Scotch's bringing back the growing, efficiently and stress free...

I love me ti, juat took my build out of the sapor actually. Dual 8 wrap 28g ti at 44w 450°F was what I did.

I have a clone velocity and it was alright for a while but I got the wrong clone and a post stays loose now. I put vert claptons in my aromamizer tank (velocity posts)

Flavor chaser over here lol
Ha, think we all probably started on the blu e cigs, holy shit they sucked, was still smoking with them.

using ti gr 1 for a good amount because I didn't like the idea of vaping on alloys......but ss is one of the safest metals(extreme temps to leach chromium/aluminium) and can be used on wattage/temp control, the flavor seems cleaner to me, easy to build with too; not springy.

Flavor guy here too, not chasing cloudzzzzzzzzzz, lol

So crown is still your go to tank huh? I'm thinking it's time for me to try one of these new rdtas....
Crown is stock coils but awfully damn good, I love my aromamizer, it's literally a velocity with capacity.

Yea man I never thought I'd be but it is probably one the best decisions I made. Feel a lot better without the newports and cigars. And I make juice so it literally costs me like 80 cents per 30ml that takes 11-12 concentrates (that's high end)

Hadn't realized you did buddy, glad to know I'm not the only one getting shitty looks from old women like I'm exhaling pure devil fart.

I've been dancing around the idea of making rosin into juice. But pg is harsh as fuck to vape in high %.... keeps steering me away
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Heard the news, was a fun ride my friend.........I'm just going down to 1.5mg nic and quitting before the reg hit in 90 days.

Sounds like herb vapes are included in this too, might cancel my grasshopper, lifetime warranty just went out the window.

Congrats big tobacco/pharma......for lining the fda's pockets.
Heard the news, was a fun ride my friend.........I'm just going down to 1.5mg nic and quitting before the reg hit in 90 days.

Sounds like herb vapes are included in this too, might cancel my grasshopper, lifetime warranty just went out the window.

Congrats big tobacco/pharma......for lining the fda's pockets.

You have a link? I had ppl texting me abut it all day, but literally have no clue what it contained. I make juice and was trying to be an entrepreneur for a moment but from what it sounds like that's about to grt shut down. Go figure they would fuck it up...

Fuck em... Im officially going back to school. Tired of getting offered shit jobs and not doing what I want. fda just killed 95% of the ecig/vape industry today, and handed it back to few companies that can afford the regulations ( blu/vuse/etc cig owned companies) big shocker,not!............500 pages of BS. "herb" vaporizers can be a nicotine delivery system so they will fall into this?not sure, so any tech&e-liquids after 2007 will have to be approved by the fda, lol........good luck

local b&ms will be gone in 91 days?, will see the fight/lawsuits coming, but lots of $$$$$ involved here............tbh i don't see any reversals................. hope i'm wrong

2015 saw almost 13% of US smokers quit due to vaping, lost future sick customers for pharma, they saw the signs years ago..........also the 700 billion dollar/yr cig bus. isn't digging this change either obviously

wait till the FDA gets into regulating the "evolving" MMJ industry, it won't be pretty either.......people think state laws will save them, this is a very important "dip in the pool " with what they think the can get away with, general public better take notice to how this pans out imo.......
Alright things are getting fun in the garden, life is keepin pace and these two ladies do not want left behind. Week 5 , bulking up should be in the coming weeks. I'll try to keep up close shots labeled but I may mix em up.

Big call out to @hyroot I need to pick your brain about everything you know about aloe. I am up to 5+ plants, havnt planted the rest of em... went to a family thing this weekend and met a distant in law I hadn't before and she had a small greenhouse, of course I was immediately envious and walked straight in out of excitement. Sent me home with an aloe plant that after reading had tons of pups all over it and I went ahead and pick em apart. Very interested in the amino acids (yes sds) enzymes and vitamins you're squeezing out those suckers. Read somethin about cytokinins? :}

Outside of that... got a pretty healthy looking geranium, and the pre-outdoor-garden is doing good. Really wanna build a greenhouse... that'd open up an easy stealth option for outdoor air intake to the indoor ladies. My big project for this summer was to build a chicken coop, but I got my son (and turns out my wife) a domesticated rabbit this week and would like to build it a nice hutch and a greenhouse.. both those are cheap material wise.. just gotta find the time. Rabbit is something else I should hit @hyroot and @foreverflyhi up about

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Alright things are getting fun in the garden, life is keepin pace and these two ladies do not want left behind. Week 5 , bulking up should be in the coming weeks. I'll try to keep up close shots labeled but I may mix em up.

Big call out to @hyroot I need to pick your brain about everything you know about aloe. I am up to 5+ plants, having plants the rest of em... went to a family thing this weekend and met a distant in law I hadn't before and she had a small greenhouse, of course I was immediately envious and walked straight in out of excitement. Sent me home with an aloe plant that after reading had tons of pups all over it and I went ahead and pick em apart. Very interested in the amino acids (yes sds) enzymes and vitamins you're squeezing out those suckers. Read somethin about cytokinins? :}

Outside of that... got a pretty healthy looking geranium, and the pre-outdoor-garden is doing good. Really wanna build a greenhouse... that'd open up an easy stealth option for outdoor air intake to the indoor ladies. My big project for this summer was to build a chicken coop, but I got my son (and turns out my wife) a domesticated rabbit this week and would like to build it a nice hutch and a greenhouse.. both those are cheap material wise.. just gotta find the time. Rabbit is something else I should hit @hyroot and @foreverflyhi up about

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Those are just Lovely.......:weed:
More SSDD, veg area (that bitch took off after the transplant and haven't trained since) and sorry I know I talk a lot on here.. oddly totally opposite of my usual, think it's the topic lol

I wanted to point out a little perk of diy small time growers may have issues with, when I first moved to these cabs I always found myself irritated about how close my fan is and getting it mounted. Boom. Heatsink for the win.

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Edit: damn, everyone mustve just gotten home from the family events ;) thanks guys hope you're doing well
More SSDD, veg area (that bitch took off after the transplant and haven't trained since) and sorry I know I talk a lot on here.. oddly totally opposite of my usual, think it's the topic lol

I wanted to point out a little perk of diy small time growers may have issues with, when I first moved to these cabs I always found myself irritated about how close my fan is and getting it mounted. Boom. Heatsink for the win.

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Edit: damn, everyone mustve just gotten home from the family events ;) thanks guys hope you're doing well

ohh what are the little red ones (lights)? I might have to get me some of those! lol! :D

It looks like a spaceship!
Aloe has amino acids, anthraquinones, ezymes, minerals, vitamins, lignins, monosaccharide, polysaccharides, salicylic acid, saponins, and sterols.

Amino acids found in Aloe vera include: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine,And Tryptophan. Some Of The Other Non-Essential Amino Acids Found In Aloe Vera Include Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Glutamine, And Aspartic Acid.

Enzymes include Amylase, Bradykinase, Catalase, Cellulas, Lipase, Oxidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Proteolytias, Creatine Phosphokinase and Carboxypeptidase.

Aloe vera also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12 along with Choline, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium. Additional elements found in Aloe vera include Copper, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, And Sodium

Salicylic acid is involved in local and systemic plant defense responses against pathogens. It plays a role during stresses such as drought, chilling, heavy metal toxicity, heat, and osmotic stress.
Aloe has amino acids, anthraquinones, ezymes, minerals, vitamins, lignins, monosaccharide, polysaccharides, salicylic acid, saponins, and sterols...

When do you decide the plant is large enough to start hacking on? How much do you use.. I've seen recommended dosages for foliar but I don't know if you/others are using the gel or juice, I guess how are you preparing it? How much plant material does it typically take etc etc

Very excited to finally being able to introduce this aspect into the garden
When do you decide the plant is large enough to start hacking on? How much do you use.. I've seen recommended dosages for foliar but I don't know if you/others are using the gel or juice, I guess how are you preparing it? How much plant material does it typically take etc etc

Very excited to finally being able to introduce this aspect into the garden

IMO a leaf should be at least 12 inches long miniimum. You can just tear a tip of the leaf off too. When you take a leaf. Make sure to stand it up in a cup or Tupper ware or what ever. So the sap can drain. It takes about an hour or 2. Then you can squeeze the gel out. Or filet the gel and puree it. Or pureed the whole leaf and strain. For foliars I usually just squeeze out the gel. For soil drench. I puree the whole leaf and strain.

Remember the beneficial enzymes break down pretty fast once exposed to the air. So use the aloe pretty quick.
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Figured it's time to post in the quiet space, no Peter measuring, no righteousness. Welcome back to narnia guys- where there's no bullshit. (Look at those temps! Perfect! Lol) Just empty canopy space and a grow that screams 'I skipped a run, i smoke too much, and I need more." Still pretty girls but wish it were a more efficient run.

Sunshine daydream is rushing, faster than I remember. Expected cut was next Sunday, but she quit bulking and started turning. Dono if she's still salty about gogi getting all the light.. but fuck her too. Lol

Gogis still going strong, should be 6.5-7 weeks...ish. got a small cut running of her I'm hoping picks up the pace, I'd like to run a full cab of it next, but I have a big untrained ssdd that's just dying to get trained and flipped. May have to happen..

Then no more ssdd for a while, great smoke all around, everyone comments (they dont know) but a very sedative high, I need a little pep in my pipe! Daytime smoke and keep em in rotation.

Gogi OG, skylotus, and dreambeaver are on the top of that list for me.

Uncle went on a random trip to Colorado and swung by the house, pretty nice of him, and dropped me off a joint of hindu kush (head shake lol) but it's cool, over here you don't see a packaged.. legal J, or if you ever buy something and someone says o yea it's from Cali, youre like... riiiight. Just cool knowing this is what's really on the shelf somewhere, for better or worse (haven't smoked it yet)

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Take care dudes


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So freakin glad to be home... came back to a mess, had a family member water the veg area for me and cull the ssdd, when they did... they pulled the line out of my blumat cone. :wall: lol its all good, they tied it off but still had a slow drip. So gogi got over watered as fuck at 8 weeks.

Besides that the vegging ssdd missed me and needed a serious manicure. She's gonna be a solo run, thinking about putting the scrog down on her but haven't decided yet. Didn't think about pics before I started working on her so pics are after a nitrozyme/fulpower foliar. Baby gogi looks like a damn mutant but she seems alright. Need to start training her soon.

Did the whole summer transition asap, replaced a dud exhaust fan in the veg chamber, exchanged the heater out for the diy ac to keep the humidity/temps down (no, I did not expect it to be mid 80s when we got back, or a, clones, shop vacced the 12/12 cab, took care of the outdoor garden etc.

Veggin girl had a good amount of foliage that became mulch, layered it with some Lambs Quarters (@FranJan haha) "meal" from last year, sprinkled some ancient forest on top of that (not layered) then added some dunks.

8 weeks ish, temps 75-81°, docked the whites/turned on "autumn tone"

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Man, it got hot here this past week too! I'm still holding out on the AC though!!

I'm about over it, I whine about the weather a lot. As soon as I need the humidity down. boom. Rain. Lol "muggy" is a bitch to dry in..

I guess I can't bitch too much, I don't deal with the heat gg, hyroot and the others have to.

Looking great man. Very dense

The ssdd is drying out alright, this run was pretty much thrown together.. But the gogi just keeps packing more on. She was a disaster when I flipped her but she came together better than I thought ha. Be interesting to see what it can do when Its not mutilated along the way.

Week....9 and a half, ish, tomorrow. Finally got watered tonight since I left for vaca. Had to set up a fan aimed at the pot but she's still trying. Just gonna wait her out, the vegging ssdd is on her heels.

I have 10 seeds germing/going along- 5 more gogi OG and 5 dreambeaver, 2 gogi and 2 beavers are sprouted and above ground. 2 beavers are still getting their tap out of the shell, and the rest are in Rockwool waiting to sprout.

Been busy, got the wood to build a rabbit hutch and a little garden bed idea I had today... life's flying, hope you guys are good!

Pics are a couple days old, trained the shit out of the ssdd tonight. I'll get some recent ones up soon

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