Santorum jolts GOP presidential race with 3-state sweep


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are just jealouse of his zealous knowledge of the field compared to any one of his rivals, the dude knows more than his weak minded, nothing but a suit rivals ever could period, nothing deceitful about it. It is playing by the rules. What is deceitful though is the fact that there are thousands of dead people voting for mitt and newt.... hmmm. You're obviously also very ignorant of the fact there have been rule changes this voting process , which in fact were there to give romney the benefit, but with ron paul's extreme knowledge he is doing things for his benefit, you cant out smart president paul.
if the shoe were on the other foot, it is impossible to deny that you would be ranting about an anti-paul conspiracy.

and yes, there is straight up deceit involved, buckaroo. put down the fluoride and learn to read:

People in the precincts who wanted to run as delegates for the county assembly had the right to announce which candidate they supported, but they could also remain uncommitted. The uncommitted delegates, Call said, would essentially run on the premise that their fellow precinct voters could trust their judgment when it came to picking delegates to represent the right candidate.
"What we did find, however, is that a lot of the Ron Paul delegates refused to tell their caucus voters who they were supporting," Call said. "That's unfortunate to a degree because then that undermines the representative nature of caucuses and assemblies."


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought something was really fishy when every Ron Paul fan on this site seemed so confident that he was winning delegates. Little do they know that Tate isn't really telling them the truth in their newsletters.
yep, that's true. ronald's campaign is doing so poorly that they have to boost the hopes of the supporters with lies to keep them coming out. any other candidate would have realized they had no chance and dropped out by now, but not shitty old ronald.

this is going to make for one hell of an "i told you so" thread. i just hope the paul cult people don't commit suicide.


Well-Known Member
if the shoe were on the other foot, it is impossible to deny that you would be ranting about an anti-paul conspiracy.

and yes, there is straight up deceit involved, buckaroo. put down the fluoride and learn to read:

People in the precincts who wanted to run as delegates for the county assembly had the right to announce which candidate they supported, but they could also remain uncommitted. The uncommitted delegates, Call said, would essentially run on the premise that their fellow precinct voters could trust their judgment when it came to picking delegates to represent the right candidate.
"What we did find, however, is that a lot of the Ron Paul delegates refused to tell their caucus voters who they were supporting," Call said. "That's unfortunate to a degree because then that undermines the representative nature of caucuses and assemblies."
Yes all sorts of rigging like the fact that the state of maine cheated a ron paul victory by only letting 83% count, the other 17% well who cares right? wrong! its bullshit, ron paul won maine, mitt's dead voters and rigged gop in-sidings should automatically disqualify mitt out along with newt. I dont believe there has ever been more blatant transparent voting fraud.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
yep, that's true. ronald's campaign is doing so poorly that they have to boost the hopes of the supporters with lies to keep them coming out. any other candidate would have realized they had no chance and dropped out by now, but not shitty old ronald.

this is going to make for one hell of an "i told you so" thread. i just hope the paul cult people don't commit suicide.
I wonder when Ron Paul will need his followers to depart to the mother ship.



Well-Known Member
Yes all sorts of rigging like the fact that the state of maine cheated a ron paul victory by only letting 83% count, the other 17% well who cares right? wrong! its bullshit, ron paul won maine, mitt's dead voters and rigged gop in-sidings should automatically disqualify mitt out along with newt. I dont believe there has ever been more blatant transparent voting fraud.
now snow is a conspiracy.



Well-Known Member
now snow is a conspiracy.

Well it is true UB that a whole county (our largest in area, smallest in population I believe) did not caucus due to weather. Not certain, but I think they might caucus next weekend. I think this caucus stuff is bs anyway. Why can't we vote in a primary like normal people?


Well-Known Member
its snows in maine more than half the year, snow is like their sunshine i think they had a weak inch to inch and a half, lol, nice try though, failure.:lol::sleep:
Most of the state has received almost no snow this year. One freak early storm in October and one a few weeks ago are the only ones that were really plowable. Up north on caucus day though I guess it was bad. Maybe ice/mix or freezing rain which can be a lot worse than snow for driving.


Well-Known Member
Most of the state has received almost no snow this year. One freak early storm in October and one a few weeks ago are the only ones that were really plowable. Up north on caucus day though I guess it was bad. Maybe ice/mix or freezing rain which can be a lot worse than snow for driving.
All of usa is having a warm winter, the cold air jet stream has been stuck in russia and alaska, still though, people there are more than use to a little ice and snow :roll:


Well-Known Member
Well U saw it with your own eyes.Out of touch billionair buys right wing extremists way to Republican nomination.Pathetic thing is 40+% of Americans will support him.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
196 people pay for 80% of Super PAC campaign funding. That's .0000063% of the population. These 196 people (billionaires) will decide who gets nominated for president.


Well-Known Member
196 people pay for 80% of Super PAC campaign funding. That's .0000063% of the population. These 196 people (billionaires) will decide who gets nominated for president.
And it used to be the Unions until the supreme's fucked that all up....