Russia didn't do it


Well-Known Member
Julian Assange, the rapist founder of Wikileaks, who had pretty much stated that he would screw (figuratively speaking) Clinton In her election bid for the WH because she essentially had put a bounty on his head,for the NSA leaks, told Sean Hannity, another fan of Clinton,in an interview yesterday that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacked emails that buried Clinton's chance at the WH, but would not tell his source of the leaks, stating confidentially

Of course Trump jumped at that, Tweeting,pretty much that that I told you so, that I have better information than the CIA..Needless to say the spy community is getting a little pissed off

"It's a sad day when politicians place more stock in (Russian President Vladimir Putin and (WikiLeaks founder) Julian Assange than in the Americans who risk their lives daily to provide objective, non-partisan intelligence analysis."

What the fuck is going on here, when essentially Trump the POTUS (traitor?) is listening to Assange the rapist and the sworn enemy of the US, that fascist Putin, ignoring the 17 US government intelligence agencies that are convinced that the Russians are responsible for the hacking.

This is bad already, and what it tells me that we already in shit, and it hasn't even really begun yet.

So, who believes Assange and Putin?

I know who, fucking Trumpwads.
Julian Assange, the rapist founder of Wikileaks, who had pretty much stated that he would screw (figuratively speaking) Clinton In her election bid for the WH because she essentially had put a bounty on his head,for the NSA leaks, told Sean Hannity, another fan of Clinton,in an interview yesterday that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacked emails that buried Clinton's chance at the WH, but would not tell his source of the leaks, stating confidentially

Of course Trump jumped at that, Tweeting,pretty much that that I told you so, that I have better information than the CIA..Needless to say the spy community is getting a little pissed off

"It's a sad day when politicians place more stock in (Russian President Vladimir Putin and (WikiLeaks founder) Julian Assange than in the Americans who risk their lives daily to provide objective, non-partisan intelligence analysis."

What the fuck is going on here, when essentially Trump the POTUS (traitor?) is listening to Assange the rapist and the sworn enemy of the US, that fascist Putin, ignoring the 17 US government intelligence agencies that are convinced that the Russians are responsible for the hacking.

This is bad already, and what it tells me that we already in shit, and it hasn't even really begun yet.

So, who believes Assange and Putin?

I know who, fucking Trumpwads.
Alleged rapist. Until he has the balls to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy and get convicted.
Also, any idea why people take everything that Wikileaks puts out at face value? There is literally nothing stopping them from editing the things they release, no way of knowing where it actually came from or what it actually said when they got their hands on it. We're supposed to trust a bleached hair club kid rapist that all the stuff is genuine?
Also, any idea why people take everything that Wikileaks puts out at face value? There is literally nothing stopping them from editing the things they release, no way of knowing where it actually came from or what it actually said when they got their hands on it. We're supposed to trust a bleached hair club kid rapist that all the stuff is genuine?
It would be pretty easy for them to get caught making shit up. It is much more powerful to control the release of information in coordination with other groups who can spin lies about it. This way, the less intelligent still trust Wikileaks and can fool themselves into thinking that everybody Donald Trump has worked with and the RNC were not hacked.
It would be pretty easy for them to get caught making shit up. It is much more powerful to control the release of information in coordination with other groups who can spin lies about it. This way, the less intelligent still trust Wikileaks and can fool themselves into thinking that everybody Donald Trump has worked with and the RNC were not hacked.
Cheese pizza
Have any Wiki leaks been proven false?
Exactly which Wikileak is Julian Assange? That's what we are talking about here, not some "smoking gun" from pizzagate. Julie says it wasn't the Russians. I don't believe him, he has been proven to be unreliable in many ways.

So what is your point in asking if any Wikileaks have been proven wrong? It is quite irrelevant.
The DNC has taken responsibility for the content of the leaks by shifting the focus of the argument towards who leaked the emails. Instead of claiming they were false or manipulated, they've blamed Russia for hacking the DNC.

If the DNC didn't do anything wrong, Wikileaks wouldn't have had anything damaging to leak. Are you ready to admit the DNC did something wrong now?
Nevermind. Sorry we raped lady liberty. Enjoy your Trump.
Can't you just answer that simple question? I agree with you that if a foreign entity influenced an American election that it's a problem. But that's an entirely different problem than the DNC allegations I and others have been talking about this entire election cycle only to be ignored. Now that Clinton has lost, meddling in elections finally becomes important, so what the fuck, man? We were telling you this shit back in the primary. Why didn't you care about it then?
The DNC has taken responsibility for the content of the leaks by shifting the focus of the argument towards who leaked the emails. Instead of claiming they were false or manipulated, they've blamed Russia for hacking the DNC.

If the DNC didn't do anything wrong, Wikileaks wouldn't have had anything damaging to leak. Are you ready to admit the DNC did something wrong now?
Sorry, it is irrelevant to the investigation of Russia hacking American political systems and influencing our election.

I am shocked that you are misguided enough to suggest that somebody being blackmailed having done something they do not want exposed somehow justifies the blackmailer breaking into their home and stealing things.not to mention the fact that you are willing to accept the influence of Wikileaks despite their obvious ill intent to the American political system.

And I am tired of your fucking whining. I am done with you.
Exactly which Wikileak is Julian Assange? That's what we are talking about here, not some "smoking gun" from pizzagate. Julie says it wasn't the Russians. I don't believe him, he has been proven to be unreliable in many ways.

So what is your point in asking if any Wikileaks have been proven wrong? It is quite irrelevant.

Wiki leaks info has a track record of being accepted as factual.

If some has been proven false that would be newsworthy.

Julian's putting out info that isn't false and saying it wasn't Russians leaking.
Sorry, it is irrelevant to the investigation of Russia hacking American political systems and influencing our election.

I am shocked that you are misguided enough to suggest that somebody being blackmailed having done something they do not want exposed somehow justifies the blackmailer breaking into their home and stealing things.not to mention the fact that you are willing to accept the influence of Wikileaks despite their obvious ill intent to the American political system.

And I am tired of your fucking whining. I am done with you.
Cry about Russia all you want, it only strengthens my argument that the DNC rigged the primary for Clinton. If they didn't, you wouldn't be crying about it being exposed and trying to punish those who leaked it.

Same shit conservatives did with Snowden when he leaked top secret information that made the government look bad
Politicians try to get elected. If they have the influence in the party, they use it. Nothing the DNC did shocked me nor should it have shocked anyone not playing Pollyanna. The only thing different is that DNC shit got spread all over. You really think the Republicans didn't get hacked? You should concern yourself with what Wikileaks did not release and how it will be used against the party in power.

Glad you feel good about yourself being Polly Purebread @Padawanbater2 , but little boys like you get chewed up and spit out in the political process as soon as the rainbow glasses fall from your eyes... And we end up with Trump.