Russia didn't do it

Hating Hillary and loving Bernie, can make you believe in any damn thing.
I was not a big fan of hers - frankly I hated her. I liked Bernie. I was very sad when he lost. But the next day I realized that no matter where you go - there you are. Some people think I should have stomped and pouted and, barring invention of a time machine, delivered my country into the hands of one of the most inept and corrupt administrations ever who's entire fucking platform was based on hateful lies and cheating because Bernie's loss was assisted by DNC hacks. Fucked up priorities.
1/2 of our governments inside operations got exposed, I believe the more transparency in government the better. You're saying I should condemn those that exposed said half because they didn't expose the other half. Can you explain that?

I already said that any foreign influence in American elections is bad, and should be investigated. The only thing I think you and I disagree on is whether or not domestic influence in American elections is bad or should be investigated.

What does that make you? Clinging onto a dead political philosophy, never knowing when to finally let it go..

The Clinton era is gone, dead and buried. She will never be president. Unless the party shifts to middle-class interests, it will follow. Unless that happens, I will welcome its demise.

Progressives like me didn't kill it, moderates like you did.
You have some fucked up ways of looking at life. I am glad people like you don't usually end up doing jack shit and prefer to just wank online.
I have a game I play with my friends. Where you name an Australian, and then the others have to decide if they descended from orphans or criminals.

Example, if I were to say Julian assange. The correct answer would be, criminal
Heath ledger, orphan
Mel Gibson? Anybody.....
Now do Murdoch!
Once again, you are ignoring the point. His claim that the leaks are not from Russia are not backed up by any documents or leaks. It is just his word. He has shown himself to be a liar, a manipulator and a thoroughly disreputable character. He has also been working in lockstep with a hostile foreign power in order to influence our election and has ample reason to cover it up or deny it. Not even the Republican leadership believe him!

Is that all you got or are you so dumb that you do not understand?

His claims aren't backed up-agreed.

His info's been credible to date, nothing to disprove it.

There's no ODNI report yet.

I'll keep watching news.

My $ is on "the Russians" didn't do it.
Do you think the Wiki Leaks info is false?
I have already stated that I have seen no reason to doubt it. Assange would be an idiot to publish obvious falsehoods, that is why he worked with Russia and Trump. They decided what and when to release and manipulated it start to finish.

That is not the point. I found nothing special from the leaks except that @Flaming Pie is a mendacious idiot and so are quite a few others.
I have already stated that I have seen no reason to doubt it. Assange would be an idiot to publish obvious falsehoods, that is why he worked with Russia and Trump. They decided what and when to release and manipulated it start to finish.

That is not the point. I found nothing special from the leaks except that @Flaming Pie is a mendacious idiot and so are quite a few others.

I too have no reason to doubt the info.
We disagree about Russia's involvement.
I'll be viewing future news about it.