Let's Grow A Mom Out! aka Journal of a Chinese LED Panel Junkie

Dude, things could be a hell of a lot worse. Some strains just get weird before harvest ya try to keep em green but sometimes there's nothing you can do the bud looks good and I still think your gonna be happy in the end. Maybe a lil less than you wanted due to the cola breaking.

That beach looks like somewhere in Long Island, West Hampton beach maybe?
"Plus dumping that much mix is time consuming, and where I live, could be a dangerous breach of security"

Hehe, the hardcore way.

Hehe, the hardcore way.

Ahh Steve McQueen, there's someone the big guy broke the mold on. They truly don't make them like that anymore. But I'm gonna need some baggier pants :)!

Maybe I could just flush it down the toilet. It's mostly shit, right :-P?
Well Wednesday came and went and the decision was to chop.
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Notwithstanding anything squarefodder stated, I just lost faith in this plant's ability to remain healthy. I came in the tent on Wednesday and she just had that tired look Magic Bud gets when you run it too long. The trichs were starting to get twisted, the plant seemed even looser in it's bag, and most important to me, the spaces between some of the buds were getting noticeably bigger. It was just eating itself to stay alive and I think the shock of dropping the PH down so quickly really sealed it's fate. Plus it was taking up too much of my time compared to the other plants. Oh well, lessons learned and something tells me I'm still gonna have some good bud in the end. Now excuse me I gotta go trim and jar that one bud before it gets too dry! Yikes.
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And please stay tuned. We've still got a Blue Cheese left to maim :).
Some FAT buds you have there, great job! Hope mine look that good, if not, I guess I'll just have to buy another new panel....
Puff and his panels............:)

Yeah still a nice haul from that little one..........and the BF's blue cheese is the girl i'm interested in the most...off with her head!....and I want a smoke report Fran.......it's either BF's blue cheese or mr nice black widow to grow soon......decisions.......blah

keep up the great work Fran.......and watch out for Hobbes:P
Fran Jan has 420 posts!!!!
Haha, I'm such a burnout now I missed it. Thanks for reminding me square!

Some FAT buds you have there, great job! Hope mine look that good, if not, I guess I'll just have to buy another new panel....
Hey puff, thanks for that. If there's a someone who knows a bit about LED grows IMHO it's you, so I appreciate that :). And I promise as long as I'm breathing I'll be looking for a cure for your wonderful malady (See below) ;).

(or Puffenuff's Syndrome); An extremely rare pharmacological disorder wherein the patient feels that the purchasing of additional LED panels will cure all their problems. There is no known acceptable cure.
Puff and his panels............:)

Yeah still a nice haul from that little one..........and the BF's blue cheese is the girl i'm interested in the most...off with her head!....and I want a smoke report Fran.......it's either BF's blue cheese or mr nice black widow to grow soon......decisions.......blah

keep up the great work Fran.......and watch out for Hobbes:P

Thanks PSU, I appreciate that. And yeah Hobbes got the last of my Blue Cheese from my SoG so you got to ask him for the smoke report :-P.

Actually I pulled about 36 grams of prime from my last BC SoG. Did you know where I live that if you give someone 30 grams of BC, they'll give you 425 little bits of green paper? Not that I would ever do something like that :o. Heavens no!

I think that BC is one of Barney's cornerstones and a can't miss. My plant's got that great blueberry taste with just a hint of cheese, though I wish it had a little more skunkiness. It's not crazy strong, but you can't smoke it all day. You'll end up turning into mush, if you know what I mean. She's also a little temperamental grow wise and it's best to be locked in to maximize growth. She isn't a bad yielder per se, just not a monster one. Also many people get those rust stains on the leaves with this strain it seems, so watch out for that. Very easy to overwater this plant. It tends to like it dry. And this time I grew it with the lights a bit closer than I normally do, and was rewarded with commercial grade density on the nugs. Very heavy this time, so that and the smell and frostiness helped the bag appeal rating go through the roof.

And PSU, I'd stay away from Barney's fems. In my opinion you're better off with a 10 pack of Regs. The Fems seem all over the place with different phenos, while the Regs seem to be what Barney's shows on their site and what good Barney's grows I've seen online are usually Regs or clones. I started with 2 x BC Fem and 2 x Tangerine D Fem and all plants were noticeably different from each other. Not exactly conclusive proof, but it does reinforce the feeling around this board that Barney's doesn't do Fems all that well.

But oh Black Widow, Black Widow, Black Widow, How I do want thee. So tough choices ahead for you PSU. Good Luck!
Ha........thanks fran for the info......I've heard the rumblings on these forums about BF's fem/auto's issues recently...thanks for confirm it then(reg only).......AHHHH I've been eyeing that black widow for a long time......destiny??
Volo-lux-ad-ation (or Puffenuff's Syndrome); An extremely rare pharmacological disorder wherein the patient feels that the purchasing of additional LED panels will cure all their problems. There is no known acceptable cure.

I laughed my ass off!

PS - My femmed Liberty Haze pack from Barney's Farm yielded 5 identical sativa dom phenos.
^^^ See they do things right at Barney's Farm too:weed:. Vanilla Kush is another great strain from them I hear.

And I actually made that word up from latin and medical terminology. It means;
Volo= To want or need (I'm sure that's some bad Latin there)
Lux= Light
Adation= To acquire or add

Or something like that :-P.
And just a quick shout out to +REP winner squarefodder for his knowledge of geography and beaches. He was pretty damn close from the start, PMing me that it was the Long Island, NY area on his first try, (and after a few terrible hints from me:)) figured out it was Fire Island. So + plus rep to squarefodder for his stick-to-it-ivness and we'll see you folks at the beach.
Thanks Fran Jan!!! Fire island is the shiznit!!!

My favorite NE islands after Long Island are

Martha's Vineyard
Block Island
Fire Island
and last but not least by any means Shelter Island.
See Guys Great Thread's Like This One Is What YA Miss When All you Do Is Update Your own Thread And Catch Up On Few Of Your Friends Threads.Subbed Up FranJan:clap:
^^^^ Hey Dawg, Thanx and Welcome Aboard! I know what ya mean. Lotsa great threads going on at RIU right now and it's getting hard for me to keep up with everyone's grows lately.
Oh no, Long Island. I didn't want to say anything... Seems a lot of you are a lot closer than I originally thought... My cousin just had her wedding @ Land's End, Right next to the ferries. Was fun getting tanked and waving at everyone as they departed and arrived all day. I think they were just as bombed as we were. lol.
Well after a bit of a delay I do believe it's time to check-in with my BF's Blue Cheese, and what a little survivor ladies and gentlemen. Despite my best attempts to poison and hermie this lady she seems to be coming around now that I have her PH under 7.5. I was going to cut her down today and blog that in my journal but after examining her under my T8s, I've decided to let her go for a few more days. She's got some dense heavy tops and buds on her and I hope the pictures convey that. She's still drinking and since I've last posted she's been fed 32 oz of 1/2 strength Flower Power with 1/4 strength Grow it Green , then 32 oz water, and just 3 days ago 32 oz of water with a touch of molasses thrown in. The container was light today so I fed her 32 oz of H2O with some Cal, Epsom, Iron and Molasses added. This is the last supper for her and it's water the rest of the journey. I may chop her top buds first or if I chop her all at once, I'm thinking of putting her in the dark for 2 or 3 days to see what everyone is talking about.
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I just wanted to say that I'm planning on redoing this grow because these are the first plants I started and finished with my 2nd 5x60. It has a heavy dose of FR (10x730nm or more correctly 720nm-740nm from what I now understand) on it in the hope the plants would finish early or on time and I think I've accomplished that but I can't be sure because of the stress these plants went through, (heat and PH problems). I won't be doing it for some time since I want to grow some SLH out for a while, but hopefully soon.

The magic bud tally is in and it's as bad as expected. I'm calling it 20.83 grams according to my little digital scale. And while it smells great, it seems to have an almost creme like smell added to it subtle fruitiness, it's just not ready. Too many wispy buds, but what is good turned out surprisingly well. I've put most of it away now and am going to let it sit for a while. One thing is it turned out much smoother than it usually is at this stage, so it wasn't a complete waste. We'll get her next time!

So hopefully by next time we'll have some harvest photos otherwise it's on to the SLH phase of my grow and a goodbye to the last of my PH challenged children. And we'll see whatever happened to that tiger poll that so many of you voted on :roll:. Peace My Brothers and Sisters.
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PS Anybody want a job trimming out the Blue Cheese? I think deep down inside I'm letting it grow because I want all the leaves to fall off :). CYA​
Oh no, Long Island. I didn't want to say anything... Seems a lot of you are a lot closer than I originally thought... My cousin just had her wedding @ Land's End, Right next to the ferries. Was fun getting tanked and waving at everyone as they departed and arrived all day. I think they were just as bombed as we were. lol.

Many of those towns are filled with well lubricated souls :). I've seen drunks fall off the dock, or even better, fall off the boardwalks and into the swampy bog type areas below. Always hilarious, except when it happens to you of course.