• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

S&P downgrades US credit rating from AAA


Well-Known Member
You still haven't answered the question.

How many Tea Baggers vowed to force America into default by refusing to sign any debt increase?
The answer is .....NONE. you won't find a single person who says "we want to default" or " We are trying to get the USA to default" not a single one.

By refusing to sign any debt increase is in no way Defaulting.

If we owed money to a creditor, all we have to do is sell a treasury to the Fed and pay the debt off. We can print as much money as we like, enough to cover every penny of every debt. Of course it will all be on the backs of the people who have nothing and will get less. Prices of everything will skyrocket, especially precious metals. But the possibility of the USA defaulting is nil.


Well-Known Member
I've heard some wacky conspiracies but this shit is hilarious. What left wing nutjob website did you get this shit from?


Well-Known Member
I think it was 40 members of Congress signed a pledge to not raise the debt ceiling knowing not doing so would cause the US to default at worst or be downgraded at best.

This is exactly what the Tea Party set out to do. Make Obama look bad no matter how much it hurts America or Americans. Got to give them credit. They are #winning! Too bad they will do so at all costs. Take a look around. See what the 2010 elections have done? Told you so.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Interest rates are very low right now, so hopefully the impact of S&P's downgrade is minimal (moody's and others still have us at AAA, right?).

Blame the Tea Party; If they allowed Beohner to accept Obama's "grand bargain" the deficit reduction would've made it over the ARBITRARY(but that's a whole different argument) mark of $4 trillion and we would've averted a downgrade. That's right BLAME THE FUCKING EXTREMIST, NO COMPROMISE DICKS

If you had used one size bigger font, i would have believed you... :wink:

The Tea Party has been divided into so many groups, it hardly means anything to anyone with a rational grasp of reality. The only ones who seem to hang on to it are those like yourself.
The Tea Party did not write and pass the Federal Reserve Act, did they?
The Tea party did not write and pass (supposedly) the 16th amendment (income tax), did they?
The Tea party did not incrementally and systematically strip us of almost all of the Bill of Rights, did they?
The Tea Party did not create the War on Drugs, did they?
The Tea Party did not invade sovereign nations under false pretexts, did they?
In fact, the Tea Party has no official role in government whatsoever, do they?
You KNOW it is the socialists that have infiltrated our government, our schools and the news media, that have created this mess. Some of us, who want to return to the Constitution, can empathize with Tea Party people because we all recognize that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way our government operates. That doesn't mean we all agree on who the best candidates are.
Why is it extreme to want to adhere to the law, when those who pervert the law, to promote their agenda of tyranny, are considered as main stream?
Despots and dictators through out history have used this same tactic. Blame the opposition of the same illegal and immoral activities that they, themselves are guilty of. Rinse and repeat. If you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it.
Do you honestly think if Boner had caved and accepted the deal the President and Harry the Reed wanted, we would not have been downgraded?
Smoke and mirrors, that's all they have. Misdirection and diversion. Just like a magician, keep your attention HERE, so you won't see what we are doing THERE.
Compromise is fine when talking about where to go for vacation or what to have for dinner but when it comes to having a Constitutional government... I am reminded of the the film Braveheart, where the Princess of Wales is trying to negotiate peace with William Wallace, by granting him land, title and money: she says "peace is made in such ways" to which he replies "SLAVES are made in such ways".


Well-Known Member
And the proof again is in the pudding. Go check out the world markets.

Thanks Tea Party. This is the bed you have made. We were doing a lot better before 2010 came along. Try the pudding.


Well-Known Member
I think it was 40 members of Congress signed a pledge to not raise the debt ceiling knowing not doing so would cause the US to default at worst or be downgraded at best.

This is exactly what the Tea Party set out to do. Make Obama look bad no matter how much it hurts America or Americans. Got to give them credit. They are #winning! Too bad they will do so at all costs. Take a look around. See what the 2010 elections have done? Told you so.
hahaha first it was Bush who put us in this situation, now it's the 2010 elections. You dummycrats need to agree on who/what you are gonna blame for all our issues.


Well-Known Member
I think it was 40 members of Congress signed a pledge to not raise the debt ceiling knowing not doing so would cause the US to default at worst or be downgraded at best.
This would not cause a default or a debt downgrade, Even with current revenue we could pay obligations


Well-Known Member
Under Obama and Pelosi the stock market almost doubled and we were adding jobs.

Don't forget those 2 years of economic turn around that we did have. That was all halted by the 2010 elections and is now being sent in reverse. You should check out some economic data. You sound like an uneducated entertainer. Got anything to add to an adult conversation? Feel free. Any time.


Well-Known Member
Under Obama and Pelosi the stock market almost doubled and we were adding jobs.

Don't forget those 2 years of economic turn around that we did have. That was all halted by the 2010 elections and is now being sent in reverse. You should check out some economic data. You sound like an uneducated entertainer. Got anything to add to an adult conversation? Feel free. Any time.
Sorry but you are obviouslt oblivious to the goings on around other then what you have been spoon fed by your left wing piers. You're saying there was major progress from 2008-2010 huh? And now we are back on the decline? lolol

The stock market doubled because it was rebounding from a major fall. Had nothing to do with Brobama or that cunt Pelosi. PS we are still under Obama and Pelosi. So not sure how your logic plays out there. lol


Well-Known Member
This would not cause a default or a debt downgrade, Even with current revenue we could pay obligations
Keep believing what you hear from the Right. The chaos alone caused us to be downgraded. Can you imagine the pain on our markets had the Tea Baggers got their way and failed to raise the limit? It would have caused a world wide depression and the Tea Baggers don't care. They are too simple minded to understand the repercussion of their pouting and kicking.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but you are obviouslt oblivious to the goings on around other then what you have been spoon fed by your left wing piers. You're saying there was major progress from 2008-2010 huh? And now we are back on the decline? lolol

The stock market doubled because it was rebounding from a major fall. Had nothing to do with Brobama or that cunt Pelosi.
Same goes for you. More economics data and less bumper stickers. It will help your image.


Well-Known Member
Ummmm we got downgraded because the ceiling has been raised another 2.5 $trillion. Meaning we are in store for even MORE debt. Not because the tea party didn't get their way. Some people obviously have no idea how the financial markets work.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Maybe I am not getting all the news down here but I watched a guy from S&P talk about why the US was downgraded and I did not hear him say even one time that it was because we did not raise taxes. Did I miss something or was he saying that we need to get serious about actual cuts in spending and not just token reductions in spending increases?


Well-Known Member
Why did S&P downgrade the USA? Lets ask them....

S&P said:
The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics.
Note that they didn't say anything about the tea party and nothing about default. They think that raising the ceiling was a bad idea. The opposite of what some think.


Well-Known Member
Ummmm we got downgraded because the ceiling has been raised another 2.5 $trillion. Meaning we are in store for even MORE debt. Not because the tea party didn't get their way. Some people obviously have no idea how the financial markets work.
Did you forget to include your link?