don't remember how long it cooked but it was at least 60 days. I know I got back in there and reamended again like halfway through it's first 90 days, to add fishbone neem sead and crab shells for the gnat protection, but even after that I think they went 45 days before I was off the records... idk. I haven't bought a new datebook yet. I have to start writing this shit down again.. hell the only reason I know where are just about in flower is cus of the honeymoon lol.

But ROLS right ;) supposed to just keep getting better and better

I won't do notill... though I am already thinking about it wanting to construct a small garden box out of wood similar to whats outside to take advantage of the entire floor space and line it with fabric... maybe on risers ~1" up

Thanks werm. When salo said that I went... O shit, well it's not the first time I've seen it and nit thought it of anything.. BUT This is my first full run of organic soil. I've just vegged and tossed males up till this point. So salo wasn't out of the water because at this point idk in soil
Little update, hung out with the kids for about 30 minutes. (I know you big timers [root and g] are probably like whaaaa..) but for us small town folk with a couple plants, that's a miniature vacation. Even took my beer with me. Like that's not typical... just missing the bermuda thing.

Kids are doing great, stretch has really kicked in on my favorite. At least I'll know how to approach her better next run. Plus with sharing space it limits me taking her too horizontal. Just should've topped those middle legs and balanced out the playing field that i do have. Indica Dom is doing better. Getting her tops out from under her just scrawny stems and morphed leaves. Not a major fan.. but maybe she'll come out my favorite flavor wise.

~2 weeks flower and kicking along. Took some clones tonight should've done it sooner but I'm pretty good at doing when I don't need to and the real vaca didn't let me do it with nice thick cuts.

Took pollen off the male and cut that prick down. I'm gonna pollinate a few branches on the indica dominant since the male was a close match to my favorite female running right now. See if I can't add some vigor with the stout growth.

The tallest on the right was taking 906umols when I was out there, about 10" from the base of the heatsink, the outer branch was 375.the left was hitting 565, didnt measure the outer. I brought the right down to 750 before closed the door, but probably didn't need to. They were handling it really well and will leave it higher later on (>week 5)

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Some 12 12 stretch but it's starting to stack up pushing past the 2 week mark so hopefully things are slowing down. Lady parts really starting to kick off. So happy to be in this again..

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The right was taking ~1300 I hadn't been out in a couple days, with no problems, but went ahead and took it back to 750-800
Little update... I wanted to point out the clones more than anything. They were taken on the 18th (exactly 7 days today) and the growth is just terrific. I am used to ~10 days to see bumps, 14 for real shoots to come out. At day 5 I had 1/2" roots coming off two of the clones. Very happy with how easy this strain is to clone.

The middle two are from the right plant, the four in the front and back are from the left

3 weeks flower

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This past week has just kicked my ass.. just nonstop going. Hosted a birthday party and built a firepit, cleanup on top of that, with work. I haven't hardly been out to see the kids... the first time I was I shot my pants to see the right bitch about 3" away from one the 5k cobs. Foxtailing like nuts -_-

Of course I coulabkut do anything about it right then, hell, it was probably under that light for 3-4 days before I realaized /got it fixed.

For shits and gigs I took a reading to see what it was taking. Sitting right under 2600, no major yellowing, but the tail was bad. So, now we know. Lol

I put that butch under the AT200 hung as high as I can get it. Hopefully she'll still fill out. The frost on her is just out of this world. And I have the indica dominant rocking under the DIY, finally getting the proper readings it needs. (About 900 right now)

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(It was a rough trip to the AT tent... lol. Bent a couple branches and fuckered her all up)


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Realized I didn't update this with the last pics I took.. well, to sum it up the sativa dominant has literally stopped growing since the move. The humidity is through the roof down there so at this point she's probably gonna get chopped and flower her clones near the end of the indicas cycle (right around the party cup)

The indica dominant is showing how grateful she is for some of her own light. Greedy bitch... she may be a keeper though. Hate that thing... already hate it's clones, but it has an awesome funk to her, soft skunk on the end with a deep musky blue at the beginning. If she ends up tasting like she smells she'll be hanging around till I find something better.

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And here is today, guessing just over the half way point. Hearing ~10 weeks seems like she's packing slow unless I look at weekly pics. @Greengenes707 dI'd you adjust the blumats into flower at all or did they take care of themselves?

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Looking good bro. Real nice.
I don't purposefully adjust going into flower. SOmetimes I have to mess with a few later on, but nothing intentional for flower. Just make sure they are keeping the moisture level where you want it.
Looking good bro. Real nice.
I don't purposefully adjust going into flower. SOmetimes I have to mess with a few later on, but nothing intentional for flower. Just make sure they are keeping the moisture level where you want it.

Yea for only 115w (if I remember right) I'm happy with the lower development. Actually raised the light a few inches because the growth on a branch 4" lower or off to the edge is similar to one dead Center.

Get some smoke off this one then fill the whole space with two of em.

Hope life is treating you right man.
Another late update. Couple more weeks and we'll be looking at harvest. Hopefully I don't keep this track record of updates into the party cup, hell... I still have to drop my beans.

7 and a half weeks tomorrow and chugging along. Hopefully the clones are gonna be rolling in right behind her.

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