I disagree with the idea that Latin Americas hate the USA or think of it's citizens at Pinche this or thats. If you travel down there and get deep in the small towns. (I travel with a Woman of Color who writes and reads the language. BTW In one day she got a job offer that equates to a Manager's job in a supermarket in the states with more time off there) The people are like most of us, trying to get by and stay out of the crossfire of Religious, Political nuts. Be it a trumped up drug war or inflation on it's citizens to drum up more tax to fund their wars. The difference between them and the US is the US is so disconnected with a days duties that it fears (most, not all) getting back to basics and starving the big US machine. With them they are not so disconnected from that lifestyle. Not all have two cars or even one for that matter. A large house and a rental. So their Gov't has no real heavy hand on them. After all isn't that why you file your return? Afraid of getting a lean on your mortgaged house and or repoing your leased or financed car? Think about it.
I am not saying live like a popper to beat the system, but by playing into the game you are creating your own HELL. Like a Gambler who is always trying to break even. If you are trying to break even, stay poolside and have a cold one! Don't hate the player hate the game. Latino's are just like us. PERIOD! When I say us I mean the backbone of America, the hard working family man who just wants to live and let live.
It is not my choice to have a war with the middle east and allow China to get 75% of Iran's embargoed oil while we pay 4.50 a gallon at the pump. It is not my choice to have TSA at the airport and fund their bullet requisition of an astronomical amount. For what? to go to war with us. The hard workers of America, who WILL overthrow and put things right. Like we did with the British at 10 to 1 in the beginning of this great idea, of free trade with no taxes!
We do not expect another country to come in and wipe our butts and flush our toilets like Israel and the likes of. We do not need another countries army to stop the Tyranny on our people. However some of us are not going to wait around for it and are expatriating, or the likes of. It is coming, just don't be soft when it gets here. Ron Paul is the only one up there with an ounce of integrity and some of you are so brainwashed you stand there like Jesus' apostles when he was being snatched up by the Govt in power. Instead of fighting for a man who had good ideas, with no other motive, other then what he was preaching. You mock him and then grumble in your wife's bosom later.
Love one another. Peace out!