Russia didn't do it

Cry about Russia all you want, it only strengthens my argument that the DNC rigged the primary for Clinton. If they didn't, you wouldn't be crying about it being exposed and trying to punish those who leaked it.

Same shit conservatives did with Snowden when he leaked top secret information that made the government look bad
Sorry, your flawed logic games don't work on me. Go find somebody who is impressed by you.
I think Assange has hundreds of jaw dropping documents on Hillary that he thought he could leverage as blackmail if she was elected.
I think Assange has hundreds of jaw dropping documents on Hillary that he thought he could leverage as blackmail if she was elected.
In my opinion, you believe a lot of things without evidence. No offense. Just saying what I think.

You are wrong about Russia. They are not irrelevant.

You might want to read about the alleged rapes. The girls were both Wikileaks supporters. Seems to me like anybody the USGovt doesn't like is pretty much immune to criminal prosecution using your logic.
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In my opinion, you believe a lot of things without evidence. No offense. Just saying what I think.

You are wrong about Russia. They are not irrelevant.

No offense taken, I do go on gut instinct..sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm not, usually cynical ..which is sometimes good, sometimes bad...I detest both parties, I loathe our government and don't trust them at all.
Based on nothing but his word. Not a document. Not a leak. Just his word. I have ample reason not to trust him.

Have you shown us a picture of your knee yet?

since it is stolen material leaked by a hostile foreign government, it is not verifiable one way or the other, you jew-hating limp dick.

To the best of your knowledge no Wiki Leaks have been proven false.

There's no ODNI report out yet.
To the best of your knowledge no Wiki Leaks have been proven false.

There's no ODNI report out yet.
Once again, you are ignoring the point. His claim that the leaks are not from Russia are not backed up by any documents or leaks. It is just his word. He has shown himself to be a liar, a manipulator and a thoroughly disreputable character. He has also been working in lockstep with a hostile foreign power in order to influence our election and has ample reason to cover it up or deny it. Not even the Republican leadership believe him!

Is that all you got or are you so dumb that you do not understand?
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The only thing different is that DNC shit got spread all over. You really think the Republicans didn't get hacked? You should concern yourself with what Wikileaks did not release and how it will be used against the party in power.
1/2 of our governments inside operations got exposed, I believe the more transparency in government the better. You're saying I should condemn those that exposed said half because they didn't expose the other half. Can you explain that?

I already said that any foreign influence in American elections is bad, and should be investigated. The only thing I think you and I disagree on is whether or not domestic influence in American elections is bad or should be investigated.

little boys like you get chewed up and spit out in the political process
What does that make you? Clinging onto a dead political philosophy, never knowing when to finally let it go..

The Clinton era is gone, dead and buried. She will never be president. Unless the party shifts to middle-class interests, it will follow. Unless that happens, I will welcome its demise.

Progressives like me didn't kill it, moderates like you did.