Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020

You asked if I could "trust government" and I said I can trust people. Name names.
Show me where I asked that.

You can't, because I didn't and you're so spun up in your own thoughts that you can't hear what I'm saying and you're mixing me up with someone else.
Goddamn, you are the very model of the gaslighting political asshole.

OK, since you asked, here is exactly what you said:
Do you trust government? What about if Demos are running the show - do you trust government then?

This is where you deny saying what you just said. Because that what narcissitic, manipulative sociopaths do.

Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed. For example, in the movie Gaslight (1944), a man manipulates his wife to the point where she thinks she is losing her mind.

I showed the text that make you out to be a liar in your attempts to manipulate and confuse. I don't know why you feel it is necessary to be a manipulative sociopath liar but that is who I have shown you to be.
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Dude I'd love to, but you keep getting worked up about anything that doesn't sound glowing about Obama. You wanna talk about the republican tax plan? I mean, it's the biggest scam in history.
^Translation: "I concede that I have lied and will now change the subject"

Me: I accept your concession that you were lying.
Lying about what? Do you see that you quoted HashBucket? And do you see that my name isn't HashBucket? Seriously bud, you're so wrapped up in your thoughts that I can tell from your replies, you're not reading my posts very well. It's great that you lean left, because all people should lean left, even righties. The only differences should come down to fiscal, because righties should be socially liberal since the constitution demands freedom, but it's not worth a damn if your brain switches off the moment someone says something that doesn't sounds like complete agreement.
Sanders has held the largest rally of the Democratic primary in NY that had ~26K people attend inside and another 10-15K people outside. He also held the largest rally in Iowa with ~6K in attendance.

It's going to be hilarious to see the denial after he takes Iowa and New Hampshire and probably Nevada
you're not reading my posts very well.
That is a public school education.
Can't read, poor comprehension, poor attention span.
it's not worth a damn if your brain switches off the moment someone says something that doesn't sounds like complete agreement.
Again, public school education.
No skills at critical thinking, no education in philosophy, no debate skills.
I figured these would be my peeps. Weed forum's gotta have some solid earthy friends. It's nice that most people are socially left, because I'm super down with that, but it reads more like stoned kids running on emotion. I'm older, so I get it, just a little disappointed.
I figured these would be my peeps. Weed forum's gotta have some solid earthy friends. It's nice that most people are socially left, because I'm super down with that, but it reads more like stoned kids running on emotion. I'm older, so I get it, just a little disappointed.
You whine a lot
You're very sensitive to words on the internet.
Hey, can I make a suggestion?
If you are going to reply to someone ... click on the "reply" button on the lower left. That way, I and everyone knows who you are talking to.

Your comment of "You're very sensitive to words on the internet." was said to ... who? Me? SRH? Fog?

Just a suggestion that may help you communicate better here ...
Hey, can I make a suggestion?
If you are going to reply to someone ... click on the "reply" button on the lower left. That way, I and everyone knows who you are talking to.

Your comment of "You're very sensitive to words on the internet." was said to ... who? Me? SRH? Fog?

Just a suggestion that may help you communicate better here ...
Thank you boomer
I generally only quote if I'm not talking to the person right above me. Helps keeps the pages shorter and more readable.
Oh, ok. Got it.

So, in the example above "You are very sensitive ...." you were talking to yourself.
I do that sometimes too ... not in writing so much ... but, whatever.
I'm guessing you have UncleBuck on ignore? On most forums it still shows a little something like, "this users post is hidden" or something like that, but maybe not here?
You just got done telling us how great life is under the guy that bragged about walking in on unsuspecting naked underage children and who praised neo nazis after they murdered someone

Now you want us to believe your “I hate both sides!” bullshit?

God what a boring and stupid act to put on

I'll agree with that! His act is really precious, and he thinks we don't see right through it. He's just another pea-brained simpleton.

From his posts, I'd say that he may actually wear a bucket on his head. :lol:

I'm guessing you have UncleBuck on ignore? On most forums it still shows a little something like, "this users post is hidden" or something like that, but maybe not here?

I don't do flame wars.
I like intelligent discussion, disagreement and debate.

Children screaming profanities at each other does not interest me.

Haha, I kid. Was referring to UncleBuck, his post was just above mine. He told me I whine a lot and I told him he's very sensitive to words on the internet. I thought it was clear who I was replying to, but was thinking that maybe it's not clear if you had him on ignore and couldn't see his posts, then it might have looked like I was replying to you, because your post is just above his.